
In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37

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Hi all!

What was Jesus saying to you in his Word this week? He has risen from the dead and made the greatest story the world has ever known come alive. It’s the only story that says no matter who you are or what you’ve done, the only way to stay in the story is repentance and forgiveness. Click below to check out last week’s message (and the one the week before too!)

Small Steps: What is Jesus saying to me in the Word? — Peace (

Small Steps: What is God saying to me and what am I going to do about it? — Peace (

To keep taking these small steps requires a specific commitment: a commitment to do good in the world, whatever it costs. Jesus puts it this way this week “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

What good can you and I do in the world?

Love to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45!

Pastor Timmermann


We want to listen to the questions and concerns our friends and family have about the gospel of Jesus. Christianity Explored is an opportunity to discuss those questions. 

This class is especially for those curious about the claims of Jesus. Christians are encouraged to bring friends and neighbors. 

This is also the place to begin if you’d like to make a profession of faith and be part of Peace’s congregation.

Begin praying for and inviting your family and friends to attend.

The next session starts on June 7th. More info and sign up by clicking below.

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Middle school and high school students are invited to great discipleship, study, and fun! We’re meeting for some Wacky Olympics April 25th @ 4: 30pm.

If you are available to help please contact pastor.


Registration for Michigan Lutheran Seminary summer camp is now open. Fore more information on dates, times, and prices, visit Michigan Lutheran Seminary (

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Mother’s Day 2021

Mothering is a concept filled with profound complications, but it is still beautiful - and worth honoring.

I look forward to consoling hurting mothers, celebrating serving mothers, and honoring dear women with you on Sunday May 9th.

I don’t want to just honor these dear women at the service. We’re preparing a small kit that you can use at home to honor your dear women.

Please invite family and friends to join us in honoring these dear women on May 9th.

Let pastor know if you’re willing to help prep our Mother’s Day kits.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Hannah Skinner - surgery went well

  • John, Sharon Ward’s brother - burns

Other notes (more ministry items)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving