
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law. 

Galatians 5:22-23


Dear friend,

Most people I know have specific places where they feel or think they are assured of God’s grace. I talk to many people who would not consider the physical church building that place. Even though the physical church building means a lot to me, it is probably not my memorable place of grace.

That’s probably okay. This week we’re taking a look at Jacob. He had a memorable experience of God at a place called Bethel. He put up a marker there so he would never forget the place.

If you read in Genesis 25 to about 32, I think you can see that Genesis 28 is a pivot point in his life. Jacob experiences a profound change at that place and its good.

God’s Word this week just might be the pivot you (or your friends) need! See you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45.

If you missed last week, check out the sermon at


Pastor Timmermann

Certain Hope - Easter 2021

I’m convinced that we’ll need a lot of hope to get out of the pandemic, the tension, and the changes we’re experiencing right now. Let’s get together and get some hope!

Start talking to your friends and neighbors; make plans to join us this Easter! Pick up an invite card on-site to remind yourself and invite friends.

Easter services on Sunday, April 4th at 9:00 and 10:45!

Easter flowers.png

Easter flowers

To glorify God and emphasize the miracle of the resurrection we invite everyone to donate flowers for Easter. Flowers during Easter beautify the sanctuary and symbolize new hope, life, and beginnings. Many people donate these flowers to honor their memory of a loved one.

If you would like to donate flowers for Easter, please respond to this email and we’ll put you down on the list or sign up at church.

  • Lilies and tulips $9 each

  • Please pay Jeanne Ueck or Ann Kling by March 28th

We had a great time sledding last Sunday! We missed you.

We had a great time sledding last Sunday! We missed you.

Easter Egg Donations

Easter is quickly approaching and it’s time to start collecting candy for the Easter egg hunt. With 2,000 Easter eggs to fill we need your help. Please:

  • Purchase individually wrapped small candy (smarties are too big)

  • Place the candy in the designated tote in the office as soon as possible

Help install a wheelchair ramp

A contact from church needs a wheel chair ramp. Jon Ott has graciously offered one. He could use up to four people for to hours to install it this week. Please contact the church office if you can help.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Lenten repentance and renewal

  • Those confined to home so they can’t worship, especially during the pandemic - Phyllis Curtis, Judy Haugh, Walter Heinichen, Larry Hutchinson, Maxine Sandahl, Carlene White, Ray Winkel

Other notes

  • Christian Neighbors items for February are pasta noodles and sauce

  • We're looking for a lawnmower coordinator for this summer. For details click here. Please call the church office.

  • March ushers are Kart Wedge and Jason Hayes

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • February 28th 12 pm Catechism

  • March 28th Palm Sunday

  • April 1st 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday worship

I’m studying and you could try


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Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving