Good news for Peace for March 20th

Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,

“Human sexuality is something sacred to be stewarded”.

Opportunities to give grace are everywhere. The unhappy marriage, the emotional affair, pornography, no dates, ghosting to end relationships - every one of these situations is an opportunity for grace.

I’m not saying it will be easy.

But we have something broken hearts need. Grace. Good news. Release from obligations. Forgiveness. Removal of guilt. Approval in Jesus Christ.

Lord, give us strength to steward the sexuality of our friends and neighbors.

We enjoyed teaching on the 6th Commandment this past Sunday.

Some pastors and others in the WELS have been preparing some resources on sexuality in this age. Check out “MadeKnown” if you’re looking for help.

If you’re like me, that will lead you to repentance.

This week we’re finishing up the 6th Commandment. Let me encourage you to spend some time preparing

Friends, it will be good to get into this helpful study with you. May God work among us to lead us into new life.


Pastor T

Couple of other things:

  • Lawnmower coordinator - Thanks for looking to serve God’s people. Josh Gower and I are going to organize lawnmowing this summer.

  • Easter planning

  • Easter candy - we’re collecting individually wrapped Easter candies from now to Apirl 11th

WELS 175th Anniversary Celebration

Video Block
Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

Easter choir

You are welcome to join the Easter choir. We’ll practice March 30th, April 6th, and April 13th in order to sing on Sunday April 20th.

Budget review

The council is taking on a detailed, line by line review for the next step of good stewardship at Peace. We’re confident that there isn’t any misuse of funds, but we want to see if there are opportunities to better use our funds.

If you have any questions or suggestions as we go about this work, please pass them on. You can find the budget here.



March 21st 11:00 am Ladies Guild

March 21st 6:30 pm Bunco

March 2rd 9:30 am Service

March 23rd 10:45 Catechism

March 27th 6:30 pm Class for adults interested in making a public profession of faith with the people of God at Peace

March 29th 9:30 am Evangelism workshop

March 30th 9:30 am Service

March 30th 10:45 Catechism

April 1st 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

April 5th 9:30 am Door hanging

April 13th 9:30 am Palm Sunday service with processional

April 18th 6:30 pm Good Friday service

April 20th 9:30 am “Real Easter” service

May 18th 9:30 am End of Year celebration

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for March 13th

Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,

There is a limit to perfection, but God’s commands are boundless. (Psalm 119:96)

Amazing thought. God’s commands are even better than perfection.

We’re discovering that right now at Peace. Last week we studied the 4th Commandment. If you missed it,

If you’re like me, that will lead you to repentance.

This week we’re studying the 6th Commandment. Let me encourage you to spend some time preparing

Friends, it will be good to get into this helpful study with you. May God work among us to lead us into new life.


Pastor T

Couple of other things:

Holy Week

Let’s gather for Holy Week 2025 to walk with our Savior as he walks to the cross.

Palm Sunday April 13th 9:30 am entrance with palm processional

Maundy Thursday April 17th 6:30 pm with Lord’s Supper

Good Friday April 18th 6:30 pm Service of 7 Words and Darkness

Easter Sunday April 20th 9:30 am



March 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology: Jesus

March 16th 9:30 am Service

March 16th 10:45 Catechism

March 19th 6:30 pm Lent service

March 20th 6:30 pm Class for adults interested in making a public profession of faith with the people of God at Peace

March 21st 11:00 am Ladies Guild

March 23rd 9:30 am Service

March 23rd 10:45 Catechism

March 29th 9:30 am Evangelism workshop

April 5th 9:30 am Door hanging

April 20th 9:30 am “Real Easter” service

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for March 6th

Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,


A total change of beliefs and behavior.

This Lent we are considering repentance from two angles.

  • on Sundays we are looking at the 10 Commandments. Do we live according to God’s instruction? If not, let’s repent.

  • On Wednesdays, we are reflecting on the practice of repentance.

We had our first midweek Lenten service this past Wednesday night at 6:30 pm.

This Sunday we take our first look at the 10 Commandments. Let me encourage you to spend some time preparing

Friends, it will be good to get into this helpful study with you. May God work among us to lead us into new life.


Pastor T

Couple of other things:


We are working on replacing our printer.

We’re getting rid of the large printer/copier and downsizing to a small business printer/copier.

Please use the smaller Brother business printer/copier as much as you can. If you need help using it or installing drivers, please ask pastor.

We’ll have a few weeks of transition. During that time, we’ll have the big Ricoh printer/copier around in case we have problems.

Thanks for your help! Please speak with pastor if you have problems.

Ushers will be able to pick up service outlines on the pnew printer/copier tray.

Easter candy

We’re collecting donated Easter candy from now until April 6th for our Easter egg hunt. We’d like to collect about 400 pieces for our egg hunt!

If you would like to donate candy, please donate individually wrapped candies. Candy may be left in the box in the office.

We’ll stuff the eggs on April 11th!


Door Hanging - Save the date

We want to reconnect with the people physically around - the people of Otsego - Plainwell.

One way the Growth and Renewal Team would like to do this is by hanging door hangers and inviting people to Easter services as well as to reach out to us.

No talking necessary - hang and go :-)

Plan to be part on April 5th starting at 9:30!

We’d love to see 20% of our group of Christians participate.



March 9th 9:30 am Service

March 9th 10:45 Catechism

March 12th 6:30 pm Lent service

March 13th 12:00 pm Senior lunch

March 13th 6:30 pm Class for adults interested in making a public profession of faith with the people of God at Peace

March 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology: Jesus

March 16th 9:30 am Service

March 16th 10:45 Catechism

March 29th 9:30 am Evangelism workshop

April 5th 9:30 am Door hanging

April 20th 9:30 am “Real Easter” service

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Easter 2025 planning

Real Easter” - Easter planning

 I’m looking forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with you April 20th at 9:30 am.

March 9th until April 11th - donate Easter candy for egg hunt - goal is to collect about 400 pieces of individually wrapped small candies

April 5th - Door hanging - connect with community and invite to Easter

April 11th 10:00 am - Pack Easter eggs for Easter Egg Hunt

April 19th 9:30 am - set up for Easter lunch; set up Easter flowers

April 20th 9:30 am - service

April 20th 10:45 am - lunch and Easter egg hunt, Easter animals

April 20th 12:00 pm - Easter clean up - need team

Other notes

  • Easter flowers can be given BY you (we aren’t buying flowers) and brought in during the week before the service. We love to have Easter flowers and would appreciate if you would donate a lilly, hydrangea, tulip, or other Easter appropriate flower.

  • Lunch clean up - need a crew of 5-6 set in advance to clean up

  • Easter baskets for the community are getting prepped to give away. Sign up to come

Here is what we need

Gifts for the Gospel: Pledges 2025

Gifts for the Gospel: Pledges

Friends, we’re encouraging everyone to be part of our pledge process for 2025.

What is this pledge?

A pledge is a commitment to do something. In this case, we’re committing to offerings.

God calls us to offer him our best in thanks and praise for all he has done. We do that together at Peace through offerings. We are providing this pledge process so that we can all consider our gifts and offerings.

We’re offered a two sided card you can fill out here or on site for this pledge. Download pledge card here

How do we complete these pledges?

Christians have generally followed the practice of proportional giving. What that means is we look at our income and we give a portion of it to the Lord. In the Old Testament era, this amount was often 10% and occasionally exceeded 10%. Jesus never gave a portion. The apostle Paul simply said, “Give in proportion to your income”.

We practice proportional giving instead of needs based giving or random giving. Our offerings are our firstfruits.

The provided card is set up to lead participants through proportional giving. The back of the card lists the percentages (1-12%) for certain local incomes. Using this table, you can select a pledge amount that works for you. Or write in your own!

Turn in the card in the basket on site so they can be offered to the Lord on March 2nd.

When is this pledge process?

We’ve started it now. Pledges should be turned in by March 2nd. We’ll present them as an offering to the Lord that day.

What will we do with these pledges?

These pledges will be used to compare with budgeted giving, but council and the pastor will NOT see individual amounts.

Visit or call 269-694-6104

Lawnmower Coordinator

Lawnmower coordinator

We’re looking for someone to help coordinate the lawn mowing around the church this summer.


We’re looking for someone to take the lead in coordinating lawn mowers. A good person for this job will love Jesus, be committed to bringing people the gospel, want a good looking site to use as a base for ministry, and understand a little about mowing large sites.


  • Volunteer lawn mower coordinator

  • Reports to pastor

  • Flexible schedule, requires an hour on average per week for the summer


  • Make sure the grass gets mowed and cared for (trimmed, watered?) in a timely manner

  • Able to organize people and schedule

  • Able to communicate with people about tasks and duties


  • Schedule individuals to mow the lawn as needed

  • Train individuals to mow

  • manage schedule changes and adjustments

Visit or call 269-694-6104

Good news for Peace for February 27th

Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,

Hey, we made it! This Sunday, March 2nd, I will install Pastor Timothy Johnson as the new resident pastor at St John’s in Sturgis. Then I will be officially done!

I won’t gloss over the situation by saying we’ve thrived along the way. I know I noticed how much didn’t get done. I feel badly about that. I pray that God turns us around and leads us to good gospel ministry.

Thank you for your support and participation along the way. I hope the Lord has been at work in your life in this challenge to let you live as a Christian in some new ways. Let me know how!

See you all soon.

Gifts for the Gospel: Pledges

Friends, we’re encouraging everyone to be part of our pledge process for 2025.

What is this pledge?

A pledge is a commitment to do something. In this case, we’re committing to offerings.

God calls us to offer him our best in thanks and praise for all he has done. We do that together at Peace through offerings. We are providing this pledge process so that we can all consider our gifts and offerings.

We’re offered a two sided card you can fill out here or on site for this pledge. Download pledge card here

How do we complete these pledges?

Christians have generally followed the practice of proportional giving. What that means is we look at our income and we give a portion of it to the Lord. In the Old Testament era, this amount was often 10% and occasionally exceeded 10%. Jesus never gave a portion. The apostle Paul simply said, “Give in proportion to your income”.

We practice proportional giving instead of needs based giving or random giving. Our offerings are our firstfruits.

The provided card is set up to lead participants through proportional giving. The back of the card lists the percentages (1-12%) for certain local incomes. Using this table, you can select a pledge amount that works for you. Or write in your own!

Turn in the card in the basket on site so they can be offered to the Lord on March 2nd.

When is this pledge process?

We’ve started it now. Pledges should be turned in by March 2nd. We’ll present them as an offering to the Lord that day.

What will we do with these pledges?

These pledges will be used to compare with budgeted giving, but council and the pastor will NOT see individual amounts.

P.S. We gather as God’s people at 9:30 on Sunday morning. Prepare by reading and studying Luke 9:28-36. What glimpses of glory has the Lord given you?

Lent starts March 5th at 6:30.

Find more at

“Real Easter” - Easter planning

 I’m looking forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with you April 20th at 9:30 am.

Here is a little plan for the day:

  • Service 9:30 am

  • Lunch following will be breakfast sandwiches for a sit or stand meal

  • Easter flowers can be given BY you (we aren’t buying flowers) and brought in during the week before the service. We love to have Easter flowers and would appreciate if you would donate a lilly, hydrangea, tulip, or other Easter appropriate flower.

  • Easter baskets for the community are getting prepped to give away

  • Easter invites will be hung on local doors April 5th and are available at the next steps table; also online

Here is what we need


Door Hanging - Save the date

We want to reconnect with the people physically around - the people of Otsego - Plainwell.

One way the Growth and Renewal Team would like to do this is by hanging door hangers and inviting people to Easter services as well as to reach out to us.

No talking necessary - hang and go :-)

Plan to be part on April 5th starting at 9:30!

We’d love to see 20% of our group of Christians participate.

Lawnmower coordinator

We’re looking for someone to help coordinate the lawn mowing around the church this summer.


We’re looking for someone to take the lead in coordinating lawn mowers. A good person for this job will love Jesus, be committed to bringing people the gospel, want a good looking site to use as a base for ministry, and understand a little about mowing large sites.


Volunteer lawn mower coordinator

Reports to pastor (no maintenance coordinator currently)

Flexible schedule, requires an hour on average per week for the summer


Make sure the grass gets mowed and cared for (trimmed, watered?) in a timely manner

Able to organize people and schedule

Able to communicate with people about tasks and duties


Schedule individuals to mow the lawn as needed

Train individuals to mow

manage schedule changes and adjustments


March 2nd 9:30 am Service

March 2nd 10:45 am Catechism

March 4th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

March 5th 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday service

March 9th 9:30 am Service

March 9th 10:45 Catechism

March 12th 6:30 pm Lent service

March 13th 12:00 pm Senior lunch

March 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology: Jesus

March 29th 9:30 am Evangelism workshop

April 5th 9:30 am Door hanging

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for February 20th

Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,

You have probably heard some concern in the news lately (if you read or watch) about "Lutheran" services that receive government funding and have come under criticism of the current administration. I'm not going to link to those reports; you can search things like "Lutheran services" and "illegal payments" if you want to see more.

I'm not defending or criticizing that action.

In case you don't know, our synod, the Wisconsin Evnagelical Lutheran Synod, has generally had the practice of not accepting government funds for work. This is not a specific doctrine (ie, we don’t think it is explicitly taught by God in the Bible), but it is a religious or spiritual belief. In the Bible we often see that the government supported the work of the church or even that the church and the government were one and the same. We are in a different position today. We have decided to not accept government funds for ministry because we believe in the two kingdoms, we live by the separation of church and state, and we think it is practical. we

In order to provide some assurance, I’ve placed the synod’s statement of income and expenses below. You can see the funding sources there. I’m familiar with all these funding sources. Admittedly, statements are hard to read and money can be hidden. We have been assured that we are not receiving any funds multiple times. For example, here is a statement from our synod's president.

This has usually been the practice of our churches and schools. On occasion, school choice and local aid partnerships might affect this practice.

Peace has not accepted government funding although we accepted the PPP loan during COVID.

The gospel is truly good news. It turns the world the upside down - the rich are made poor, and the poor become rich; the generous are blessed, and the hoarders are woe-d; the pure and innocent are strengthened, and the corrupt are weakened.

Be part of a local congregation. Know what is going on.

Valentines for All

Thanks to Joan Retberg, Roger and Cindy Commissaris, Jeanne Myers, and Kart and Shelly Wedge for the nice Valentines gathering they put on for us! Great games!

Meditations - Subscriptions

Our devotional magazine “Meditations” is available by print subscription. Sign up at the next steps table!

Gifts for the Gospel: Pledges

Friends, we’re encouraging everyone to be part of our pledge process for 2025.

What is this pledge?

A pledge is a commitment to do something. In this case, we’re committing to offerings.

God calls us to offer him our best in thanks and praise for all he has done. We do that together at Peace through offerings. We are providing this pledge process so that we can all consider our gifts and offerings.

We’re offered a two sided card you can fill out here or on site for this pledge. Download pledge card here

How do we complete these pledges?

Christians have generally followed the practice of proportional giving. What that means is we look at our income and we give a portion of it to the Lord. In the Old Testament era, this amount was often 10% and occasionally exceeded 10%. Jesus never gave a portion. The apostle Paul simply said, “Give in proportion to your income”.

We practice proportional giving instead of needs based giving or random giving. Our offerings are our firstfruits.

The provided card is set up to lead participants through proportional giving. The back of the card lists the percentages (1-12%) for certain local incomes. Using this table, you can select a pledge amount that works for you. Or write in your own!

Turn in the card in the basket on site so they can be offered to the Lord on March 2nd.

When is this pledge process?

We’ve started it now. Pledges should be turned in by March 2nd. We’ll present them as an offering to the Lord that day.

What will we do with these pledges?

These pledges will be used to compare with budgeted giving, but council and the pastor will NOT see individual amounts.

Lent starts March 5th at 6:30.

Find more at

“Real Easter” - Easter planning

 I’m looking forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with you April 20th at 9:30 am.

Here is a little plan for the day:

  • Service 9:30 am

  • Lunch following will be breakfast sandwiches for a sit or stand meal

  • Easter flowers can be given BY you (we aren’t buying flowers) and brought in during the week before the service. We love to have Easter flowers and would appreciate if you would donate a lilly, hydrangea, tulip, or other Easter appropriate flower.

  • Easter baskets for the community are getting prepped to give away

  • Easter invites will be hung on local doors April 5th and are available at the next steps table; also online

Here is what we need

Security Team

The congregation has been investigating a formal security team at Peace for about three years.

Though the process, the council has realized that we don't have the resources to pursue this team at this point.

We have learned for example that any armed security team requires each individual to carry liability insurance and the congregation to carry liability insurance. It is impossible to guarantee that we can get that insurance, and in the current church insurance climate, we can't take the risk. The congregation will also have to have regular training and oversight of any team, and that would be difficult.

We realize this realization might not sit well with some. If you want to give the council any feedback, please reach out to pastor at 269-694-6104.

Peace will continue to do what we can to keep us all safe when we gather together. Ultimately we trust ourselves to the Lord and we remain vigilant against the evil we regularly face.


The congregation previously decided to dispose of the modular. The modular is starting to break down and we wanted to deal with it before it becomes unusable.

There has been no interest to take it.

The council has decided to stop working on this issue for now so that we can focus on the pressing issue of revitalizing the congregation.

If you or someone you know would like to inquire about the modular, please reach out to the office 269-694-6104. Thanks!


We function with four individuals on our council: a president, vice-president/treasurer, recording secretary and an elder.

Three positions - president, vice-president/treasurer, and Secretary are required by our bylaws to comply with state law.

The congregation was unable to elect a vice-president for the year.

In order to satisfy the bylaws and state law, the council appointed Terry Brower to the title of vice-president. He will not carry out the duties of the position, but if need arises he will have the position/title.


February 21st 6:30 pm Bunco

February 23rd 9:30 am Service

February 23rd 10:45 Catechism

March 4th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

March 5th 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday Lenten service and snacks

March 15th 9:30 am Christianity Explored

March 17th 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Real Easter - Easter 2025

Real Easter

Peeps. Crème filled eggs. Chocolate.

Bunnies. Chicks. Lambs.

Lilies. Tulips. Daffodils.

They’re all fun things that are part of spring. But they actually take us back to the real Easter.
While the religions of the East speak of dissolving into the ocean of being, and while Islam and the Christian cults portray an otherworldly future, the Bible promises resurrection. This is different. It’s this life laid hold of and turned around. Resurrection is Jesus taking us through the valley of the shadow and out into a happily ever after, complete with best wedding ever. Without Jesus, life ends with a funeral. With him, there is a never-ending feast.

Celebrate Jesus’ victory with us on April 20th at 9:30 am.

Lunch and fun after!

Visit or call 269-694-6104

Reflections on Repentance - Lent 2025

“Reflections on Repentance: Lent 2025”

“The Lord is not slow to do what he promised. . . . Instead, he is patient for your sakes, not wanting anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

Luther began his famous debate theses noting that Scripture’s call to repentance is intended as a way of life.

Using David’s great penitential Psalm 51, penned following his affair with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah, this series of Lenten reflections explores the depths of our sinful depravity, the brokenness of our relationship with God, our dire need for rescue, and the good news of forgiveness, cleansing, and rejoicing in our restored relationship with God and the promise of eternal life through Jesus our Savior.

March 5 “Realizing Our Need for Repentance” Psalm 51:Heading, 1-2

March 12 “Remembering God’s Perfect Demands” Psalm 51:6

March 19 “Recognizing Against Whom We Sin” Psalm 51:3-4

March 26 “Revealing Our Sinful Nature” Psalm 51:5

April 2 “Relying on God’s Grace” Psalm 51:7

April 9 “Removing Our Guilt” Psalm 51:8-9

We’re enjoying snacks after the Lenten services. Please sign up at the next steps table to bring snacks one week!

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for February 14th

Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,

Happy Valetine’s Day Friends!

10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

13 This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

Christian Theology

What do Christians believe about Jesus? He is the most divisive character in history.
Join me February 15th at 9:30 for our next talk in our Christian Theology series.

Valentines for All

Everyone is welcome to a “Valentines for All” celerbation Sunday February 16th after service.

Share the Love!

There will be a pancake breakfast, games for everyone, and win a goodie at the cakewalk!

This is a community event, so invite your friends! Plus, we do need items brought in like cakes, pies, cookies, candy or snack trays for the cakewalk. Just bring them to the kitchen next week.

“Reflections on Repentance: Lent 2025”

“The Lord is not slow to do what he promised. . . . Instead, he is patient for your sakes, notwanting anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). Luther began his famous debate theses noting that Scripture’s call to repentance is intended as a way of life. Using David’s great penitential Psalm 51, penned following his affair with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah, this series of Lenten reflections explores the depths of our sinful depravity, the brokenness of our relationship with God, our dire need for rescue, and the good news of forgiveness, cleansing, and rejoicing in our restored relationship with God and the promise of eternal life through Jesus our Savior.

March 5 “Realizing Our Need for Repentance” Psalm 51:Heading, 1-2

March 12 “Remembering God’s Perfect Demands” Psalm 51:6

March 19 “Recognizing Against Whom We Sin” Psalm 51:3-4

March 26 “Revealing Our Sinful Nature” Psalm 51:5

April 2 “Relying on God’s Grace” Psalm 51:7

April 9 “Removing Our Guilt” Psalm 51:8-9

We’re serving snacks after the Lenten services. Please sign up at the next steps table to bring snacks one week!

“Real Easter” - Easter planning

 I’m looking forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with you April 20th at 9:30 am.

Here is a little plan for the day:

  • Service 9:30 am

  • Lunch following will be breakfast sandwiches for a sit or stand meal

  • Easter flowers can be given BY you (we aren’t buying flowers) and brought in during the week before the service. We love to have Easter flowers and would appreciate if you would donate a lilly, hydrangea, tulip, or other Easter appropriate flower.

  • Easter baskets for the community are getting prepped to give away

  • Easter invites will be hung on local doors April 5th and are available at the next steps table; also online

Here is what we need


February 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology: Jesus Christ

February 16th 9:30 Service

February 16th 10:45 Catechism

February 16th 10:45 Valentines for All

February 21st 6:30 pm Bunco

February 23rd 9:30 am Service

February 23rd 10:45 Catechism

March 5th 6:30 Ash Wednesday Lenten service and snacks

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for February 6th

Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,

Numerous members have received contacts this week claiming to be pastor and asking for money - usually gift cards.

These have all been scam attempts.

From the images below, you can see a couple of things.

  1. First, the main thing is that the email address looks similar ( but isn’t identical to my business address: Be sure to check the sender address.

  2. Second, note how these contacts don’t include names or small talk. Remember, I know you and like you. We have a real relationship and serve real people.

  3. Third, these are requests for gift cards, specifically Amazon cards. We use gift cards to give aid to individuals at times, but church buys them. We don’t give people money on Amazon. We give groceries and gas.

I apologize for these emails, but more, I regret that I can’t stop them. I have no control over these addresses. All I can do is ask you to be careful and stay in contact with me. Then you’ll know the difference between the real and the fake.

Here are a couple of tips to watch out for social engineering:

  1. Use Peace’s business email - or - and business phone - 269-694-6104. Those are official means of contact that are regulated by official policies. Pastor and other representatives of Peace will use these to contact you.

  2. Give offerings and gifts to Peace through our official and legal means - the offering plate, online at Don’t give other ways.

  3. Feel free to double check contacts with pastor any time.

Voters’ Summary

Thank you to those who attended our annual meeting this last weekend. Please let me share a few updates with you.

  • A big thank you to those who have agreed to serve in 2025.
    2025 Church Council and Others
    The nominating committee recently completed its work and the voters confirmed the nominations.
    The following people are representing the congregation on the Church Council in 2025:
        President: Josh Gower
        Vice - president: Vacant
        Secretary: Michael Grimm
        Elder: Terry Brower
    Other key positions in the congregation include:
       Finanicial Secretary: Ralph Holewa, Helga Harris (Assistant)
        Bookkeeper: Andy Winter    
        Maintenance Coordinator: Roger Commissaris
        Musicians: Cindy Commissaris, Helga Harris, Angela Grimm, Pastor Timmermann, Ellise Wedge

  • The first key issue we’re addressing in 2025 is a vacancy on the council as our vice-president. This person oversees our facility, finances, HR, etc. This is a director level position required by the State of MI.    

  • Second, we ended 2024 with a small deficit and are expecting a larger one in 2025. Please help us address this.

Suggestions? Questions? Contact the office at 269-694-6104.

What do Christians believe about Jesus? He is the most divisive character in history.
Join me February 15th at 9:30 for our next talk in our Christian Theology series.

Valentines for All

Everyone is welcome to a “Valentines for All” celebration Sunday February 16th after service.

Share the Love!

There will be a pancake breakfast, games for everyone, and win a goodie at the cakewalk!

This is a community event, so invite your friends! Plus, we do need items brought in like cakes, pies, cookies, candy or snack trays for the cakewalk. Just bring them to the kitchen next week.

Picture Board

Got a fun picture from your time at Peace?

Add it to the picture board.

February 8th 9:30 am Budgeting and Financial Assessment Workshop

February 9th 9:30 Service

February 9th 9:30 No catechism

February 13th 12:00 Senior luncheon

February 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology

February 16th 9:30 Service

February 16th 10:45 Catechism

February 16th Valentines for All

March 5th 6:30 Lenten service and snacks

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for January 31th

Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,

A big thank you to Tom Wright for his work last week. If you missed him, check it out here.

Do you see the spiritual warfare we’re in? It’s a struggle to believe and behave. If you want to understand the nature of spiritual temptation these days, I invite you to check out CS Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters. They are one of the best modern descriptions of the antispiritual life. Check out a summary here. or here

Review of ministry in 2024

I'm taking stock of 2024. As we roll into the new year, I and the rest of the council summarize our 2024 ministry and then begin the process to see what to do next. Here are some highlights from 2024:

  • Our most attended service was Christmas Eve and Easter!

  • We saw the most guests at Christmas Eve

  • We added one new musician to our team (Angela) and Ellise and Noah are learning

  • We gave $150,xxx worth of gifts to support gospel ministry through Peace

  • Our most watched videos of the year was our sermon encouraging “Confess”! followed by our Thanksgiving message “Thankful for you”

One matter that was quite hard in 2024 was our financial situation. Together, things got better. For more, check out this financial summary

Pastor T is glad to join you and lead you in God's work, help you share the gospel, and serve you with God's Word. If you would like prayers, would like to study God’s Word more carefully, or want to share the gospel with others, please reach out to him. We’re glad to do God’s work together!


Christmas with the Chosen: Holy Night

We'd love to invite you to wrap up the Christmas season with a beautiful Christmas movie: Christmas with the Chosen.

The movie is free at our local theater M89 Cinema on February 2 at 3:00 pm.

Friends, family, and neighbors are all welcome!

Come take one last look at the Real Christmas!

Easter planning

Planning for Easter festivities will take place at Team and Task Time on February 4th at 6:30 pm. Come help our congregation welcome the community this important festival - the resurrection of Jesus!

Financial workshop for budgeting/financial planning in 2025

Did you do a budget or financial assessment last week? Here they are again if you didn’t!

If you want encouragement or accountability, we are holding a “Budgeting and Financial Assessment Seminar” on February 8th at 9:30 am. Come meet up with us, work on your budget, and plan your finances for the new year!

Let’s honor God with our assets in 2025.


Valentines for All

Everyone is welcome to a “Valentines for All” celebation Sunday February 16th after service. Let’s enjoy pancakes, cakewalk, fellowship, and games for all. Be sure to invite people who miss out on Valentines!

Please bring a dessert for the cakewalk!

Annual Meeting

Information is starting to be released for the voters’ meeting on Sunday February 2nd after service. Voters, please plan to attend!

February 2nd 9:30 Service

February 2nd No Catechism

February 2nd 10: 45 Voters’ Meeting

February 2nd 3:00 pm “Christmas with the Chosen” @ M89 Cinema

February 4th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

February 8th 9:30 am Budgeting and Financial Assessment Seminar

February 9th 9:30 Service

February 9th 9:30 No catechism

February 13th 12:00 Senior luncheon

February 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for January 23rd

Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,

Thank you for all your gifts in 2024!

Together we gave about $150K worth of gifts in support of gospel ministry. Whether you think that is a lot or a little, those are generous gifts given to honor our Lord and to spread the gospel of Jesus in Plainwell, Otsego, and beyond.

Our gifts did just that. We didn’t give them for our own honor. We aren’t driving fancy cars, enjoying crazy parties, or buying fun toys.

We are spreading the gospel. More than 30 guests and visitors heard the gospel with us on Christmas Eve. Over the whole year, more than 50 heard the gospel from us. We teach 15 kids about Jesus and his saving work each work. We forgive repentant sinners; we confront arrogant sinners. Jesus builds his kingdom by his work.

Thank you for your gifts and your partnership. We’ll share more about our work in the coming weeks. For now, thank you!


Christmas with the Chosen: Holy Night

We'd love to invite you to wrap up the Christmas season with a beautiful Christmas movie: Christmas with the Chosen.

The movie is free at our local theater M89 Cinema on February 2 at 3:00 pm.

Friends, family, and neighbors are all welcome!

Come take one last look at the Real Christmas!

Financial seminar for budgeting/financial planning in 2025

Did you do a budget or financial assessment last week? Here they are again if you didn’t!

If you want encouragement or accountability, we are holding a “Budgeting and Financial Assessment Seminar” on February 8th at 9:30 am. Come meet up with us, work on your budget, and plan your finances for the new year!

Let’s honor God with our assets in 2025.


Valentines for All

Everyone is welcome to a “Valentines for All” celerbation Sunday February 16th after service. Let’s enjoy pancakes, cakewalk, fellowship, and games for all. Be sure to invite people who miss out on Valentines!

Annual Meeting

Information is starting to be released for the voters’ meeting on Sunday February 2nd after service. Voters, please plan to attend!

January 26th 9:30 Service

January 26th 10:45 No Catechism

February 2nd 9:30 Service

February 2nd 10: 45 Voters’ Meeting

February 2nd 3:00 pm “Christmas with the Chosen” @ M89 Cinema

February 4th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

February 8th 9:30 am Budgeting and Financial Assessment Seminar

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Voters' meeting notes February 2nd 2025


Hello friends of Peace,

Our annual voters’ meeting will take place on February 2nd at 10:45 am. All members are welcome to attend; voting members should attend.

Voting members will conduct the business.

Voting members are those who have signed the constitution prior to the meeting. Please speak with Pastor if you need to do so.

This presentation overviews the meeting and orients you to the current situation. It is in the process of being updated.

Our main focus at these meetings is to review our 2024 ministry and take actions for ministry in 2025. We’ll review

All members of Peace may sign up to receive regular notices regarding our gospel work at


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for January 17th

Seeking Nominations

Paul and Barnabas traveled and appointed leaders in the churches (see Acts 14:23). “Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.” Paul told Titus to appoint leaders in Crete when he worked there. “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.” (Titus 1:5) From the Bible, we learn …

  • to have local elders or leaders of various sorts

  • Elders, deacons and other ministry workers should come from the local group. Every church should have people who can use God’s Word in people’s lives, whether they help students, young adults, or seniors. God’s people work together.

  • People mature in the Word should select the next generation. Many people should have involvement.

  • Selecting leaders happens alongside spiritual practices – prayer, fasting, careful assessment of what is undone, and discipline

Currently our nominating committee is seeking qualified men for certain positions. If they contact you, please prayerfully consider serving and contact pastor.

The people of Peace are also welcome to make nominations. Please contact pastor or our congregational chairman. You may nominate yourself if you would like. 

We will look for people who show signs of gifts and developing spiritual maturity to lead God’s people. The use of individual gifts is more important than simply filling a role.

One person provided some wise advice for selecting leaders: “Most churches make the mistake of electing the competent, the confident, and the successful; whereas what you really need is a man who has been broken by the knowledge of his own sin, and restored by an even greater knowledge of grace. That kind of elder (or other leader) can lead the congregation in being the chief repenter: repenting more quickly, more publicly, more often and more deeply.” Please pray for all the current and future servant-leaders of Peace.

Qualifications for our elected positions are as follows:

  • Must not be a new convert; some spiritual maturity

  • Voting member

  • Male, in good standing

Positions open for nomination

For the 2025 calendar year, the following positions are open for nomination:

  • Vice-president/treasurer - responsible for oversight of the facility and finances, fills in for president - no nominee

  • Maintenance coordinator - responsible for coordinating the upkeep of the facility - Roger Commissaris nominated

  • Elder (not council) - responsible for the spiritual health of the congregation - Joe Olivares nominated

  • Music coordinator - responsible for assisting pastor in coordinating music for our services - no nominees

We’d love to partner with you in any of these areas. For the whole team, visit Team – Peace Lutheran Church (

Christmas with the Chosen: Holy Night

We'd love to invite you to wrap up the Christmas season with a beautiful Christmas movie: Christmas with the Chosen.

The movie is free at our local theater M89 Cinema on February 2 at 3:00 pm.

Friends, family, and neighbors are all welcome!

Come take one last look at the Real Christmas!

Consider My Financial Life in the New Year

As you head into the new year, let me encourage you and provide some help if I can with regard to your finances. Finances are important to us all. We feel pressure due to inflation. We experience changes in income. We might face new costs and expenses.

There are too many little things to consider when it comes to good financial practices. If you want someone to talk to, feel free to ask. We can commiserate together (and I might be able to point you in a helpful direction). We’ll do a “Financial Peace University” seminar again soon. You can learn more there.

Let me encourage you to take careful stock of your financial position and see how you are giving your best to the Lord. God tells us a lot about money and finances. Here are two resources that might help you as you consider your financial position and generosity in 2025.

If either of those things help you, I’m glad. Let me know if I can do more for you!

Merger Investigation Team

The congregation through the voters decided to investigate the possibility of a merger.

So far, the council has asked 4 people to serve in this capacity - Marc and Amy Nelson, Paul and Joan Retberg.

The team is beginning its work shortly. We’d be happy have one more individual if you’d like to join. Please contact pastor.

Growth and Renewal Team

The congregation is also pursing Growth and Renewal through the Growth and Renewal Team.

The Growth and Renewal Team currently looks to be composed of Douglas Olivares, Kart Wedge, Dave Keller, Macayla Wright, and Rhonda Wilson; perhaps a few others will join.

This team too is looking to begin its work shortly. We’d be happy to have one or two more individuals if you’d like to join. Please contact pastor.


January 17th 11:00 am Ladies Guild

January 18th 9:30 Christian Theology: Christology

January 19th 9:30 Service

January 19th 10:45 Catechism

February 2nd 10: 45 Voters’ Meeting

February 2nd 3:00 pm “Christmas with the Chosen” @ M89 Cinema

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for December 21

Merry Real Christmas!

Christmas is in full swing at Peace, and we’re working with you to live a Real Christmas.

A big thank you to Jeanne Myers and the rest of the team who helped us all take a Journey to Bethlehem this past Sunday. We got to explore the first Christmas world - the Real Christmas. If you’d like, you can still come and take a walk through displays set up in the style of 1st century Bethlehem.

Christmas continues this Sunday December 22nd at 9:30 am. Our students will share the Christmas message. Super great!

We’d love to enjoy the Real Christmas and have a moment of creativity in the chaos on Christmas Eve, December 24th at 5:00 pm.

Last, we’ll be filled with the desires of life on Christmas Day, December 25th at 9:30 am.

I hope we get to see you and share in this real Christmas with you.

In Jesus,

Pastor T

PS Be sure to grab a Christmas sticker and stick it in your stuff to share the Real Christmas!

Crazy Christmas Cookies!

As part of our Christmas celebration, we’re having a cookie sharing event. December 24th after service.

You can bring cookies. Eat cookies. And take cookies.

All in packages of a dozen.

Everyone (really everyone) is welcome to come and take cookies. If you can, bring some cookies. You don’t have to bring as many as you take or take as many as you bring. For example, bring a dozen to eat with friends; leave three dozen for someone else and take two dozen.

Enjoy some Christmas treats with your loved ones.

Special Christmastime Giving

Gifts for the Giving Tree need to be back by Sunday December 22nd at the latest. The Tree of Warmth will be up to Sunday January 5th. Christmas treats for the kids (small oranges (cuties), Christmas cards, coloring books, crayons, activity books, and individually wrapped candy) should be in by this Sunday December 22nd. If you would like to make a gift to pastor with the rest of the congregation, that gift should also be given by December 22nd. Simply put it in the plate or give online ( marked “staff gift” or “pastor gift”.

The last day for 2024 gifts to support the gospel ministry of Peace is December 29th. Please consider supporting the gospel ministry. Our goal is to raise an extra $15K to cover expenses.


December 22nd 9:30 am Children’s Christmas Service

December 24th 5:00 pm Christmas Eve service

December 25th 9:30 am Christmas Day service

December 29th 9:30 am Sunday service

January 5th 9:30 am Hymn sing/song servce

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for December 12

Real Christmas

Christmas is in full swing at Peace, and we’re working with you to live a Real Christmas.

Thank you to everyone who helped with Hometown Christmas this past weekend, including Joan Retberg, Cindy and Roger Commissaris, Joe and Sue Olivares, Shelly and Kart and Ethan and Ellise Wedge, Pam and Lilly Larson, and the Timmermanns.

Take a Journey to Bethlehem this Sunday December 15th to explore the first Christmas world - the Real Christmas. You can walk through displays set up in the style of 1st century Bethlehem, then enjoy a lunch with friends and family.

Our students will share the Christmas message on Sunday the 22nd. Keep practicing kids!

PS Be sure to grab a Christmas sticker and stick it in your stuff to share the Real Christmas!


Officer elections and appointments

At the end of the year, we typically look for nominations for officers in the coming year.

We're filling a number of positions as we look to 2025.

  • Congregational President or Vice- President

  • Maintenance Coordinator

  • Elder (not on council)

  • Assistant Financial Secretary

  • Music Coordinator

Some of these positions are elected positions, others are appointed. If you would like to nominate an individual for any of these positions, please speak with Pastor Timmermann.

Crazy Christmas Cookies!

December 24th after service in the

Bring cookies (or not) in a package of 12!

Take cookies!

Everyone (really everyone) is welcome to come and take cookies. If you can, bring some cookies. You don’t have to bring as many as you take or take as many as you bring. For example, bring a dozen to eat with friends; leave three dozen for someone else and take two dozen.

Enjoy some Christmas treats with your loved ones.

Special Christmastime Giving

We are so thankful for the Lord, his generosity to us, and your generosity to one another. I was talking with one of you who very suddenly had to stop attending and participating in God’s Word and mission. She mentioned a couple of people had called her, asked about her situation, and encouraged her. Thank you for doing that. I’m honored to be part of this loving group of people.

I know how many people ask you to give to certain causes and interests this time of year. Like you, I have things I like to support.

We at Peace want you to have a chance consider all your giving opportunities this season. I’ll put them all out there once and trust you to make a wise choice guided by the Holy Spirit.

God’s gospel demands everything from us. But it also gives everything to us. Nothing else in this world gives and takes likes this.

May the Lord enrich your experience of his coming in Word and Sacrament this Christmas.

Giving Tree

We’re glad to help a family connected to Sylvia’s Place get some Christmas cheer!

We’ve placed tags on a tree in the lobby that include their Christmas wishes.

Take as many tags as you would like but please remember to attach the tag to the gift(s) you are returning and don't wrap them.

Please try to return the unwrapped gift under the tree by December 15th with the card

God bless your generosity!

Tree of Warmth

We’re collecting new items including mittens, hats, gloves, and socks to keep people warm. Slippers and blankets are new this year based on a request from Sylvia’s Place.

Donations will go to local elementary schools Dix Street elementary, Washington Street elementary school, Gilkey, Alamo.

Please return donations by Sunday January 5th. We’ll distribute them afte that.

Christmas Bags for Kids

We’ll hand out small gift bags to the children that attend our Christmas services

We suggest small oranges (cuties), Christmas cards, coloring books, crayons, activity books, and individually wrapped candy.

We plan to give away 40 bags.

Drop off items in office by December 22nd 

We can’t wait to share Christmas with your family and friends!


Ushers serve a simple but important role in the life of our congregation. Ushers

  • welcome people to the service

  • provide a friendly face

  • pass out service outlines and other materials

  • direct people to seats

  • watch for emergency situations

  • keep the doors locked as needed

Men or women can serve as ushers. We try to have two per week. We usually agree to serve for a month and can find someone else to fill in if we have to be gone.

Please reach out to the office (269-694-6104) or stop by the next steps table to sign up to usher in 2025.


We’ve started Advent, the time Christians call the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Advent is a great time to prayerfully reflect on the coming of Jesus. We consider three comings at the same time: 

  • His birth as a child to save us some 2,000 years ago

  • His coming to us now in Word and Sacrament to live in us and among us

  • His future return to restore all things

There are many good resources for your Advent meditation, both personal and family. I’ve included some of them and if you’d like more, please reach out to me. There are different ways to obtain each. 

Advent means “coming”; it also means "expectation". It helps us develop a joyful expectation of Christ’s return. This Advent as you meditate on God’s Word, may he match the expectations of your heart to his own so that his return is nothing but the greatest bliss, joy, pleasure, and satisfaction for you. 

This Advent as you meditate on God’s Word, may he match the expectations of your heart to his own so that his return is nothing but the greatest bliss, joy, pleasure, and satisfaction for you.

End of year donations

Thank you for all your gifts in support of Peace’s ministry in 2024. Please make final end of year donations by December 29th. Donations may be given on-site (cash or check) or online at

Please remember that Peace may receive Required Minimum Distributions. Individuals 70 ½ or older should also know that they can receive some excellent benefits through the end of the year IRA charitable distributions. Since the explanation is fairly lengthy, please visit the WELS page that explains. If you need help, please speak with Ralph Holewa, Jim Winkel, or pastor.

You will receive statements reflecting your gifts in your on-site mailbox a few weeks into the new year.

Christmas gift for Pastor

We collect donations for a Christmas gift for pastor. Gifts may be put in the offering marked “Staff gift” or online at marked “Staff gift”. The last day to make gifts is December 2nd. Thank you for your love and encouragement of Pastor Timmermann.


December 15th 10:45 am Journey to Bethlehem

December 22nd 9:30 am Children’s Christmas Service

December 24th 5:00 pm Christmas Eve service

December 25th 9:30 am Christmas Day service

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Good news for Peace for December 6


“3 I thank my God every time I remember you.” (Philippians 1:3)

We thanked God for so many people this year at Thanksgiving. If you didn’t get a chance to add your thanksgivings, be sure to grab a card at our Welcome Table/Next Steps Table and add your thanksgiving.


Real Christmas

Christmas is in full swing at Peace, and we’re working with you to live a Real Christmas.

Enjoy the wonder and happiness of Christmas at Otsego’s Hometown Christmas on Saturday December 7th from about 4:00 - 7:00 pm. We’ll be handing out cocoa and riding in the parade and providing security at the parade.

On Sunday December 8th decorate Peace so that we can see Christmas really come to life. Sunday December 8th 11:00 am. Pizza will be served!

Sunday December 15th we'll take a Journey to Bethlehem.

Our students will share the Christmas message on Sunday the 22nd.

For all the Real Christmas, visit

PS Be sure to grab a Christmas sticker and stick it in your stuff to share the Real Christmas!


Picture updates

Big thanks to Cindy Commissaris for updating the picture board. We've also got a fun wall of pictures in the family center. Feel free to add your own!

Officer elections and appointments

At the end of the year, we typically look for nominations for officers in the coming year.

We're filling a number of positions as we look to 2025.

  • Congregational President or Vice- President

  • Maintenance Coordinator

  • Elder (not on council)

  • Assistant Financial Secretary

  • Music Coordinator

Some of these positions are elected positions, others are appointed. If you would like to nominate an individual for any of these positions, please speak with Pastor Timmermann.


We’ve started Advent, the time Christians call the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Advent is a great time to prayerfully reflect on the coming of Jesus. We consider three comings at the same time: 

  • His birth as a child to save us some 2,000 years ago

  • His coming to us now in Word and Sacrament to live in us and among us

  • His future return to restore all things

There are many good resources for your Advent meditation, both personal and family. I’ve included some of them and if you’d like more, please reach out to me. There are different ways to obtain each. 

Advent means “coming”; it also means "expectation". It helps us develop a joyful expectation of Christ’s return. This Advent as you meditate on God’s Word, may he match the expectations of your heart to his own so that his return is nothing but the greatest bliss, joy, pleasure, and satisfaction for you. 

This Advent as you meditate on God’s Word, may he match the expectations of your heart to his own so that his return is nothing but the greatest bliss, joy, pleasure, and satisfaction for you.


December 7th 4:00 pm Hometown Christmas

December 8th 10:45 am Christmas decorating

December 15th 10:45 am Journey to Bethlehem

December 22nd 9:30 am Children’s Christmas Service

December 24th 5:00 pm Christmas Eve service

December 25th 9:30 am Christmas Day service

Got this from a friend? Sign up here:

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078


Children's Christmas Service 2024

Children’s Christmas Service

December 22nd @ 9:30 a.m.

We like to offer our children an opportunity to declare and celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas.

Everyone – children, parents, grandparents, friends, and neighbors are invited to this service. The service will have many familiar service elements. But a significant portion of the service will be replaced with the children’s portion.

The children’s part of the service is posted below so that parents can practice.

Practice sessions

  • Sundays during their lessons at 9:30 am

  • Friday December 20th 5:00 to 7:00 pm - dinner will be served

  • December 22nd @ 9:00 am

The Things of Christmas!

Children up to 5th grade should sit in the first 3 rows.

Welcome and Gathering

After the absolution and prayer, the children should come stand on the lower step.


Joseph and Mary: Luke 2:1-7 (all children)

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while[a] Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register.

4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

Shepherds: Luke 2:8-15 (2nd - 5th)

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,

and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

Luke 2:16-20 (2nd - 5th)

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Galatians 4:4-5 (___________)

the reality of the law

4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.

Philippians 2:5-8 Lillian Timmermann


5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!

Titus 3:4-7 ( ______________)


4 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

Romans 1:2-4 Marie Timmermann

2 [This is] the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures 3 regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David, 4 and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.

Devotion/Activity - Real Christmas






Baby Jesus We Love You

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Away in a Manger (CW 68)

Children sing verses 1 & 2, congregation joins on verse 3

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Jesus Joy of the Highest Heaven

Children sing verse 1, congregation joins for verse 2

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O Come, O Come Emmanuel


The service continues with the end of the devotion, Apostles’ Creed, prayers, offering, and blessing

Closing Hymn: Go Tell It On the Mountain

Children sing verses

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