Good news for Peace February 4th


The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18


Dear friend,

I know last week was a snowy one that kept many of us home. If you missed the sermon, check it out here.

We had a good message this last week on who we work for. Who are you working for?

This week, we’ll get new power for our work. Power is something we all need. It's too easy to run out of power to get everything done.

Thank you for following the relevant local guidelines for health. We had about 30 at 9 am and about 20 at 10:45, so there is lots of space! Join us.


Pastor Timmermann

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The Hands of Passion

Lenten services beginning February 17th at 6:30 pm

Everywhere we look, we see hands at work. In the passion of Jesus, there are many hands.

What are your hands doing?

Admit, heal, and do things differently with your hands.

Join pastor (we will not share pulpits in 2021) for Lenten services at 6:30 pm starting February 17th. We’ll culminate our services on April 1st with Maundy Thursday and April 2nd with Good Friday.

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Winter Work Day

February 6th, 9:00 - 12:00

Indoor tasks to keep the ministry moving well!

Join us! Plenty of space.

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2021 annual meeting (voters’ meeting)

Thank you to all who participated in our 2021 annual meeting. We:

  1. approved the new bylaws Restructuring (Bylaws update) – Peace Lutheran Church (

  2. elected new council/officers. Officer elections 2021 – Peace Lutheran Church (

  3. reviewed reports, most specifically discussing combining the two services

Next steps

  1. Bylaws - now that the new bylaws have been approved, we’ll follow them for congregational purposes. We’ll look to implement edits. We’ll also work with the district’s constitution committee to make sure our bylaws are accepted.

  2. Council - the new council composed of Charlie Kling (president), Roger Commissaris (vice-president/treasurer), and Tom Wright (elder), along with pastor, will begin meeting in February.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Sharon Edgerton’s daughter in law - diagnosed with COVID

Other notes

  • Christian Neighbors items for February are pasta noodles and sauce

  • Ushers for February are Josh Gower and Gary Coombs

  • Serving the weekend of February 7

Upcoming events (full calendar)

I’m studying and you could try


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace January 28


Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:9


Dear friend,

It’s a new year and there is new work to do. Who needs your work? Yourself? Friends? Family? Neighbors and acquaintances? Your city? Or people on the other side of the world? One thing that changes our work is to think again about who we are working for and who benefits from it.

Speaking of work, Pastor Timmermann is back at work. He is bringing us more good news for our work based on Mark chapter 1 this week. Catch up on our recent sermons at Messages — Peace ( There you can find video, audio, and text.

We had about 30 in early service and about 20 in the later service last week, so there is lots of space! Join us.


Pastor Timmermann

Restructuring/new bylaws

Sunday January 31st marks a big day at Peace. God willing, we’ll vote to put new bylaws in place at Peace.

All members are invited to become informed about them, assess them, ask questions about them, and finally engage in the process - especially on Sunday. See Restructuring (Bylaws update) – Peace Lutheran Church (

We’ve handled a number of questions over the last few months. Highlights include:

  • Is this changing the doctrine of Peace? No. Peace proclaims Jesus’ teaching according to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Check out what we believe. This We Believe – WELS

  • Why these changes now? A number of reasons, including the fact that we wanted/needed new ways to function.

  • Is this a significant change to our structure, or more of the small changes we tend to see? This is a significant restructuring to the congregation. The old system required 18 elected positions and another 5 or so appointed positions. The new system requires 4 elected positions and no appointed positions.

The Hands of Passion.png

The Hands of Passion

Lenten services beginning February 17th at 6:30 pm

Everywhere we look, we see hands at work. In the passion of Jesus, there are many hands:

  • hands that heal

  • hands that hurt

  • hands that stay away

  • hands that are crushed

  • hands that claim victory

What are your hands doing?

Admit, heal, and do things differently with your hands.

Join pastor (we will not share pulpits in 2021) for Lenten services at 6:30 pm starting February 17th. We’ll culminate our services on April 1st with Maundy Thursday and April 2nd with Good Friday.


Easter 2021

Easter services will be 9 and 10:45 on April 4th. There will not be a 7 am service. Look for more information to come. Start inviting friends and family!



“Look here is water! Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” That’s what a man from Egypt said in the Bible when he heard the good news of Jesus. 

Why shouldn’t you be baptized? Easter is a great time of the year. It’s a time to celebrate Christ’s victory and success. There is no greater way to celebrate than baptism. 

If you aren’t baptized or you know someone who isn’t baptized, Easter is a great time to get baptized. Learn about baptism from this simple teaching on baptism, this sermon, and study materials on baptism, and I appreciate this outsider’s perspective on baptism in a Lutheran church. Check it out! 

Then call (269-694-6104) or email ( to set up your baptism!

Bring your sleds and join us for an afternoon of sledding! We’ll be sledding at Johnson Park in Walker this year. Hot chocolate and dinner will be provided.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Thanksgiving for the good surgery for Gerald Scheppelman

Other notes

Upcoming events (full calendar)

I’m studying and you could try


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace January 21


Lord, you give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6


Dear friend,

I know that I often feel like my work isn’t worth it. Even as a pastor. And yet God calls us to work. He calls us to work with Jesus and to make his perfect work our own. That is work that is worth it.

If you missed our services last week, or any week, go to Messages — Peace ( There you can find video, audio, and text versions of the sermons, as well as links to the services.

I’m happy to welcome Mark Gieschen this weekend at Peace. We’ll follow our regular safety protocols at services.

We had 30 some in early service and about 15 in the later service last week, so there is lots of space! Join us.


Pastor Timmermann


Christianity Explored

The gospel, Jesus, and faith that brings life!

This is the class for people who aren’t sure if they believe in Jesus, would like to know more about Christianity, or would like a more formal introduction to the Christian church.

The next session will start in February! Sign up and bring a friend.

The Hands of the Passion

Lenten services beginning February 17th at 6:30 pm

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“Look here is water! Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” That’s what a man from Egypt said in the Bible when he heard the good news of Jesus. 

Why shouldn’t you be baptized? Easter is a great time of the year. It’s a time to celebrate Christ’s victory and success. There is no greater way to celebrate than baptism. 

If you aren’t baptized or you know someone who isn’t baptized, Easter is a great time to get baptized. Learn about baptism from this simple teaching on baptism, this sermon, and study materials on baptism, and I appreciate this outsider’s perspective on baptism in a Lutheran church. Check it out! 

Then call (269-694-6104) or email ( to set up your baptism!

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • (no prayers at this point)

Other notes

  • Christian Neighbors items for January are canned soup and ramen noodles, but any items are welcome

  • Ushers for January 9:00 Dan Doran, 10:45 Ron Miller

  • Serving the weekend of January 24th

  • Pastor will be out of town over the weekend of the 24th. He regrets any inconvenience this adds to church life after having COVID, but after discussion with council and the elders they decided to keep the weekend off instead of trying to reschedule. Please feel free to call the church office with normal requests and he’ll answer (269-694-6104 call or text). Please contact Don Seelhof over the weekend if the matter is urgent.

  • We need to move the white freezer from the kitchen to the parsonage garage and clean it out. Can you help?

Upcoming events (full calendar)

I’m studying and you could try


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace January 14


For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5


Dear friend,

Hear God's call and get to work! What great news. Yes, the people around us need our work. We bring honor to God through our work. And most of all, we live as the people God calls us to be when we work.

Pastor Timmermann will be back with us this week. We’re thankful for the recovery God has given him. Thank you to the people who sent meals, prayed, sent cards, and called. What great encouragement!

We continue to follow basic practices for good health

  • Please stay home if you're sick.

  • We ask attendees to follow applicable state and local guidelines - distancing, masks, and hand washing.

Jesus redeemed us body and soul. Your soul matters so much to God that he became a man to win it back. Watch over it!

Services are Sunday 9:00 and 10:45. See you to hear the Word and worship God!


Pastor Timmermann


131 Youth Crew Sledding

We’re excited for a sledding outing with all our middle school and high school students on January 31st. Leave Peace about 3:45, sled at 4:30.

Contact pastor with questions and to join. Click below for more!



How will you learn to follow Jesus and grow in 2021? With a new year, we can make fresh habits to send ourselves on a new trajectory.

Contact the office and join me in the HEAR plan this year. I’ve got a great journal for each person who wants to be part of the group.

Jesus will guide us where he wants us to go!

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Christmas decoration takedown

Thanks to all who helped take down Christmas decorations! Great work Roger, Cindy, Eda, Carlene, Ann, Ron, and Ellen.


Christianity Explored

The gospel, Jesus, and faith that brings life!

This is the class for people who aren’t sure if they believe in Jesus, would like to know more about Christianity, or would like a more formal introduction to the Christian church.

The next session will start in February! Sign up and bring a friend.

I got to drop off the hats and gloves from the “Tree of Warmth” at the local elementary school. “Yes, we can definitely use them!"

I got to drop off the hats and gloves from the “Tree of Warmth” at the local elementary school. “Yes, we can definitely use them!"

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Paul Myers - recovery after surgery

  • the country and our elected representatives

Other notes

  • 2021 council nominations under way Nominations/appointments – Peace Lutheran Church (

  • Christian Neighbors items for January are canned soup and ramen noodles, but any items are welcome

  • Ushers for January 9:00 Dan Doran, 10:45 Ron Miller

  • We would be helped if someone could take out the recycling by the family center door. Thank you!

  • Serving the weekend of January 17th

  • Pastor will be out of town over the weekend of the 24th. He regrets any inconvenience this adds to church life after having COVID, but after discussion with council and the elders they decided to keep the weekend off instead of trying to reschedule. Please feel free to call the church office with normal requests and he’ll answer (269-694-6104 call or text). Please contact Don Seelhof that weekend if the matter is urgent.

Upcoming events (full calendar)

I’m studying and you could try


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace January 7


By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35


Dear friend,

Has your new year started well? Start it with God’s grace!

The elders, council, and I would like to thank Tom Wright for leading our services last week. Tom regularly displays faithfulness to God and a love for his Savior. He did a great job filling in at the last minute.

The reason Tom filled in is because I, pastor was first exposed to, then infected with, the coronavirus.

I’m doing well. Thank you for your concern. If you’d like to call, encourage, and check on me, please do so.


Here is what we’ve done to be safe

  • We’ve talked to the health department and they’ve assured us we’re doing the right things

  • Pastor is staying out of the building this week

  • Josh Gower and Ron Miller will be leading services this week with a video sermon from pastor

  • We’ll fog before and after services

  • Both services have a small attendance

We’re taking care of physical health so we can also take care of our spiritual well being. Have you confessed your anger, bitterness, loneliness, or despair and asked for help? Have you reached out to encourage someone? How is your commitment to your work?

Jesus redeemed us body and soul. Your soul matters so much to God that he became a man to win it back. Watch over it!

Services are Sunday 9:00 and 10:45. No Sunday study on 1/10. Thursday online at 8 pm (not 7 pm as the calendar says).

Let’s see where God's grace takes us this year!


Pastor Timmermann

2020 Giving

Thank you for your gifts to support gospel ministry through Peace in 2020!

Giving statements have been distributed. Please notify the office if you do not receive one and you need one.

Offering envelopes

Offering envelopes for 2021 are available in your mailbox at church.

The list of numbers is posted outside the office door. Please let the office know 269-694-6104 if there are any problems. Thanks for the partnership in gospel ministry!


How will you learn to follow Jesus and grow in 2021? With a new year, we can make fresh habits to send ourselves on a new trajectory.

Contact the office and join me in the HEAR plan this year. I’ve got a great journal for each person who wants to be part of the group.

Jesus will guide us where he wants us to go!

Christmas decoration takedown

We’ll take Christmas decorations down Sunday January 10th after the later service. The reverse of this list needs to be done

Thank you!

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • The Timmermanns

  • Paul Scheppelman

Other notes

  • Please nominate godly men — click here

  • someone could use a full/double size box spring if anyone has a spare. Please contact the office.

  • Ushers for January 9:00 Dan Doran, 10:45 Ron Miller

  • We would be helped if someone could take out the recycling by the family center door. Thank you!

  • Thank you to Pete and Donna for fixing the tape on the pews.

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • January 10, 12:00 pm Christmas decoration takedown

  • January 12 Elders and council meeting

  • January 24, 12:00 pm Open forum

  • January 31, 12:00 pm Voters’ meeting (approve bylaws, elect new council)

  • February 8th, 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

I’m studying and you could try


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace December 31


May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. Psalm 20:4


Dear friend,

Happy New Year to you, your friends, and families! I look forward to living in God's grace with you this year.

No matter how 2020 changed our lives, one thing didn't change the whole time: work.

Even if our work moved home or worked different hours or “pivoted”, we all kept working. Whether retired or employed or full time or part time, we all had lots of work to do - some of us much more than expected.

As we open 2021, let's watch God get to work and join him in work. The Bible shows us that the task we do might deal with money, but the call to work comes from God.

Services are Sunday 9:00 and 10:45 for January. Studies are Sunday at 8:00 am, Wednesday at 6:30, and Thursday online at 8 pm (not 7 pm as the calendar says).

Let’s see where God's grace takes us this year!


Pastor Timmermann

Thank you

I would like to thank you for all the kind Christmas gifts. The cards, snacks, and more were all enjoyable. We’re grateful for your kindness. We look forward to opportunities to serve in 2020.

On behalf of the rest of Peace's staff, we’d all like to thank you for your gifts in 2020.


Pastor Timmermann


Learning with others helps everyone grow. It is a gift to grow your relationship with God while learning with others. We offer several opportunities for growth and relationship through Bible studies, prayer, and small groups. Follow the link below to find your next group!

Community — Peace (

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • The New Year

  • The Winkel family

Other notes

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • January 4 Midweek activities resume

  • January 10, 12:00 pm Christmas decoration takedown

  • January 19 Elders and council meeting

  • January 24, 12:00 pm Open forum

  • January 31, 12:00 pm Voters’ meeting (approve bylaws)

I’m Studying and you could try


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Merry Christmas from Pastor on December 23


Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the LORD. (Luke 2:11)


Dear friend,

Let’s hear the story of the greatest gift. Whether in person or at home, we’d be pleased to celebrate with you when God sent his Son to be Savior of the world. The child born in Bethlehem cam to live for us, die for us, and rise for us, all so that we might live with him. In Jesus, hope has arrived. Glory has appeared. Peace has been passed down. In our candlelight service hear an inspiring service, sing your favorite Christmas carols, and get God’s greatest gifts.



If you will join us on-site for any activities, sign up to reserve your spot! Please click the button below and fill out the form on the next page. Be sure to let us know the number of people in your group.

There are about 40 people signed up for the 4:30 service and 25 signed up for the 6:30 service. We will give seats to those who signed up. We have lots of space. Please follow the appropriate guidelines.

Feel free to call 269-694-6104 with any questions.

I’d also like to thank you for all the Christmas gifts and kindness. May the joy of Jesus be with you and yours this Christmas season.

There will be no other news (email, text, or print) later this week.


Pastor Timmermann

Other notes

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • December 24th 4:30 and 6:30 pm Candlelight Christmas Eve services

  • December 25th, 10:00 am Christmas Day service

  • No midweek activities between December 24th and January 2nd

  • December 27th 9:00 and 10:45 regular Sunday services


805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078



Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Please pray for the family of Bernie Winkel

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Bernie Winkel

[For interactive content, please view this notice online at Good news from Peace — Peace (

Dear friends and family of Bernie Winkel,

On Monday December 21st Bernie was brought to glory to celebrate with his Savior. I am comforted to know that Bernie triumphs with all the saints because of Jesus, and I pray you may be as well. She experiences what we can only imagine: “Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude… shouting, ‘Hallelujah! For our God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bridegroom has made himself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given him to wear.'” (Revelation 19)

For Bernie’s obituary, please visit Bernadine M. Winkel | Winkel Funeral Home | Otsego Michigan

Visitation arrangements are posted in the obituary. Individuals may greet the family also on Thursday morning prior to the funeral.

Her funeral will take place indoors at Peace Lutheran Church on Thursday, December 24th at 11 am. It will also be streamed online at

The funeral is open to the public, but attendance is limited. Please register in advance so we can prepare well by filling out the form below (if viewing online) or click

To give a memorial to Peace in honor of Bernie, please click

We ask and encourage on site attendees to follow active guidelines for social distancing, masks and other health practices. Our focus is to help people grieve the loss of Bernie and to celebrate the victory Jesus has given her. We are also convinced of the importance of caring for health as well as we can.

Serving the living Savior

Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Please pray for Bernie’s family: 
Lord Jesus, by your victory over death you have opened the way to eternal life for all of us. Bernie’s family in particular is sad because of their loss. Comfort them in their trial. Point the way to life. Renew their joy each morning. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Good news for Peace December 17


When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. Isaiah 26:9


Dear friend,

Are you ready for whatever God gives you this Christmas?

I would like to be. I want to be.

We had about 45 in the 9:00 am service and about 25 in the 10:45 last week. We have lots of space. Please follow the appropriate guidelines.

Let’s stay together on-site, online, or personal visit (269-694-6104).


Pastor Timmermann

Christmas 2020

On Christmas, we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Let’s join in the celebration on-site or online.




If you will join us on-site for any activities, sign up to reserve your spot! Please click the button below and fill out the form on the next page. Be sure to let us know the number of people in your group.

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Giving Tree 2020

Giving Tree 2020


A Special Thank You

A special thank you to the parishioners that donated gifts so generously to the giving tree this year. Through your generosity, many children will have a Merry Christmas!

Special Christmas Time Giving Opportunities

During the holiday season, you might think about ways to express your gratitude and serve the community around you. We are inviting you to join us in these opportunities again this year. 

Christmas Gift for Called Workers

  • You are invited to place your monetary token of love and thanks for Pastor Timmerman in an envelope marked “Christmas Gift”. 

  • Please give it to Charlie Kling or Ralph Holewa in the mail, in person, drop it in the collection plate, or one of their church mailboxes

  • Gifts will be received until the morning of December 20th

  • These gifts will be presented at the end of the 6:30 pm service

The Tree of Warmth: 

  • New acceptable items include hats, gloves, and scarves

  • Donations will go to Dix Street, Washington Street elementary schools, and Kalamazoo Gospel Mission 

  • Donations will be accepted through January 3rd

Ministry review

The elders recently finished reviewing our ministry, including the work of our staff.

We asked 21 households for feedback. Their ages ranged from low 20s to 80s. 14 households responded. Most of the responses were from individuals over 65. 

We’d like to thank the individuals who responded to their feedback.

We’d like to respond to a few points.

  1. Hymnals: A few people asked for hymnals. We reiterate - we encourage the use of hymnals. Please bring your own or ask and we’ll provide one that you can leave in your box. 

  2. Ushers: Ushers were asked to complete prep before service. We certainly agree and constantly work on it. For a number of reasons, to make this happen, this is an area where we need everyone on-site to help out. 

  3. Digital methods (digital newsletter, live stream, and electronic giving): We are glad to see our digital methods be generally well-received, despite the learning curve. We’re starting to see better engagement. We hope for continued success in improving our practices and appreciate appropriate feedback.

  4. Awareness: One younger individual commented that he/she had no awareness of the work of our administrative assistant. This is a persistent theme - that much of what we do does not engage people under 60. 

  5. Brochure: A brochure was asked for to explain mission, value, and strategies. We aren’t sure about the return on investment for us, and pastor will look into it. We may be better served by integrating some of those ideas into a service folder. 

  6. Calendar: The calendar was asked for in a monthly view. The calendar is printed monthly in a monthly view and emailed as a pdf. That calendar is also available by clicking “full calendar” each week. It would not be convenient to include it in the weekly email.

We’re taking away the following:

  1. Recognition: Pastor, Cindy, Jessica, and a few others were all recognized for the regular work getting done. People are generally satisfied. We’re glad to hear that. 

  2. Member retention: We validate the concern for member retention. We've noticed that concern in 2017 - 2019, and probably long before. Whether we are speaking of people we know well and miss dearly, or thinking of people only barely connected to us, member retention matters for the kingdom of God. Member retention is generally produced through the presence of certain characteristics and the absence of other characteristics.  We’ve identified both things we’re lacking (a sense of leadership and direction, trust, real relationships) and things that are present that we can work on (lack of responsiveness, dysfunction, lack of connection with teaching). Member retention should exist alongside outreach. Jesus calls us to make disciples. 

  3. Unsurprised: We were not surprised by the feedback we received this year. We take that as a good sign. It is always a good task to get the big ideas out of this size crowd. We try to stay on top of the feelings of the different generations and demographic groups. We hope communication improves for an even better partnership. 

This is a good time to remind us all that feedback once a year, anonymously given and summarized is a useful tool for good ministry. It helps us stay on top of big picture trends. 

Small, week to week feedback, is just as valuable and helpful. Please talk to the council and elders. Ushers, music, tech, hymnals, cleaning, Bible class times, study topics, philosophy, politics, and so much more all can benefit from the constant conversation. 

Thank you for this partnership. God be with you as you follow Jesus! 

Pastor T and the elders of Peace 

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Dave and Jeanne Myers 50th anniversary

  • Christmas

Other notes

I’m studying and you could try

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • December 20th, 9:00 am Children’s Christmas service

  • December 24th 4:30 and 6:30 pm Candlelight Christmas Eve services

  • December 25th, 10:00 am Christmas Day service

  • No midweek activities between December 24th and January 2nd

  • December 27th 9:00 and 10:45 regular Sunday services


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Christmas Gift for Called Workers

Pastor T.jpeg

Dear fellow member of Peace,

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” -1 Chronicles 16:34

I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday when we gave thanks to our gracious God for all of the blessings, he has given us this past year.

Now, with Advent upon us, when we have the opportunity to once again prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate Christ’s coming, and with the celebration of that birth once again close at hand, when we give thanks to the Lord for his greatest gift of a Savior from sin, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and Christ-centered Christmas season, and thank you for letting me serve as your president.

Please accept this letter as an opportunity to also give thanks to the Lord for our called worker here at Peace, Pastor Timmermann, and to express our love and thanks to him for his work among us.

You are invited to place your monetary token of love and appreciation in an envelope marked “Christmas Gift”. Then get it to me or Ralph Holewa in the mail, in person, drop it in the collection plate, or leave it in one of our church mailboxes no later than the morning of Sunday, December 20.

These gifts are to be presented at the end of the 6:30 PM Christmas Eve service. Please make any checks payable to “Peace Lutheran Church”.

If you have any questions, please ask. The best ways to reach me are face-to-face, or by calling or texting me at (269) 903-7091.

With thanks,

Charlie Kling,

congregation president

**Please note: Per IRS rules, these gifts are not considered offerings to Peace and will not appear on your giving statement. Thank you


805 South Wilmott Street + Otsego, Michigan 49078-1460


End of the year giving 2020


Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

Psalm 34:8


End of year giving

Please know how thankful I am for all your generosity to the Lord and the mission he has given us. In an incredibly difficult year, you’ve responded with more than $155,000 of giving. Thank you.

If you’d still like to give thanks to the Lord and join in our mission, please make sure your gifts are in by Sunday, December 27th. Gifts recorded in 2021 will be considered 2021 gifts.

Many organizations and individuals invite your generosity at the end of the year. On behalf of the young man who professed faith in Jesus, the young lady who got baptized, the couples looking for a church with faith, not politics, and the hurting individuals, plus so many more, please believe Jesus is making a difference through you.

Individuals 70 ½ or older should also know that they can receive some excellent benefits through the end of the year IRA charitable distributions. Since the explanation is fairly lengthy, please visit the WELS page that explains. If you need help, please speak with Ralph Holewa, Jim Winkel, or pastor.

May the Lord enrich your experience of his coming in Word and Sacrament this Christmas.


Nathaniel, pastor at Peace


Good news for Peace December 11, 2020


And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 1 John 5:11


Dear friend,

How is the gift-buying and gift-giving going? Last week we got the gift of forgiveness. I look forward to the next gift this week. Join me!

I’d like to pass on a special thanks to Amy Nelson, Tashina McCollum, and Rachel Timmermann for painting the large wall in the church entry area. That was a nice gift to us! Well done!

We had about 35 in the 9:00 am service and about 20 in the 10:45 last week. We have lots of space. Please follow the appropriate guidelines.

Let’s stay together on-site, online, or personal visit (269-694-6104).


Pastor Timmermann

Christmas 2020

On Christmas, we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Let’s join in the celebration on-site or online.




If you will join us on-site for any activities, sign up to reserve your spot! Please click the button below and fill out the form on the next page. Be sure to let us know the number of people in your group.

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Thanks for Christmas decorating

Thank you to the Wedges, Eda McNees, the Timmermanns, Charlie Kling, the Commissarises, and the Holewas for all your decorating help. We’re adding to the festive spirit!


Special Christmas Time Giving Opportunities

During the holiday season, you might think about ways to express your gratitude and serve the community around you. We are inviting you to join us in these opportunities again this year. 

The Tree of Warmth: 

  • New acceptable items include hats, gloves, and scarves

  • Donations will go to Dix Street, Washington Street elementary schools, and Kalamazoo Gospel Mission 

  • Donations will be accepted through January 3rd

The Giving Tree

  • Take a card from the tree

  • Purchase a gift

  • Return the unwrapped gift under the tree by December 17th. 

Christmas Bags for Kids

  • Small gifts bags will be handed out to the children that attend our Christmas services

  • Please donate small gifts for the bags such as candy, crayons, coloring books, Christmas cards, or Ornaments. 

  • We usually give away about 25 bags. Please plan an appropriate number.

  • Drop off items in office by December 17th

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Prayers (full prayer list)

Other notes

  • Christmas flowers (poinsettias) are available now through December 13th for $7. Please sign up at church or by email.

  • We regret all of the technical issues that we’ve had the last few weeks. We tried to mention that the headset failed two weeks ago and we’ve now been able to replace it for the coming weekend. The soundboard locked up this last weekend. We spent a couple of hours with the manufacturer and contractor getting it fixed this week. We’ll spend the next few weeks resetting our audio system. Finally, the computer running the call-in line has crashed and ran slow repeatedly. We’re sorry you haven’t been able to listen to the services. We also have had user issues due to inadequate staffing and insufficient skills. We’ll work on this. We certainly welcome help as we try to serve others with the gospel.

  • We also recognize the logistical challenges on Sunday mornings and we regret the situation. We wish we had more solutions and ask that we all try to pitch in together. We may not have an usher to take care of service folders, lights, candles, doors, offerings, and more. We don't have assistance with technology and pastor gets it done. We will continue to minister as best we can, and hope you can join in.

  • Ushers for 12/13 9:00 am Ron Miller, 10:45 Kart Wedge

  • Last week’s engagement 53

  • Last week’s giving $3,448.30

I’m studying and you could try

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • December 13th, 5:00 pm 131 Youth Crew - online game night

  • December 20th, 9:00 am Children’s Christmas service

  • December 24th 4:30 and 6:30 pm Candlelight Christmas Eve services

  • December 25th, 10:00 am Christmas Day service

  • No midweek activities between December 24th and January 2nd

  • December 27th 9:00 and 10:45 regular Sunday services


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace December 4, 2020


Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you. Deuteronomy 16:17


Dear friend,

We had about 40 in the 9:00 am service and about 15 in the 10:45 last week. We have lots of space.

  • If you have any symptoms, please stay home.

  • If you have been within 6’ of someone with COVID for 15 minutes, please stay home.

  • Please respect others on-site.

  • The elderly and at-risk should especially consider staying home.

Whether you join me online, on-site, or contact me (269-694-6104) for personal devotion and communion, do not give up God’s Word and Sacraments. I especially encourage those of you who have understandably stayed home for months, please get ahold of me to have God’s Word applied to you personally and get the Lord’s Supper.


Pastor Timmermann

Christmas 2020

On Christmas, we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Let’s join in the celebration on-site or online. Let’s gather for any of these remembrances!




*Because of COVID-19, events and activities may be changed

If you will join us on-site for any activities, we’d appreciate it if you’d sign up. Please click the button below and fill out the form on the next page. Be sure to let us know the number of people in your group.

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Christmas flowers (poinsettias)

Christmas poinsettias make our sanctuary beautiful.

You are invited to donate a poinsettia in remembrance of a loved one or simply to celebrate Christmas.

Sign up in the narthex/entry area or respond to this email by December 13th.

Cost is $7 payable by cash or check to Frieda Walkley.

Poinsettias may be taken home after Christmas Day worship on December 25th or the Sunday following Christmas.

Special Christmas Time Giving Opportunities

During the holiday season, you might think about ways to express your gratitude and serve the community around you. We are inviting you to join us in these opportunities again this year. 

The Tree of Warmth: 

  • New acceptable items include hats, gloves, and scarves

  • Donations will go to Dix Street, Washington Street elementary schools, and Kalamazoo Gospel Mission 

  • Donations will be accepted through January 3rd

The Giving Tree

  • Take a card from the tree

  • Purchase a gift

  • Return the unwrapped gift under the tree by December 17th. 

Christmas Bags for Kids

  • Small gifts bags will be handed out to the children that attend our Christmas services

  • Please donate small gifts for the bags such as candy, crayons, coloring books, Christmas cards, or ornaments. 

  • We usually give away about 25 bags. Please plan an appropriate number.

  • Drop off items in office by December 17th 



November/December is an important time at Peace to select future leaders. The nominating committee, council, and elders are all working to make sure the people God has equipped with gifts are serving in places and ways that will further the mission of God. 

Paul and Barnabas did this work as they traveled around according to Acts 14:23, “Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.” Paul told Titus to do this in Crete when he worked there. “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.” (Titus 1:5) From the Bible, we learn a number of things about local leaders: 

  • Elders, deacons, and other ministry workers should come from the local group. Every church should have people who can use God’s Word in people’s lives, whether they help students, young adults, or seniors. God’s people work together. 

  • People mature in the Word should select the next generation. Many people should have involvement. Still, we have good reasons to let our current leaders narrow the list of future leaders. 

  • Selecting leaders happens alongside spiritual practices - prayer, fasting, careful assessment of what is undone, and discipline 

We have proposed some new bylaws to go into effect February 2021. We recognize some of the current positions may change in the new year. However, every role will still be part of the Peace, even if it changes.

Please feel free to make suggestions for nominations to pastor or any of our council/elders over the next two months (Charlie Kling, Ron Miller, Terry Brower, Jon Ott, Shawn Gavan, Josh Gower).  You may offer yourself if you would like. 

We will look for people who show signs of gifts and developing spiritual maturity to lead God’s people. The use of individual gifts is more important than simply filling a role. As God blesses us, we hope to fill some of the following roles: elders, financial secretary, recording secretary, music coordinator, evangelism/outreach team, and education. 

One person provided some wise advice for selecting leaders: “Most churches make the mistake of electing the competent, the confident, and the successful; whereas what you really need is a man who has been broken by the knowledge of his own sin, and restored by an even greater knowledge of grace. That kind of elder (or other leader) can lead the congregation in being the chief repenter: repenting more quickly, more publicaly, more often and more deeply.” Please pray for all the current and future servant-leaders of Peace. 

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Bernie Winkel - health

  • Cousin of Lucyann Spencer and cousin’s mom - hospitalized with COVID

  • Our Christmas celebration and remembrance

Other notes

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078



Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Special Christmastime giving opportunities


Give and it will be given to you. A good measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:38

Dear friend,

Every Christmas we join in a few special giving opportunities. I’d like to invite you to join me again this year.

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Tree of Warmth

As temperatures continue to drop many people are in need of winter hats, gloves, and coats. The tree of warmth is up in the family center at church and warmly welcomes your donations through January 3rd.

New acceptable items include;

  • Hats

  • Gloves

  • Scarves

Donations will be given to:

  • Dix Street Elementary School

  • Washington Street Elementary School

  • Kalamazoo Gospel Mission

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Giving Tree

We are gathering gifts for a mother of two children connected to a women’s shelter in Allegan, Sylvia’s Place.

If you would like to give a gift for the family this Christmas, please do the following:

  • Look at the cards on the tree (either stop by the church or call the office so we can read them to you)

  • Take a card

  • Purchase the gift - if you have questions, please contact Jane Holewa at 269-680-9060

  • Return the unwrapped gift under the tree by December 17th with the tag on it. (if you want to drop it off outside of Peace's normal hours, please contact the office)

Christmas bags for Kids

We love to give children who attend our Christmas services small gifts for Christmas, especially emphasizing the meaning of Christmas. We invite you to help out with these small gifts.

Appropriate items that we could add to these gift bags might include:

  • Candy (a popular favorite!)

  • Ornaments

  • Crayons

  • Coloring books

  • Christmas cards

We usually give away about 25 Christmas bags for kids. Please plan to provide an appropriate number (if not enough for 25, perhaps a suggestion for the others).

Please drop items in office by December 17th.

Good news for Peace November 26, 2020


Because your love is better than life; my lips will glorify you. Psalm 63:3


Dear friend,

I pray you, your friends, and your family were blessed this Thanksgiving. I love the opportunity Thanksgiving give us to both feel grateful and to express gratitude.

Consider using your sense and expression of gratitude as a thermometer for your spiritual health. Time for a check up and a warm up? Join us for services and studies.

Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45, Wednesday at 6:30.

We had about 35 in the 9:00 am service and about 20 in the 10:45 last week.

  • If you have any symptoms, please stay home.

  • If you have been within 6’ of someone with COVID for 15 minutes, please stay home.

  • Please respect others on-site. Keep your distance.

  • The elderly and at risk should especially consider staying home.

  • Please wear a mask.

Whether you join me online, on site, or contact me (269-694-6104) for personal devotion and communion, do not give up God’s Word and Sacraments. I especially encourage those of you who have understandably stayed home for months, please get ahold of me to have God’s Word applied to you personally and get the Lord’s Supper.


Pastor Timmermann


Advent 2020

I invite you to engage in some healthy practices of rest and restoration this pre-Christmas season.


Advent means “coming”; it also means "expectation". It helps us develop a joyful expectation of Christ’s return. This Advent as you meditate on God’s Word, may he match the expectations of your heart to his own so that his return is nothing but the greatest bliss, joy, pleasure, and satisfaction for you.

There are also some great Advent devotions

  • Martin Luther College (the WELS college of ministry) has prepared Advent devotions on a Jesse tree. There are some copies available at church. (You can even subscribe via email))

  • Bread for Beggars has a beautiful couples devotion for Advent

  • Hymns and music for Advent

  • Concordia Publishing Counting to Christmas - Advent resource for children and families

  • Advent music playlist 

If you don’t have an Advent wreath, get one this year. Church will be glad to help you get a beautiful, simple Advent wreath for only $15. Email or call 269-694-6104

Christmas 2020


On Christmas we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Let’s join in the celebration - on-site or online.




*Because of COVID-19, events and activities may be changed

Christmas flowers

We don’t have a coordinator for Christmas flowers. Please speak with pastor.


November/December is an important time at Peace to select future leaders. The nominating committee, council, and elders are all working to make sure the people God has equipped with gifts are serving in places and ways that will further the mission of God. 

Paul and Barnabas did this work as they traveled around according to Acts 14:23, “Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.” Paul told Titus to do this in Crete when he worked there. “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.” (Titus 1:5) From the Bible, we learn a number of things about local leaders: 

  • Elders, deacons, and other ministry workers should come from the local group. Every church should have people who can use God’s Word in people’s lives, whether they help students, young adults, or seniors. God’s people work together. 

  • People mature in the Word should select the next generation. Many people should have involvement. Still, we have good reasons to let our current leaders narrow the list of future leaders. 

  • Selecting leaders happens alongside spiritual practices - prayer, fasting, careful assessment of what is undone, and discipline 

We have proposed some new bylaws to go into effect February 2021. We recognize some of the current positions may change in the new year. However, every role will still be part of the Peace, even if it changes.

Please feel free to make suggestions for nominations to pastor or any of our council/elders over the next two months (Charlie Kling, Ron Miller, Terry Brower, Jon Ott, Shawn Gavan, Josh Gower).  You may offer yourself if you would like. 

We will look for people who show signs of gifts and developing spiritual maturity to lead God’s people. The use of individual gifts is more important than simply filling a role. As God blesses us, we hope to fill some of the following roles: elders, financial secretary, recording secretary, music coordinator, evangelism/outreach team, and education. 

One person provided some wise advice for selecting leaders: “Most churches make the mistake of electing the competent, the confident, and the successful; whereas what you really need is a man who has been broken by the knowledge of his own sin, and restored by an even greater knowledge of grace. That kind of elder (or other leader) can lead the congregation in being the chief repenter: repenting more quickly, more publically, more often and more deeply.” Please pray for all the current and future servant-leaders of Peace. 

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • a meaningful Thanksgiving remembrance for us all after the difficulty of the last year

Other notes

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Thanksgiving 2020


Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

Psalm 34:8

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Thanksgiving 2020

“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Eph 5:19 - 20)

We’re celebrating Thanksgiving together on November 25th.

  • 6:30 pm on-site service (this service will NOT be streamed on Facebook or Youtube)

  • 7:00 pm online service on Zoom ONLY, not available on Facebook or Youtube

If you haven’t used Zoom before, it’s very similar to other video chat software. Here is a quick video if you’d like help.

Bring your kingdom thanksgivings that we can pray about and give thanks for this year. It’s been a tough year, but we still have plenty to give thanks for.

God be with you and a blessed Thanksgiving to you and your families!

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Good news for Peace November 18, 2020


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7


Dear friend,

Like you, we’ve seen the recent closings of schools and businesses. We’ve also seen the increase in cases.

We will continue to meet on site for worship

  • Sunday 9:00 am or 10:45

  • Wednesday night study at 6:30 pm, communion about 7:15

  • Communion Sundays (2nd and 4th) drive through communion after both services

We’d like to remind all our participants

We had about 35 in the 9:00 am service and about 20 in the 10:45 last week.

  • If you have any symptoms, please stay home.

  • If you have been within 6’ of someone with COVID for 15 minutes, please stay home.

  • Please respect others on-site. Keep your distance.

  • The elderly and at risk should especially consider staying home.

  • Please wear a mask.

Whether you join me online, on site, or contact me (269-694-6104) for personal devotion and communion, do not give up God’s Word and Sacraments. I especially encourage those of you who have understandably stayed home for months, please get ahold of me to have God’s Word applied to you personally and get the Lord’s Supper.


Pastor Timmermann

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Thanksgiving 2020

“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Eph 5:19 - 20)

I look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with you on November 26th.

  • 6:30 pm on-site devotion and prayers

  • 7:00 pm online devotion and prayers

Be sure to share the kingdom thanksgivings that we can pray about and give thanks for this year. It’s been a tough year, but we still have plenty to give thanks for.

Full details linked below.

Christmas flowers

We don’t have a coordinator for Christmas flowers. Please speak with pastor.

Advent 2020

Christmas 2020 will be different. It will still be a good chance to grow in waiting, hoping, and expecting.

There has never been a better chance to grow in practices of waiting and hoping for Jesus. A classic, beautiful practice is the use of an Advent wreath. Each week includes a candle to light and devotions.


If you don’t have an Advent wreath, get one this year. Church will be glad to help you get a beautiful, simple Advent wreath for only $15. Email or call 269-694-6104

We’ll have more for Advent in the coming weeks. Let’s get ready for the greatest gift!

Christianity Explored.png

The gospel, Jesus, and faith that brings life! 

This is the class for people who aren’t sure if they believe in Jesus, would like to know more about Christianity, or would like a more formal introduction to the Christian church.

The next session will start in February!

Bylaws updates

The council made this video to review the bylaws changes.

Please join us for our next Q & A session on December 1st 6:30 pm.

For all updates, please visit

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • The Hunt family - daughter Erika passed away after struggle with cancer

  • a meaningful Thanksgiving remembrance for us all after the difficulty of the last year

Other notes

I’m studying and you could try

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace November 11, 2020


What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Mark 8:36


Dear friend,

Have I experienced pain, loneliness, sadness, bitterness, anger, resentment, and maybe even despair lately?

Have I tasted community, joy, thanksgiving, gratitude, and hope?

These are just some of the questions we ask ourselves to see how our faith is doing. I’m concerned for many of us. We haven’t had the Lord’s Supper with others in a long time, we haven’t been together to apply God’s Word, we haven't forgiven and been forgiven.

We’ve lived through a lot of stress, anger, pain, and anxiety. We need the gospel shared by God’s people to strengthen us.

I'd like to make an expectation clear. I expect us all to pay at least some attention to our own spiritual health, to be aware of its strength and weakness. This is no different than the doctor, who expects you to know something about your health.

The other expectation is that you'll work on your spiritual health with good practices. Hear the gospel, receive the medicine of immortality (the Lord's Supper), forgive, and be forgiven.

We had about 35 in the 9:00 am service and about 20 in the 10:45 last week. There is plenty of space!

  • If you have any symptoms, please stay home.

  • If you have been within 6’ of someone with COVID for 15 minutes, please stay home.

  • Please respect others on-site and follow guidelines.

Love to have you!

Pastor Timmermann

Thanksgiving 2020.png

Thanksgiving 2020

“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Eph 5:19 - 20)

I look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with you. On November 25th, we’ll have a 6:30 pm on-site devotion and prayers. We’ll have 7:00 pm online devotion and prayers.

Be sure to share the kingdom thanksgivings that we can pray about and give thanks for this year. It’s been a tough year, but we still have plenty to give thanks for.

Full details linked below.

Advent 2020

Christmas 2020 will be different. It will still be a good chance to grow in waiting, hoping, and expecting.

There has never been a better chance to grow in practices of waiting and hoping for Jesus. A classic, beautiful practice is the use of an Advent wreath. Each week includes a candle to light and devotions.


If you don’t have an Advent wreath, get one this year. Church will be glad to help you get a beautiful, simple Advent wreath for only $15. Email or call 269-694-6104

We’ll have more for Advent in the coming weeks. Let’s get ready for the greatest gift!

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A big thank you to all the volunteers that helped on Saturday during Fall Work Day! We appreciate you!

Service Men and Women

Veterans Day gives us an opportunity to thank and support our veterans. If you know an active duty service person or a veteran you would like us to remember, please fill out this form or contact the office.

Christianity Explored.png

The gospel, Jesus, and faith that brings life! 

This is the class for people who aren’t sure if they believe in Jesus, would like to know more about Christianity, or would like a more formal introduction to the Christian church.

The next session will start in February!

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Sharon Ward and family - Rick passed

  • Judy Haugh - sick with pneumonia and COVID

Other notes

I’m studying and you could try

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace November 5, 2020


Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1


Dear friend,

I have to admit. I find it hard to wait for the gospel to have an effect.

I have made weekly visits to a local nursing home for the last four years (except for COVID). Another pastor did the same before me.

About a year and a half ago one couple asked me to provide funeral services. I had become their pastor.

This last week I shared the good news of the resurrection from the dead with their family and friends. They weren’t uncomfortable. I was just expressing a fairly new conviction - that people who believe in Jesus really do live eternally.

Christians bet all of eternity on the work of Jesus. It’s that bet we’ll consider these weeks - “The End”.

Whether you join me on-site or online, I look forward to worshiping with you.

We had about 35 in the 9:00 am service and about 7 in the 10:45 last week. If you'd like to keep the 10:45 service, this is the time to vote with your feet! If attendance remains low, we’ll cancel. There is plenty of space!

  • If you have any symptoms, please stay home.

  • If you have been within 6’ of someone with COVID for 15 minutes, please stay home.

  • Please respect others on-site and follow all guidelines, including mask-wearing.

Love to have you!

Pastor Timmermann

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Thank you to all the volunteers for Trunk or Treat!

We had approximately 100 kids visit us during Trunk or Treating. It was a blessing to see all the kids dressed up!

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Fall Work Day

Many hands make light work. Fall Work Day is Saturday, November 7th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Most work will be outdoor and distanced. We do have a few inside tasks that need to be completed. Please review the Work Day list to see where you can help and join us!


Staff and Volunteer Appreciation

“What are all these?”

  • Sign a thank you card

  • If you wish, drop off a small gift to say thanks for someone special

  • Be part of worship on-site or online on November 8th or 15th to thank your volunteer


Forward in Christ (and other subscriptions)

Our synod offers two main periodicals: Forward in Christ (a monthly magazine) and Meditations (a quarterly devotion booklet).

We help individuals who want to receive paper editions subscribe. We receive a discount that way. If you’d like to subscribe to either of these, now is the time. Please speak with pastor.

These periodicals are also available electronically.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Jeanne Myers’ uncle - hospitalized with COVID

  • the Peace family with COVID

  • Don Grubius, lost his wife Donna Grubius recently

  • Judy Haugh - hospitalized with COVID and pneumonia

  • Rick Ward - hospitalized with COVID and pneumonia

Other notes

  • November Christian Neighbors items are assorted fruits and juices (box for food in the family center

  • Bylaws updates are posted here - join pastor and Charles Kling for the next Q & A on November 16th, 6:30 pm on-site or online

I’m studying and you could try

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace October 30, 2020


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Mathew 11:28

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Dear friend,

Our spirits have all grown weary of politics, pandemics, and outrage.

We’re grateful that the people we know are recovering from their illnesses, including COVID.

We’re especially thankful for your respect for others - wearing a mask, your willingness to give people distance, avoid contact, good cleaning, and now fogging at church - while we worship the Lord and honor him. We can do both. Our souls need both. The world needs our love for God and our love for our neighbors.

The gospel means that “A Christian is lord of all, completely free of everything.” and “A Christian is a servant, completely attentive to the needs of all.” This weekend we get to celebrate this gospel message and the relationship it gives us to our neighbors.

If you’d like to dig into the impact of the Reformation, the “This Changed Everything” series is good. The first video is below.

We’ve also got a packet to review the Reformation that you can use!

We had about 15 in the 9:00 am service and about 10 in the 10:45 last week. About 6 Wednesday nights 6:30 study & Supper.

Obviously, there is plenty of space! If you have any symptoms, please stay home. Please respect others on site and follow all guidelines, including mask wearing.

If you choose to stay home or just can’t make it, be sure to join us online at either time!

Love to have you!

Pastor Timmermann


Restructuring (new bylaws)

The council introduced new bylaws to congregation at the meeting on Sunday.

This begins a process of review leading to adoption. We’ll offer multiple Q & A sessions.

  • November 3rd, 6:30 pm Q & A

  • November 16th, 6:30 pm Q & A

  • December 1st, 6:30 pm Q & A

  • December 6th, 12:00 pm Q & A

  • Vote January 31, 2021

If you’d like to join online, you may do so through Zoom each time:

Please consider attending a session or finding your own time for questions.

Individuals signed up for notices to the voters will receive electronic copies, or paper copies may be picked up this weekend. I remain thankful to the council for their work in this matter.

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Voters’ Meeting

The annual voters’ meeting was held on October 25th with an attendance of 11 people. Along with the discussion of our thankfulness for the ministry including three baptisms, the voters:

  • Approved a budget of $171,000

  • Approved the new facility use policy

  • Introduced the new bylaws

Please pick up a packet of information at the information center. Thank you for participating!

Fall Work Day

Many hands make light work. Fall Work Day is Saturday, November 7th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Most work will be outdoor and distanced. We do have a few inside tasks that need to be completed Please review the Work Day list to see where you can help and join us!

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Staff and Volunteer Appreciation

“What are all these?”

Thanks to everyone who started signing cards to thank our volunteers. Be sure to stop by some time and leave a note of thanks.

If you’d like to leave a small gift for someone else, please label it and drop it in the box. That way we can let them sit and give them a gift all at once!

Join me in worship on November 8th or 15th to thank our volunteers


Forward in Christ (and other subscriptions)

Our synod offers two main periodicals: Forward in Christ (a monthly magazine) and Meditations (a quarterly devotion booklet).

We help individuals who want to receive paper editions subscribe. We receive a discount that way. If you’d like to subscribe to either of these, now is the time. Please speak with pastor.

These periodicals are also available electronically.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Jeanne Myers’ uncle - hospitalized with COVID

  • the Peace family with COVID

  • Don Grubius, lost his wife Donna Grubius recently

Other notes

  • November Christian Neighbors items are assorted fruits and juices (box for food in the family center)

  • Want to donate candy for Trunk or Treat? We’re accepting candy in the box in the family center!

  • Steve Smith of Triune Music worked on the organ for a couple of hours this week

  • We could still use a few people as Trunk or Treat hosts. Outdoor only. Distanced. Please wear masks as appropriate.

I’m studying and you could try

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


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