Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here I am send me!” Isaiah 6:8

Hi all!

“I don’t feel safe.” I’ve heard that plenty. I’ve probably even said it a few times.

This week we remember the message of Easter and the reality that Jesus sits on the throne. He asks for us to be safe. He may not give us the kind of safety we want right away, but it’s the safety we need.

Did you try out the Mother’s day kit? How did it work? Pastor would appreciate your feedback so we can do better next time.

Services Sunday at 9 and 10:45. Can’t wait to see you!

Pastor Timmermann

keyboard fundraising edit me.png

Fundraising for a digital keyboard

We have raised $570 so far! Please help us reach our $3,000 goal by:

  • Collect cans - donate aluminum cans and we’ll collect the proceeds!

  • Buy cupcakes - Lucyann Spencer (of Lucyann’s Custom Cakes) has graciously offered to donate all income from cupcake sales through May 14th. If you order now, she can bring them to Peace Sunday, May 16th. Lucyann's Custom Cakes ( (Regularly pick up only)

  • Buy swag - check out our new, fun line of Peace pieces. Customize to your taste! Peace in Otsego (

  • Donate - drop a check or designated cash in offering marked “keyboard” or “Power of Praise” or donate online. Be sure to change the account to “Power of Praise” Give — Peace (

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a good opportunity for us to honor the men and women who have given their lives for us. As a Christian church, we don’t invest in politics; we invest in people.

We’d like to hear your stories of men and women who have given their lives. We’ll gather these stories for the next few weeks and share, with permission, brief lines from these stories on Memorial Day.

I’d love to listen to these stories. Please get ahold of me (pastor) if you’ve got a story to share or drop one in the blue box in the entry area!


Christianity Explored

Begin praying and inviting friends to attend our next Christianity Explored class. This class is an opportunity to discuss questions and concerns for those curious about the claims of Jesus. It’s a great place to start if you’d like to make a profession of faith or be part of Peace’s congregation.

The next session starts on June 7th. More info and sign up by clicking below.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Judy Bolenbaugh

  • Larry Nitz

Other notes (more ministry items)

  • Christian Neighbors items for May are assorted box cereal and oatmeal

  • Pastor is looking for some candid pictures of people around the building for our website. If you have some or are willing to pose please let him know!

    Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • May 23, Student and Teacher recognition

  • May 30th 10:30 am Outdoor Worship begins

  • May 31, Memorial Day

    I’m studying and you could try

  • Sermons and studies on the “Unbelievable” nature of the Christian message Sermons — Peace (

  • Religion on Trial – Grace Evangelical Society (


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving