From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessings be on your people. Psalm 3:8
Hi all!
Thanks for the wonderful Easter celebration. I’m grateful we were able to praise the Lord and take the good news of Jesus’ victory to heart.
Let’s grab on to that excitement and keep moving forward in the gospel.
Join me to take some Small Steps forward in the coming weeks.
We’ve got clear teachings that are the main ideas of Christianity: God, creation, humans, Jesus, salvation, the means of grace, and the end of all things.
We’ve got simple morals: don’t steal, don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t lie, and honor those in authority.
We’ve got helpful spiritual practices: resist temptation, pray, commune, and suffer.
These are the big truths of the Christian life.
Sometimes the easiest way forward is small steps. The big truths can be more than we can apply on a daily basis.
How did we see God at work this week - bringing peace and wellness?
What has God been teaching us in his Word this week?
What good can we do around here - are we people of peace and gentleness?
Let’s take these small steps together forward!
Love to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45!
Pastor Timmermann
Have some hope with Easter “hands of hope” cupcakes
Easter Thank you
Many thanks to all the people who helped us have a wonderful celebration of Jesus’ victory over sin and death.
Thank you to our musicians - Cindy C, Kaitlyn N, Sharon W, and Charlie K
Thank you to our tech team - Charlie K, Clara T, and Lillian T
Thank you to those who donated food and candy. We had so much! Appreciate your generosity.
Thanks to our food and breakfast team - Frieda W, Ann K, Cindy H, Carlene K
Spring Work Day
Please come help clean up the building and grounds for spring at Peace!
Spring workday will be May 8th at 9:00 am.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Are you spiritually healthy if you’re bitter? Or what if you’re constantly angry? Or lonely? Our emotions can both help and hurt our spiritual relationship with God.
Beginning April 7th at 6:30, all our study groups will take a look at Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (i.e. Wednesday on site at 6:30 pm, Thursday online at 8:00 pm, and Sunday at 8:00 am).
If you’d like to be both emotionally and spiritually more satisfied, content, and secure, this is a great course. I’d love to enjoy it with you.
You can take a quick assessment of your emotional health.
Prayers (full prayer list)
The Rimson Family
The Rounds Family
Lyndsay Hatten’s mother in law hospitalized with COVID
Other notes (more ministry items)
Christian Neighbors items for April are peanut butter and jelly
Upcoming events (full calendar)
April 18th 10:45 a confirmation
April 25th 4:30 pm 131 Youth Crew
May 8th 9:00 am Work Day
I’m studying and you could try
Religion is a driving force behind the gender wage gap, study finds (
EHD Book / Discipleship / v2 | Emotionally Healthy Discipleship
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