Good news for Peace June 17

This week’s lesson: Mark 4:1-34 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.”

Blessed Father’s Day to all you fathers.

Hi all!

I'm so glad the weather has turned nice. I think we've all enjoyed getting outside.

Nothing is growing! Not enough rain. Too hot! We planted our morning glory seeds (the end of our children's education for 2021) and nothing has come up.

The kingdom of God seems to be like this too. Individuals, families, groups, and denominations don't seem to grow. What's going on?

Suffering, social issues, economics, and competing ideologies all affect the kingdom.

But God’s Word will always be with you. The one. Can't wait to see you this weekend and hear it.

Peace wear - if you got some Peace wear (shop link) be sure to wear it so the rest of us can check it out!

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann

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We’ve reached our goal and Cindy has picked up the keyboard! Thank you for your generous support and partnership. We’ll start using the keyboard in the next few weeks. We pray that this addition enriches our praise.

Ministry Meals 2021

Ministry Meals have been scheduled from June - October. Follow the link below for your meal date and more information. If you would like to change your meal date please speak with pastor.

Sound/audio plan

For a number of reasons, we’ve been working on the sound system for a while. You can find all the reasons and the steps we’ve taken in the longer explanation following the link below. We’ve decided to leave the system as it is for right now. The speakers will stay on the floor. The system will stay on a rack in the back. The organ will play from speakers in the rear and all other vocalists and instruments will come from the front. (We considered the cameras separately.) We’ve reviewed and generally agreed to an upgrade proposal from a local company that we intend to implement in the next 5 years.

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  • June 25th, 6 pm, 131 Youth Crew lock-in

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • none at print time

  • Christian Neighbors items for June - Soup Beans: Kidney, Navy, Black,

  • We’d like to paint the rest of the lobby/entry area. If you are interested in painting (we have the supplies), please let pastor know.

  • We’re looking for a volunteer to take the lead and oversee our maintenance team to keep the facility clean and running well. Maintenance coordinator – Peace Lutheran Church (

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace June 10

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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Hi all!

“The school has switched over to Times New Roman. That's the best font for all the languages, including Greek and Hebrew.” “Really? Not Palatino Linotype? It looks so much better and works for all the languages.” “I'm not going to stand here arguing fonts with you.”

That was one of the strangest legitimate arguments I think I've ever experienced. We argued about the best font. I'm grateful that the other person ended the argument. But I still think I was right. 🙂

That is far from the last time I wanted to be right. The latest? Wondering if I’m on the right side of the “long arc of history”.

Jesus experienced the same conflicts. Was he crazy, or was he right? People even said he had the devil!

Jesus has help for all of us who feel crazy. See you Sunday to find out!

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann

Maintenance Coordinator

We’re looking for a volunteer to take the lead and oversee our maintenance team to keep the facility clean and running well. The volunteer will need:

  • Flexible schedule

  • Average 1-3 Hours per week

  • Provide ongoing maintenance of all material onsite such as change furnace filters, replace light bulbs, etc.

  • Great at communication and organization

Full position requirements in the link below. If this sounds like something you are interested in please let pastor know. Thanks to the few people who asked about the work last week.

Ministry Meals 2021

We had great success and a lot of fun with our 2018 ministry meals. I’m looking forward to our 2021 meals and all the opportunities they will provide.

We’ve scheduled the meals for the coming months. Check out your date and time at the list below!

Ministry meals are opportunities to bring everyone in the congregation together. We enjoy a meal, stories, and hopes for our gospel work together. We schedule everyone for the meals for the ease of scheduling. If you’d like to change to a different meal, just let pastor know.

Devotions for prison ministry

Devotion materials (Meditations, Grace Moments, Portals of Prayer) that are not more than a year old may be donated for WELS Prison Ministry. Please put them in the box in the far corner of the fellowship hall/family center.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Pat Greene's brother Michael - surgery

Other notes (more ministry items)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace June 03

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praises. James 5:13

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Hi all!

What are 2 or 3 things in your life you’d like to see made right?

I find it easy to think of big problems “out there” I’d like to see made right. Hunger, water shortages, human trafficking, terrorism, and fascism.

I find it much harder to think of things in my life I’d like to see made right. It’s even harder to accept my part in the problems.

  • I’d like to work on isolation, but am I willing to experience the shame and embarrassment that comes first?

  • I’d like to improve my relationship with my wife, but am I willing to do the hard work of humility?

  • I’d like to be appropriately assertive, but that means admitting shortcomings and knowing what I want.

The list goes on. I’d like to work on problems.

Jesus wants to make things right. Make that happen Jesus.

See you Sunday at 9 or 10:30 (outdoors!)

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann


Communication Update

In our weekly newsletter, we offer

  • Spiritual counsel to add meaning to people's lives at this time and place

  • Events to build community

  • Service tasks to impact people.

We would love to reach as many people as possible through our weekly newsletter.

We’re going to work through an update process in the next few weeks. If you’ve subscribed to our weekly newsletter, we will be reaching out to you to confirm your contact information and communication preference is correct. If you have not subscribed, we’ll be inviting you to sign up.

If we can do anything for you during this process to communicate well, please contact us at or 269-694-6104.

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Maintenance Coordinator

Peace is looking for a volunteer maintenance coordinator beginning July 1st.

As a result of the recent bylaws changes, this position is no longer a council position. There are no monthly required meetings. Regularly communicate with pastor. Attend voters’ meetings.

We’re looking for a person to take the lead in maintaining and improving the facility. A good person for this job will have some mechanical or construction experience and more importantly, the ability to work with people.

For a complete job description, click below.

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Ministry Meals 2021

We had great success and a lot of fun with our 2018 ministry meals. I’m looking forward to our 2021 meals and all the opportunities they will provide.

We’ll be gathering people in the coming weeks for the meals.

For an introduction to the meals, please visit below.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • None at print time

Other notes (more ministry items)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace May 27

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:17


Services at 9:00 and 10:30 outdoors this week!

Hi all!

I like being right. Do you?

Admitting we’re wrong is a key practice of learning. Hopefully, we all have specific examples of things we got wrong in the last year.

  • I used to think that I could lose weight through exercise. Now I realize that I need both diet and exercise.

  • I used to think that I could get 20 or so tasks done per day. Now I realize that 3-8 is more likely, depending on the task and the day.

  • I used to think WI beers were better than MI beers. Now I’m at least willing to consider that I was wrong :-)

What is something you got wrong?

When we pay attention to what we get wrong, we don’t just stay humble. We commit to getting it right over being right. And we keep watching for someone who will make it all right.

We might have some streaming hurdles, especially for the 10:30 service, this week. I’m working to get the infrastructure set up.

Pastor Timmermann

Student and Teacher Recognition

We were blessed to honor our students and teachers this last week. Watch and enjoy!

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Fundraising for a digital keyboard

We have raised $1368 so far! Thanks for your partnership to get to our $3000 goal.

Christianity Explored

Begin praying and inviting friends to attend our next Christianity Explored class. This class is an opportunity to discuss questions and concerns for those curious about the claims of Jesus. It’s a great place to start if you’d like to make a profession of faith or be part of Peace’s congregation.

The next session starts on June 7th. More info and sign up by clicking below.


Next Steps Center

You’ll notice the entry area has a new table surrounded by a cloth. This is our new “Next Steps Center”. This area serves as a central hub. At this place, individuals can find opportunities to serve, sign up for events, and make other inquiries.

We’ll be trying to have someone at this table to make your time great. Please let us know what you think.

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Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Scheppelman's wedding anniversary

Other notes (more ministry items)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace May 20

Scripture this week: In the last days, God says,

I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Acts 2:1-21, John 15:25-27

Hi all!

Every people group, every city, and every region has a unique culture.

I’ve enjoyed being part of this region and it’s culture. We’ve got a good clan culture - multiple generations of families get together to celebrate milestones. We’re frugal and generous if it is the right cause. And we’re private. Even if we like you, we probably won’t tell you :-)

I’ve learned a few others things about this area.

  • We’re a little older

  • We’re more likely to be divorced or widowed (the strong marriage culture is shifting)

  • We’re slightly less educated

  • We’ve actually got slightly smaller family sizes

  • We tend to be slightly less wealthy

  • We enjoy one of the lowest costs of living in the nation

What do you think is unique about people in this area?

This is one of the great things about the gospel and following Jesus. On the day of Pentecost, each person heard the gospel in their own language. “we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues”! This is Christianity! God does not need you to come to him and be like him. He will come to people, wherever they are, and make them into his people.

We’re celebrating Pentecost and the start of the Christian church this week. Services Sunday at 9 and 10:45 - last time! Can’t wait to see you!

Pastor Timmermann

P.S. Starting May 30th services are 9:00 and 10:30 with 10:30 outdoors!

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Student and Teacher Recognition

We’ll recognize our students and teachers this year for their faithfulness and receiving of God’s grace. Please join me in thanking our teachers (Rachel T, Tamara H, Sarah G, Laurie B, and Macayla W) for all their hard work. Each parent attended each week so we could keep class with COVID protocols. Amazing dedication! I’m honored to be able to work with them.

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Fundraising for a digital keyboard

We have raised $866 so far! Thanks for your partnership to get to our $3000 goal.

  • Collect cans - donate aluminum cans and we’ll collect the proceeds!

  • Buy swag - check out our new, fun line of Peace pieces. Customize to your taste! Peace in Otsego (

  • Donate - drop a check or designated cash in offering marked “keyboard” or “Power of Praise” or donate online. Be sure to change the account to “Power of Praise” Give — Peace (

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a good opportunity for us to honor the men and women who have given their lives for us. As a Christian church, we don’t invest in politics; we invest in people.

We’d like to hear your stories of men and women who have given their lives. We’ll gather these stories for the next few weeks and share, with permission, brief lines from these stories on Memorial Day.

I’d love to listen to these stories. Please get ahold of me (pastor) if you’ve got a story to share or drop one in the blue box in the entry area!

Christianity Explored

Begin praying and inviting friends to attend our next Christianity Explored class. This class is an opportunity to discuss questions and concerns for those curious about the claims of Jesus. It’s a great place to start if you’d like to make a profession of faith or be part of Peace’s congregation.

The next session starts on June 7th. More info and sign up by clicking below.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Our students and teachers

Other notes (more ministry items)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace May 13

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here I am send me!” Isaiah 6:8

Hi all!

“I don’t feel safe.” I’ve heard that plenty. I’ve probably even said it a few times.

This week we remember the message of Easter and the reality that Jesus sits on the throne. He asks for us to be safe. He may not give us the kind of safety we want right away, but it’s the safety we need.

Did you try out the Mother’s day kit? How did it work? Pastor would appreciate your feedback so we can do better next time.

Services Sunday at 9 and 10:45. Can’t wait to see you!

Pastor Timmermann

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Fundraising for a digital keyboard

We have raised $570 so far! Please help us reach our $3,000 goal by:

  • Collect cans - donate aluminum cans and we’ll collect the proceeds!

  • Buy cupcakes - Lucyann Spencer (of Lucyann’s Custom Cakes) has graciously offered to donate all income from cupcake sales through May 14th. If you order now, she can bring them to Peace Sunday, May 16th. Lucyann's Custom Cakes ( (Regularly pick up only)

  • Buy swag - check out our new, fun line of Peace pieces. Customize to your taste! Peace in Otsego (

  • Donate - drop a check or designated cash in offering marked “keyboard” or “Power of Praise” or donate online. Be sure to change the account to “Power of Praise” Give — Peace (

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a good opportunity for us to honor the men and women who have given their lives for us. As a Christian church, we don’t invest in politics; we invest in people.

We’d like to hear your stories of men and women who have given their lives. We’ll gather these stories for the next few weeks and share, with permission, brief lines from these stories on Memorial Day.

I’d love to listen to these stories. Please get ahold of me (pastor) if you’ve got a story to share or drop one in the blue box in the entry area!


Christianity Explored

Begin praying and inviting friends to attend our next Christianity Explored class. This class is an opportunity to discuss questions and concerns for those curious about the claims of Jesus. It’s a great place to start if you’d like to make a profession of faith or be part of Peace’s congregation.

The next session starts on June 7th. More info and sign up by clicking below.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Judy Bolenbaugh

  • Larry Nitz

Other notes (more ministry items)

  • Christian Neighbors items for May are assorted box cereal and oatmeal

  • Pastor is looking for some candid pictures of people around the building for our website. If you have some or are willing to pose please let him know!

    Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • May 23, Student and Teacher recognition

  • May 30th 10:30 am Outdoor Worship begins

  • May 31, Memorial Day

    I’m studying and you could try

  • Sermons and studies on the “Unbelievable” nature of the Christian message Sermons — Peace (

  • Religion on Trial – Grace Evangelical Society (


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace May 6

For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths. Proverbs 5:21

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Hi all!

I’ve enjoyed these small steps we’ve been taking after our Lord. This week I’m thinking about “what conversations has God given me with people on their way to becoming Christians?” I’ve enjoyed hearing a few of you who have had those kinds of conversations.

I’d like to share the teaching we’ve heard the last few weeks. You can find those messages at Sermons — Peace (

This week, I’m ready to lead us in honoring dear women. Whether you’ve got sorrow or joy this Sunday, we’re ready to honor these dear women.

We’ve been pretty full lately at 9 am. I’d love to see a few of you at 10:45.

We’ll also start raising funds for our new digital keyboard this week. I’ll be getting us started.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Timmermann

Mother’s Day

We’ll honor our dear women at both 9 and 10:45 services this week. Feel free to pick up a kit after services.

Work Day

We’re cleaning and fixing up the facility this Saturday at 9:00 am. I won’t be doing it all myself. I’m glad to work with you!

May Work Day – Peace Lutheran Church (

Power of Praise: Summer services 2021

Two services each week

  • 9:00 am indoors

  • 10:30 am outdoors


Fundraising for a digital keyboard

We’re raising $3,000 for a new digital keyboard.

  • Collect cans - donate aluminum cans and we’ll collect the proceeds!

  • Buy cupcakes - Lucyann Spencer (of Lucyann’s Custom Cakes) has graciously offered to donate all income from cupcake sales through May 14th. If you order now, she can bring them to Peace Sunday, May 9th or 16th. Lucyann's Custom Cakes ( (Regularly pick up only)

  • Buy swag - check out our new, fun line of Peace pieces. Customize to your taste! Peace in Otsego (

  • Donate - drop a check or designated cash in offering marked “keyboard” or “Power of Praise” or donate online. Be sure to change the account to “Power of Praise” Give — Peace (

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Judy Bolenbaugh and family - passing of son PJ

Other notes (more ministry items)

  • Christian Neighbors items for May are assorted box cereal and oatmeal

  • Pastor is looking for some candid pictures of people around the building for our website. If you have some or are willing to pose please let him know!

  • Pastor could use some help installing some cabling and a network device at the pavilion for this year’s summer services. Please let him know if you can help.

    Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • May 8th, 9:00 am Work Day

  • May 9th, Mother’s Day

  • May 23, Student and Teacher recognition

  • May 31, Memorial Day

    I’m studying and you could try

  • Ken Reeves, The Whole Church The Whole Church by The Rev. Ken Reeves: Congregational Leadership Guided by Systems Theory

  • “Revelation” - a study I’m doing lately with a group of adults. Let me know if you want a copy of the materials!


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace April 29


What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived - the things God has prepared for him. 1 Corinthians 2:9

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Hi all!

What good have you been up to this week? I found it amazing that God asked us what we could be up to, and almost immediately opportunities presented themselves. Was that the case for you?

If you missed the message last week, check it out here.

Small Steps: What good can we do around here? — Peace (

We’ve got one more small step to take as we follow Jesus. I hope you’ll join me this week as we see where God is at work among people who have questions, wonder, and seek his powerful presence in their lives.

I’m also looking forward to our new worship plan. We’re a few weeks out, so take this time to share with your friends.

We’re about 80% full at 9 am and 30% at 10:45. See you then!

Pastor Timmermann

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Power of Praise: Summer services 2021

Beginning Sunday, May 30th, we’ll have the following summer 2021 worship life together and we’re raising funds for a new digital keyboard to offer live music!

We hope offering two services means everyone, including friends and neighbors, has plenty of chances to enjoy the gospel.

Two services each week

  • 9:00 am indoors

  • 10:30 am outdoors

Service notes

Both services will be the same as far as content and we’ll work for live music in both services.

Communion will be offered the 2nd and 4th services of the month. We’ll participate by continuous distribution and eat together in our seats.

We will try to live stream both services.

Fundraising for a digital keyboard

We’re raising $3,000 for a new digital keyboard. This keyboard will be used for live music for outdoor worship as well as provide needed support for worship indoors.


April Youth Crew

Many thanks to Kart W, Jeanne M, Shelly W, Hannah K, and Team T for awesome help with our Youth Crew event.


Registration for Michigan Lutheran Seminary summer camp is now open. For more information on dates, times, and prices, visit: Michigan Lutheran Seminary (

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Mother’s Day 2021

Mothering is a concept filled with profound complications, but it is still beautiful - and worth honoring.

I look forward to consoling hurting mothers, celebrating serving mothers, and honoring dear women with you on Sunday May 9th.

Cleaning process update

We'd love to see everyone put some of their own physical time into the ministry of Peace, just as we all put our heart and our gifts into it.

One easy way to put our physical time into ministry is to keep the facility clean.

We have decided to update our cleaning practice. We're continuing to pay a service to clean the facility 2 times per month.

We're asking volunteers to clean just the entry area and bathrooms 2 times per month. We'll need to ...

  • take out trash

  • vacuum

  • clean toilets

  • clean sinks

  • replace toilet paper and towels

  • take out recycling

Please consider taking either the 1st or 3rd weekend of the month. You can find a signup sheet on the bulletin board at church.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Jim Walkley - recovery after a brief hospital visit

  • John Ward - at home trying to recover after burns and many medical complications

  • Students graduating from elementary, middle school, high school, and college

Other notes (more ministry items)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace April 22


In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37

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Hi all!

What was Jesus saying to you in his Word this week? He has risen from the dead and made the greatest story the world has ever known come alive. It’s the only story that says no matter who you are or what you’ve done, the only way to stay in the story is repentance and forgiveness. Click below to check out last week’s message (and the one the week before too!)

Small Steps: What is Jesus saying to me in the Word? — Peace (

Small Steps: What is God saying to me and what am I going to do about it? — Peace (

To keep taking these small steps requires a specific commitment: a commitment to do good in the world, whatever it costs. Jesus puts it this way this week “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

What good can you and I do in the world?

Love to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45!

Pastor Timmermann


We want to listen to the questions and concerns our friends and family have about the gospel of Jesus. Christianity Explored is an opportunity to discuss those questions. 

This class is especially for those curious about the claims of Jesus. Christians are encouraged to bring friends and neighbors. 

This is also the place to begin if you’d like to make a profession of faith and be part of Peace’s congregation.

Begin praying for and inviting your family and friends to attend.

The next session starts on June 7th. More info and sign up by clicking below.

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Middle school and high school students are invited to great discipleship, study, and fun! We’re meeting for some Wacky Olympics April 25th @ 4: 30pm.

If you are available to help please contact pastor.


Registration for Michigan Lutheran Seminary summer camp is now open. Fore more information on dates, times, and prices, visit Michigan Lutheran Seminary (

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Mother’s Day 2021

Mothering is a concept filled with profound complications, but it is still beautiful - and worth honoring.

I look forward to consoling hurting mothers, celebrating serving mothers, and honoring dear women with you on Sunday May 9th.

I don’t want to just honor these dear women at the service. We’re preparing a small kit that you can use at home to honor your dear women.

Please invite family and friends to join us in honoring these dear women on May 9th.

Let pastor know if you’re willing to help prep our Mother’s Day kits.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Hannah Skinner - surgery went well

  • John, Sharon Ward’s brother - burns

Other notes (more ministry items)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace April 15


In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

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Hi all!

In Easter, God has shown up in the world and done a new thing. It is impossible to overstate the magnificence of the resurrection. No one else can claim to have opened a door to eternity and let in the light.

If you missed this good news on 4/11, please check it out

Small Steps: What is God saying to me and what am I going to do about it? — Peace (

If you want to hear more clearly what he says, turn to his Word. That’s what we’re doing this Sunday, April 18th. It’s the greatest story ever told.

Let’s take these small steps together forward!

Love to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45!

Pastor Timmermann

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All middle school and high school students are invited to our upcoming event, “Wacky Olympics”. We’ll have a good discipleship study and have fun with students from area congregations.

Pastor is looking for a crew of people to help put on this event. If you’re willing to help, please contact the office 269-694-6140. Thanks!


We want to listen to the questions and concerns our friends and family have about the gospel of Jesus. Explore Christianity is an opportunity to discuss those questions. 

This class is reserved for those curious about the claims of Jesus. Christians are encouraged to bring those who might be curious or skeptical. Begin praying for and inviting your family and friends to attend.

The next session starts on June 7th.

Please talk to the pastor if you would like to help get this class ready.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Hannah Skinner, Jim Walkley - surgery

  • Jim Keith - low oxygen

  • Addison Sylvester - confirmation

Other notes (more ministry items)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace April 8


From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessings be on your people. Psalm 3:8


Hi all!

Thanks for the wonderful Easter celebration. I’m grateful we were able to praise the Lord and take the good news of Jesus’ victory to heart.

Let’s grab on to that excitement and keep moving forward in the gospel.

Join me to take some Small Steps forward in the coming weeks.

We’ve got clear teachings that are the main ideas of Christianity: God, creation, humans, Jesus, salvation, the means of grace, and the end of all things.

We’ve got simple morals: don’t steal, don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t lie, and honor those in authority.

We’ve got helpful spiritual practices: resist temptation, pray, commune, and suffer.

These are the big truths of the Christian life.

Sometimes the easiest way forward is small steps. The big truths can be more than we can apply on a daily basis.

  • How did we see God at work this week - bringing peace and wellness?

  • What has God been teaching us in his Word this week?

  • What good can we do around here - are we people of peace and gentleness?

Let’s take these small steps together forward!

Love to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45!

Pastor Timmermann

Have some hope with Easter “hands of hope” cupcakes

Have some hope with Easter “hands of hope” cupcakes

Easter Thank you

Many thanks to all the people who helped us have a wonderful celebration of Jesus’ victory over sin and death.

Thank you to our musicians - Cindy C, Kaitlyn N, Sharon W, and Charlie K

Thank you to our tech team - Charlie K, Clara T, and Lillian T

Thank you to those who donated food and candy. We had so much! Appreciate your generosity.

Thanks to our food and breakfast team - Frieda W, Ann K, Cindy H, Carlene K

Spring Work Day

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Please come help clean up the building and grounds for spring at Peace!

Spring workday will be May 8th at 9:00 am.

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Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Are you spiritually healthy if you’re bitter? Or what if you’re constantly angry? Or lonely? Our emotions can both help and hurt our spiritual relationship with God.

Beginning April 7th at 6:30, all our study groups will take a look at Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (i.e. Wednesday on site at 6:30 pm, Thursday online at 8:00 pm, and Sunday at 8:00 am).

If you’d like to be both emotionally and spiritually more satisfied, content, and secure, this is a great course. I’d love to enjoy it with you.

You can take a quick assessment of your emotional health.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • The Rimson Family

  • The Rounds Family

  • Lyndsay Hatten’s mother in law hospitalized with COVID

Other notes (more ministry items)

  • Christian Neighbors items for April are peanut butter and jelly

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace March 25


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16


Dear friend,

Everybody worships something.

Everyone says something or someone is worth a lot to them. They esteem and highly regard that person.

Who or what do you worship? Let’s work on that this weekend as we raise our palms in praise.

God be with you until services at 9:00 or 10:45.

Be sure to join our palm processional before each service!

Pastor Timmermann

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We’ll have a light Easter breakfast between services Sunday April 4th.

We’re providing a pre-served meal that you can eat in or outdoors as you feel comfortable.

Food will be handheld so you can enjoy the egg hunt and fellowship.

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Good Friday 2021.png

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Are you spiritually healthy if you’re bitter? Or what if you’re constantly angry? Or lonely? Our emotions can both help and hurt our spiritual relationship with God.

Beginning April 7th at 6:30, all our study groups will take a look at Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (i.e. Wednesday on site at 6:30 pm, Thursday online at 8:00 pm, and Sunday at 8:00 am).

If you’d like to be both emotionally and spiritually more satisfied, content, and secure, this is a great course. I’d love to enjoy it with you.

You can take a quick assessment of your emotional health.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Pat Greene home after rehab

  • Rick Moll treatment going well

Other notes (more ministry items)

  • Christian Neighbors items for March are boxed potatoes and rice sides

  • Peace is looking for a volunteer maintenance coordinator beginning July 1st

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace March 17


Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12


Dear friend,

No matter how much we’ve gone through in the last year, we haven’t endured as much as Jesus went through. Even though he wasn’t physically abused during his life, he experienced many challenges. He expressed many cries and prayers. And he ended his life in pain.

I’m sorry you’ve gone through what you’ve gone through. You’re suffering is real and should be recognized, no matter who you are. I hope you have someone to listen to you and sit with you.

The Scriptures show us that there aren’t quick and easy ways out of suffering. We simply go through it and trust the Lord will help us endure. One question: what good is God up to here? Maybe that one will help you and the people you love as you suffer.

God be with you until services at 9:00 or 10:45

Pastor Timmermann

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All kids are welcome to our egg hunt on Sunday, April 4th. The egg hunt will start at 10:20 am, in between services.

If your kids will be joining us, we invite you to let us know by signing up below.

We’ve got more than enough candy. Thanks for your donations!

Holy Week

Holy Week is one of the most important weeks of the year for followers of Jesus.

It is the week we see how our Lord and Savior won life for us. It is the week we receive both forgiveness and righteousness.

On Maundy Thursday, April 1st at 6:30 p.m., we receive forgiveness in, with, and under the bread and wine that he gives us.

On Good Friday, April 2nd at 6:30 p.m., we adore his sacrifice on the cross.

On Easter Sunday, April 4th at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. we celebrate his victory over sin, death, and the devil so that we can live.

I hope you will join us for all these gatherings.

Streaming change

For those who worship with us on our website, I wanted to mention to you that you’ll experience a slight change this week. Our provider is changing the app and we’ll be using the Youtube player. Please email or text 269-694-6104 if you experience problems.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • The Easter celebration

Other notes (more ministry items)

  • Christian Neighbors items for March are boxed potatoes and rice sides

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Pastor Timmermann will continue serving at Peace

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Dear friends in Jesus,

We endure a lot of struggles and trials as we follow Jesus. Peace has experienced its share of difficulties in recent years. There will undoubtedly be more in the years to come.

The Triune God has been with us through all of them. His Word is up to good things. He has given us good reason to trust in his active presence. 

That’s the main reason I’m announcing that I will stay at Peace and I have declined the call to Saint Lucas in Milwaukee. God is at work through us by his Word and Sacraments.  

Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement during this process. They have been helpful. I’ve heard you and hope we keep on talking.

We’ve got plenty to do to be a congregation where people feel like they belong, where people far from the Lord clearly hear the gospel, and where we carry out the work God has given us with humility and confidence. I’m glad to partner with you in bringing people the gospel of Jesus. Let’s enjoy this! 

In Christ, 

Nathaniel Timmermann, along with Rachel, Clara, Lillian, Marie, Josiah, and Alex

Good news for Peace March 10


I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. Jeremiah 31:3


Dear friend,

One year. Can you believe it? One year since the pandemic started.

I'm amazed and thankful that after a year we still don't have a single example of community spread among us. More than a few of us have come down with the virus. We also know many others who got sick. But still, no one at a service has passed on the virus to someone else.

Thank you for caring for others. I’m glad we can all expect to stay safe and well at our gatherings. No matter who you are, I hope you feel safe at our services and events. Let’s worship the Savior!


Pastor Timmermann


Certain Hope - Easter 2021

I’m convinced that we’ll need a lot of hope to get out of the pandemic, the tension, and the changes we’re experiencing right now. Let’s get together and get some hope!

Let’s get together for services (9:00 and 10:45), a light breakfast (10:00), and an egg hunt (10:20).

We’ve launched a sign up to better serve you. If you’re planning to be with us for Easter and especially if you’re bringing friends and family, sign up! Pick up an invite card on-site to remind yourself and invite friends.



I’m glad we clearly know what we’re about - bringing people the gospel of Jesus! Many thanks to Eda and Sharon for getting this up on the wall! It was a big project and they did a great job.

Memorial Day Helpers

Peace would love to honor our loved ones for Memorial Day again this year. Let’s work together on what we should do! If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact the office.

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Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Julie H safety after surgery and recovery

  • Pat G rehab

Other notes

  • We’ve almost collected enough candy for the Easter egg hunt. Thanks! Check out this link for our progress!

  • Christian Neighbors items for March are boxed potatoes and rice sides

  • Shawn Gavan has agreed to serve as a lawnmower coordinator for the year. For details click here. If he contacts you, please respond graciously!

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • March 28th Palm Sunday

  • April 1st, 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday worship

  • April 2nd, 6:30 pm Good Friday worship

  • April 4th, 9:00 and 10:45 am Easter worship

    I’m studying and you could try





Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace March 4


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9


Dear friend,

Did you leave a marker of your “pivot place of grace”? If you didn’t watch this video and add one this coming Sunday.

Markers of a pivot place of grace

Markers of a pivot place of grace

Enjoy all of last week’s sermon to learn more.


This week, we’re getting filled with a new spirit. As we experience a pandemic and so many difficulties, we need to come alive with a new spirit and fervor for life. Can’t wait to see you this weekend!

It might be just the breath of fresh air you need! See you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45.

If you missed last week, check out the sermon at


Pastor Timmermann


Certain Hope - Easter 2021

I’m convinced that we’ll need a lot of hope to get out of the pandemic, the tension, and the changes we’re experiencing right now. Let’s get together and get some hope!

Pick up an invite card on-site to remind yourself and invite friends.

Easter services on Sunday, April 4th at 9:00 and 10:45!

Easter Breakfast

We are looking for one or two volunteers to join a team to help coordinate Easter breakfast. If you would be willing to volunteer please contact the office.


Memorial Day Helpers

Memorial Day is quickly approaching and we would like to honor our vets again this year. We don’t know exactly what that will look like yet, but we are looking for some volunteers to help us come up with ideas and execute our plans. If you are willing to lend us some help please contact the office.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Thanksgiving for a good surgery for John, Sharon Ward’s brother

Other notes

  • If you would like to donate flowers for Easter, please respond to this email and we’ll put you down on the list or sign up at church. Tulips or Lilies are available for $9

  • Please drop off candy for our Easter egg hunt to the tote in the office as soon as possible. Check out this link for our progress!

  • Christian Neighbors items for March are boxed potatoes and rice sides

  • We're looking for a lawnmower coordinator for this summer. For details click here. Please call the church office.

  • March ushers are Kart Wedge and Jason Hayes

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • March 28th Palm Sunday

  • April 1st, 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday worship

  • April 2nd, 6:30 pm Good Friday worship

  • April 4th, 9:00 and 10:45 am Easter worship

I’m studying and you could try


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Video Block
Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

Good news for Peace February 25th


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law. 

Galatians 5:22-23


Dear friend,

Most people I know have specific places where they feel or think they are assured of God’s grace. I talk to many people who would not consider the physical church building that place. Even though the physical church building means a lot to me, it is probably not my memorable place of grace.

That’s probably okay. This week we’re taking a look at Jacob. He had a memorable experience of God at a place called Bethel. He put up a marker there so he would never forget the place.

If you read in Genesis 25 to about 32, I think you can see that Genesis 28 is a pivot point in his life. Jacob experiences a profound change at that place and its good.

God’s Word this week just might be the pivot you (or your friends) need! See you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45.

If you missed last week, check out the sermon at


Pastor Timmermann

Certain Hope - Easter 2021

I’m convinced that we’ll need a lot of hope to get out of the pandemic, the tension, and the changes we’re experiencing right now. Let’s get together and get some hope!

Start talking to your friends and neighbors; make plans to join us this Easter! Pick up an invite card on-site to remind yourself and invite friends.

Easter services on Sunday, April 4th at 9:00 and 10:45!

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Easter flowers

To glorify God and emphasize the miracle of the resurrection we invite everyone to donate flowers for Easter. Flowers during Easter beautify the sanctuary and symbolize new hope, life, and beginnings. Many people donate these flowers to honor their memory of a loved one.

If you would like to donate flowers for Easter, please respond to this email and we’ll put you down on the list or sign up at church.

  • Lilies and tulips $9 each

  • Please pay Jeanne Ueck or Ann Kling by March 28th

We had a great time sledding last Sunday! We missed you.

We had a great time sledding last Sunday! We missed you.

Easter Egg Donations

Easter is quickly approaching and it’s time to start collecting candy for the Easter egg hunt. With 2,000 Easter eggs to fill we need your help. Please:

  • Purchase individually wrapped small candy (smarties are too big)

  • Place the candy in the designated tote in the office as soon as possible

Help install a wheelchair ramp

A contact from church needs a wheel chair ramp. Jon Ott has graciously offered one. He could use up to four people for to hours to install it this week. Please contact the church office if you can help.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Lenten repentance and renewal

  • Those confined to home so they can’t worship, especially during the pandemic - Phyllis Curtis, Judy Haugh, Walter Heinichen, Larry Hutchinson, Maxine Sandahl, Carlene White, Ray Winkel

Other notes

  • Christian Neighbors items for February are pasta noodles and sauce

  • We're looking for a lawnmower coordinator for this summer. For details click here. Please call the church office.

  • March ushers are Kart Wedge and Jason Hayes

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • February 28th 12 pm Catechism

  • March 28th Palm Sunday

  • April 1st 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday worship

I’m studying and you could try


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace February 18th


There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18


Dear friend,

The time when a pastor receives a call can be exhausting and exhilarating. We get the chance to look for God’s work even more carefully. For example, I’m very cautious about this call. This morning I read that God’s people responded to the exodus from Egypt with fear. I realized that part of my caution is not all bad. That caution/fear may come from God’s mighty work.

I pray you all experience God’s mighty work.

We’ve got two service options, 9:00 and 10:45, both with good amounts of space. Come, worship, and know the glory of God. If you missed last week, check out the sermon at


Pastor Timmermann


Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Grab your favorite sled and join us for an afternoon of fun

@ Kindleberger Park on Sunday @ 3:30 pm


Peace accepts flower donations weekly as a way of beautifying the worship space. Individuals often donate flowers in memory of someone or for a special occasion. This is another way we give offerings to the glory of God. Our offerings are not just financial, but physical and beautiful because God is beautiful. 

If you decide to donate flowers, first sign up by contacting pastor. You should select your own flowers from the florist of your choosing and bring them by Sunday morning. If you would like, you can order flowers from a number of local and the florist will deliver them for you. 

After the service on Sunday, you may bring your flowers home. 

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Those without power, heat, water, etc in emergency situations around the US

  • the Timmermann family and Peace

Other notes

  • Christian Neighbors items for February are pasta noodles and sauce

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • February 21st, 3:30 pm Sledding @ Kindleberger Park

  • February 28th, 12 pm Catechism

I’m studying and you could try


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Pastor has received a request to serve at another congregation

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Dear friends in Jesus,

We wanted to let you know that Pastor Timmermann has received a request from another church to serve as their pastor. He shared the following letter with us this Sunday.

“I’m honored to already serve God’s people at Peace in Otsego. Together we get to bring the gospel of Jesus to the greater Otsego – Plainwell community. I would like to announce that God’s people have also asked me to serve at Saint Lucas Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, WI.  

Our Christian churches call these requests to serve in a specific place “calls” or “divine calls”. Over the coming weeks, my family and I will deliberate both calls. I will seek God’s guidance through his Word and his people. I will consider many factors. I’d like to invite individuals at both congregations to provide input and counsel as they desire. May God be at work for the good of his kingdom.  

This call does not mean that we’re looking to leave Peace. We’re grateful for the people, the community, and the ministry. We are not obligated to accept the new call to serve at Saint Lucas. Both calls are equally valid. We will follow God’s guidance through his Word, his people, and who he has made us to be.  

We’ll deliberate these calls for some time, about 4 weeks. Lent may add some challenges to the process. Again, to reiterate, people at both congregations are invited to reach out with prayers, encouragement, and wisdom. I will announce a decision when we’ve made one at a Sunday service.  

Whatever challenges a pandemic, politics, and cultural shifts may bring us, the gospel of Jesus will keep working. I ask everyone in both Milwaukee and Otsego to join us in prayer.  

In Christ, 

Nathaniel Timmermann, along with Rachel, Clara, Lillian, Marie, Josiah, and Alex” 

Please do reach out to pastor, whether that is simply to share you are praying for him or with other thoughts. May God be with us all.

Please feel free to reach out at 269-694-6104 or Thanks!

Good news for Peace February 11th


May God be gracious to us and bless us. Psalm 67:1

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Dear friend,

With vaccine rollouts, new cases on the decline, and kids returning to school, we’re starting to feel like there is some light at the end of the tunnel. I appreciate the renewed spirits I’m seeing in many of you.

I hope you have some moments of glory - of light, of hope, and exuberance - some incredible mountaintop experiences that you can take away from this time. I hope these moments will give you strength to go forward.

That’s what we’re checking out this week at services. What does an experience of the incredible glory of God do for us? So many things. I want those great things for you.

We’ve got two service options, 9:00 and 10:45, both with good amounts of space. Come, worship, and know the glory of God. If you missed last week, check out the sermon at


Pastor Timmermann

Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy his incredible love!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy his incredible love!

The Hands of Passion.png

See you Wednesday February 17th at 6:30 pm for Lenten worship.


The devotion booklet series “Meditations” is available by subscription. Meditations Daily Devotionals for personal use (

If you confirmed your subscription for 2021, please pay $16 either directly to Shirley or Charlie Kling; or put a check in the offering with the note “Meditations”.



I’m really glad and proud of our group of people that has come together to hear the Word. We’re journaling and talking together to encourage each other.

Reading God’s Word alone is good; reading with others can be great! Are you hearing the Word? Contact pastor to get a journal and join in.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Doris Paradine - surgery

  • The Jane Henke family on Jane's passing

Other notes

  • Christian Neighbors items for February are pasta noodles and sauce

  • Thanks to Roger, Jim, and Jon for their help with workday projects. Good progress!

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • February 16th, 7:00 pm Council

  • February 17th, 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday

I’m studying and you could try


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving