Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praises. James 5:13

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Hi all!

What are 2 or 3 things in your life you’d like to see made right?

I find it easy to think of big problems “out there” I’d like to see made right. Hunger, water shortages, human trafficking, terrorism, and fascism.

I find it much harder to think of things in my life I’d like to see made right. It’s even harder to accept my part in the problems.

  • I’d like to work on isolation, but am I willing to experience the shame and embarrassment that comes first?

  • I’d like to improve my relationship with my wife, but am I willing to do the hard work of humility?

  • I’d like to be appropriately assertive, but that means admitting shortcomings and knowing what I want.

The list goes on. I’d like to work on problems.

Jesus wants to make things right. Make that happen Jesus.

See you Sunday at 9 or 10:30 (outdoors!)

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann


Communication Update

In our weekly newsletter, we offer

  • Spiritual counsel to add meaning to people's lives at this time and place

  • Events to build community

  • Service tasks to impact people.

We would love to reach as many people as possible through our weekly newsletter.

We’re going to work through an update process in the next few weeks. If you’ve subscribed to our weekly newsletter, we will be reaching out to you to confirm your contact information and communication preference is correct. If you have not subscribed, we’ll be inviting you to sign up.

If we can do anything for you during this process to communicate well, please contact us at or 269-694-6104.

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Maintenance Coordinator

Peace is looking for a volunteer maintenance coordinator beginning July 1st.

As a result of the recent bylaws changes, this position is no longer a council position. There are no monthly required meetings. Regularly communicate with pastor. Attend voters’ meetings.

We’re looking for a person to take the lead in maintaining and improving the facility. A good person for this job will have some mechanical or construction experience and more importantly, the ability to work with people.

For a complete job description, click below.

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Ministry Meals 2021

We had great success and a lot of fun with our 2018 ministry meals. I’m looking forward to our 2021 meals and all the opportunities they will provide.

We’ll be gathering people in the coming weeks for the meals.

For an introduction to the meals, please visit below.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • None at print time

Other notes (more ministry items)


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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

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