
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

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Hi all!

In Easter, God has shown up in the world and done a new thing. It is impossible to overstate the magnificence of the resurrection. No one else can claim to have opened a door to eternity and let in the light.

If you missed this good news on 4/11, please check it out

Small Steps: What is God saying to me and what am I going to do about it? — Peace (

If you want to hear more clearly what he says, turn to his Word. That’s what we’re doing this Sunday, April 18th. It’s the greatest story ever told.

Let’s take these small steps together forward!

Love to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45!

Pastor Timmermann

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All middle school and high school students are invited to our upcoming event, “Wacky Olympics”. We’ll have a good discipleship study and have fun with students from area congregations.

Pastor is looking for a crew of people to help put on this event. If you’re willing to help, please contact the office 269-694-6140. Thanks!


We want to listen to the questions and concerns our friends and family have about the gospel of Jesus. Explore Christianity is an opportunity to discuss those questions. 

This class is reserved for those curious about the claims of Jesus. Christians are encouraged to bring those who might be curious or skeptical. Begin praying for and inviting your family and friends to attend.

The next session starts on June 7th.

Please talk to the pastor if you would like to help get this class ready.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Hannah Skinner, Jim Walkley - surgery

  • Jim Keith - low oxygen

  • Addison Sylvester - confirmation

Other notes (more ministry items)


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