Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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Hi all!

“The school has switched over to Times New Roman. That's the best font for all the languages, including Greek and Hebrew.” “Really? Not Palatino Linotype? It looks so much better and works for all the languages.” “I'm not going to stand here arguing fonts with you.”

That was one of the strangest legitimate arguments I think I've ever experienced. We argued about the best font. I'm grateful that the other person ended the argument. But I still think I was right. 🙂

That is far from the last time I wanted to be right. The latest? Wondering if I’m on the right side of the “long arc of history”.

Jesus experienced the same conflicts. Was he crazy, or was he right? People even said he had the devil!

Jesus has help for all of us who feel crazy. See you Sunday to find out!

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann

Maintenance Coordinator

We’re looking for a volunteer to take the lead and oversee our maintenance team to keep the facility clean and running well. The volunteer will need:

  • Flexible schedule

  • Average 1-3 Hours per week

  • Provide ongoing maintenance of all material onsite such as change furnace filters, replace light bulbs, etc.

  • Great at communication and organization

Full position requirements in the link below. If this sounds like something you are interested in please let pastor know. Thanks to the few people who asked about the work last week.

Ministry Meals 2021

We had great success and a lot of fun with our 2018 ministry meals. I’m looking forward to our 2021 meals and all the opportunities they will provide.

We’ve scheduled the meals for the coming months. Check out your date and time at the list below!

Ministry meals are opportunities to bring everyone in the congregation together. We enjoy a meal, stories, and hopes for our gospel work together. We schedule everyone for the meals for the ease of scheduling. If you’d like to change to a different meal, just let pastor know.

Devotions for prison ministry

Devotion materials (Meditations, Grace Moments, Portals of Prayer) that are not more than a year old may be donated for WELS Prison Ministry. Please put them in the box in the far corner of the fellowship hall/family center.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Pat Greene's brother Michael - surgery

Other notes (more ministry items)


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