Good news for Peace October 23, 2020


The Lord is my strength and defense; he has become my salvation. Exodus 15:2

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Notice and warning regarding the coronavirus

We love you all in Jesus. We are thankful for chances to worship Jesus, to receive God’s gospel, and to bless one another.

We regret to inform you that a person who appears to have the COVID-19 virus was at the 9:00 am service on Sunday October 18th. This person has not tested positive yet, but has many symptoms.

Please join us in the following:

·      Pray for this individual and their family

·      Monitor your own health and symptoms carefully

·      Stay home if you show symptoms of the virus, or know you have been exposed to the virus lately

·      If you were at the service on October 18th, we encourage you to take a week or two off and monitor your health

Jesus is worthy of all glory and honor and praise. Love for him creates the most powerful community. We will have services on the 25th at both 9 and 10:45, and study.

If you don’t feel safe joining, please don’t. At the same time, don’t give up meeting together. We’d be glad to partner with you in another way.

Sincerely, Pastor and the council of Peace

Dear friend,

I’m sure you, like me, have seen local cases on the rise. In the last week, I’ve gone from knowing only a few individuals afflicted with the virus to quite a few. A dear professor is leaving this world. A member is losing a relative.

These are good losses to grieve. No matter our thoughts on the pandemic and the politics, we’ve experienced real losses.

I’m thankful for good friends with whom I can grieve these difficult months. We listened to each other’s sorrows. We suffered together. We watch together for hope.

Won’t you join me this week online or on-site (if you are safe)? Let’s be friends.

We had about 55 in the 9:00 am service and about 35 in the 10:45 last week. About 6 Wednesday nights 6:30 study all with masks.

We recognize that the number of cases in the greater area is on the rise. At this point, we are not changing the plan for services. We are monitoring the situation.

Please make good choices for yourself and others. Please feel free to contact pastor to discuss a good course of action for yourself.

If you have symptoms, please stay home. Please respect others on site.

If you choose to stay home or just can’t make it, be sure to join us online at either time!

Love to have you!

Pastor Timmermann


Restructuring (new bylaws)

The council has recently recommended an entirely new structure to the congregation in the form of new bylaws.

This begins a process of review leading to adoption. After an introduction, we’ll offer multiple Q & A sessions.

  • October 25th 12:00 voters’ meeting - introduce bylaws

  • November 3rd, 6:30 pm Q & A

  • November 16th, 6:30 pm Q & A

  • December 1st, 6:30 pm Q & A

  • December 6th, 12:00 pm Q & A

Please consider attending a session or finding your own time for questions.

The council will ask the congregation, God willing, to adopt the new bylaws on January 31, 2021.

Individuals signed up for notices to the voters will receive electronic copies, or paper copies may be picked up this weekend. I remain thankful to the council for their work in this matter.


Staff and Volunteer Appreciation

I think it was the second week of the pandemic that Kaitlyn N, home from school, asked if she could sing for services. Nearly every week since she has made our services more beautiful. Our worship would not be the same without her.

Let’s celebrate our staff and volunteers this November.

  • Between now and November 7th, sign a few cards and leave messages for some of our hardworking people

  • Consider sharing a small fun gift (labeled, in a box to pass out later)

  • Join me in worship on November 8th or 15th to thank our volunteers

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Join me for this great study of the biblical teaching of the end times.

  • Sunday 8:00 am

  • Wednesday night 6:30 pm

  • Thursday night 7:00 pm online (contact pastor to get connected)

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • The Wedge family - their uncle John passed

  • Students of Plainwell Community Schools - shift to virtual learning

Other notes

  • October Christian Neighbors items are assorted hamburger and tuna helper (box for food in the family center)

  • Want to donate candy for Trunk or Treat? We’re accepting candy in the box in the family center!

  • If you wanted the voters’ meeting information and didn’t get it, be sure to sign up here so it can be sent to you.

  • November calendar is available at the information table

I’m studying and you could try

  • The friends and enemies of Martin Luther

  • WELS “Ministering to Millennials Playbook

    Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • October 25th 12:00 Voters’ meeting - approve the budget, facility use policy

    • Those who wish to join online may do so through Zoom with the password “peace” or through the regular RingCentral/call-in

  • October 31st, 5:30 - 6:45 pm Trunk or Treat

  • November 7th, 9:00 am Fall workday (list)

  • November 8th and 15th Volunteer (and staff) appreciation

  • November 8th, 5:00 pm 131 Youth Crew (leave at 4)

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace October 15, 2020


“He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 1:8

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Dear friend,

I’m grateful this week for our elected leaders at Peace. They’ve consistently shown up, been honest, and when needed, confronted and forgiven each other throughout the pandemic.

Recently, they’ve finished

  • a complete restructuring (new bylaws)

  • a new facility use policy

  • a budget

They’ve done well, even as they’ve learned to have virtual meetings and shared good news with friends and neighbors.

I'm excited to see what comes next as God works through these men and their work. Join us!

If you see Ron, Charlie, Jon, or Shawn, please thank them and encourage them. They’ve done well!

We had about 55 in the 9:00 am service and about 15 in the 10:45 last week. About 6-10 Wednesday nights 6:30 study all with masks. If you have symptoms, please stay home. Please respect others on site.

Love to have you!

Pastor Timmermann


the end.png

In 2014, Gary’s story came to an end. It wasn’t an easy end. It was full of pain and darkness. He went home from the hospital. I think it was a Tuesday afternoon. He shot himself. That didn’t finish the story. That took a few more days.

He was disenchanted with life. He had no work. He was lonely. He was conflicted with friends and family. He saw nothing better down the road.

How we imagine the end of all things deeply changes our stories. Starting October 21st, we’ll look at the end of all our stories in our studies:

  • Sundays at 8:00 am

  • Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

  • Thursday online at 7:00 pm — NEW!!! (October 22nd)

Restructuring (new bylaws)

The council has recently recommended an entirely new structure to the congregation in the form of new bylaws.

This begins a process of review leading to adoption. The council will ask the congregation, God willing, to adopt the new bylaws on January 31, 2021. Between now and then, we’d like to spend a good amount of time explaining and instructing bylaws to anyone who wants to know.

For now, please know that I am deeply grateful to our elected leaders for their work. This has been decades in the making. This has taken massive effort over the last year. I thank them for their work.


Staff and Volunteer Appreciation

I think it was the second week of the pandemic that Kaitlyn N, home from school, asked if she could sing for services. Nearly every week since she has made our services more beautiful. Our worship would not be the same without her.

Let’s celebrate our staff and volunteers this November. Plan to join me November 8th and 15th!

Who is on the team? Let me know who else we need!

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • The family of Gloria Osgood - Kathy, Phil, and Esther - At this time, we have no information about a memorial, funeral service, or burial.

Other notes

  • October Christian Neighbors items are assorted hamburger and tuna helper (box for food in the family center)

  • Want to donate candy for Trunk or Treat? We’re accepting candy in the box in the family center!

    I’m studying and you could try

  • Dave Malnes, “5 Ways to Stay Ahead of the Curve During the Pandemic

  • Martin Luther, The Freedom of the Christian

    Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • October 18th 12:00 Open Forum - review budget, facility use policy, and preview new bylaws

  • October 25th 12:00 Voters’ meeting - approve the budget, facility use policy

  • October 31st, 5:30 - 6:45 Trunk or Treat

  • November 7th 9:00 Fall workday (list)

  • November 8th and 15th Volunteer (and staff) appreciation

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace October 08, 2020


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourself. Do what it says. James 1:22

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Dear friend,

How good is life? I’m praying it’s good. I know it’s complicated.

I know some people are doing well. Jobs, food, family.

I know others are struggling.

God would say so much more. He would point out that we’re wrecks, far worse off than we imagined. We’re also much slower to obey and follow than we realize.

He would also point that because of and through Jesus, we’re better off, we’re doing better, and we’re obeying even when we don’t realize.

Can you admit that? Can you speak that truth? That is real integrity. That is real honesty.

Join me for worship this weekend.

We have about 60 in the 9:00 am service and about 25 in the 10:45. About 6-10 Wednesday nights all with masks. If you have symptoms, please stay home. Please respect others on site.

Love to have you!

Pastor Timmermann

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Trunk or Treat 2020

Trunk or Treat should be on! Hope to have some safe fun with you and your families. Invite friends and family!

the end.png

In 2014, Gary’s story came to an end. It wasn’t an easy end. It was full of pain and darkness. He went home from the hospital. I think it was a Tuesday afternoon. He shot himself. That didn’t finish the story. That took a few more days.

He was disenchanted with life. He had no work. He was lonely. He was conflicted with friends and family. He saw nothing better down the road.

How we imagine the end of all things deeply changes our stories. Starting October 21st, we’ll look at the end of all our stories in our studies:

  • Sundays at 8:00 am

  • Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

  • Thursday online at 7:00 pm — NEW!!! (October 22nd)

Facility Use Policy Update

Our facility is provided through God’s benevolence and by the generosity of our congregation.

In order to keep the facility and grounds available for ministry, we are excited to clarify our facility use policy.

We desire to bring great opportunities to our Peace family. The new policy will welcome both members and the community of the greater Otsego-Plainwell area within limitations. Link below for FAQ’s and the full policy.

Discussion and questions

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

  • Call pastor at 269-694-6104 or Jon Ott (maintenance)

  • Join pastor and Jon via Zoom on October 15 at 6:30 pm - click here to join or contact pastor for info

  • Discuss on October 18th Open Forum - limited time, budget

  • Approve at October 25th Voters’ meeting.


Staff and Volunteer Appreciation

I think it was the second week of the pandemic that Kaitlyn N, home from school, asked if she could sing for services. Nearly every week since she has made our services more beautiful. Our worship would not be the same without her.

Let’s celebrate our staff and volunteers this November. Plan to join me November 8th and 15th!

Who is on the team? Let me know who else we need!

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • The family of Gloria Osgood - Kathy, Phil, and Esther - please note, we don’t have any information about a memorial, funeral, or burial

  • The election

Other notes

  • October Christian Neighbors items are assorted hamburger and tuna helper (box for food in the family center)

  • Christian Family Solutions Impact Event - a new time coming up to experience the work of Christian Family Solutions firsthand - counseling, wellness, and senior care

    I’m studying and you could try

  • Dave Malnes, “5 Ways to Stay Ahead of the Curve in the Pandemic

  • Martin Luther, The Freedom of the Christian - I just finished reading this with other pastors

    Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • October 18th 12:00 Open Forum - review budget

  • October 25th 12:00 Voters’ meeting - approve the budget, facility use policy

  • October 31st 5:30 - 6:45 Trunk or Treat - invite friends and family; (note due to high interest if you feel comfortable, come host!

  • November 1st - Reformation

  • November 7 9:00 Fall workday (list

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace October 02, 2020


You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. John 8:32

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Dear friend,

No matter which side of the political discussion we stand on right now (or we’re trying to straddle the middle!), I think we all see behavior (not just positions) that disappoint us. How should we respond?

  • First, we model the behavior we want to see.

    • We repent of our own failures to behave properly

    • We seek grace from God and people who love us to live differently

  • Second, we honor and respect these individuals publicly and privately, while we use our voices to direct and encourage. We may send a phone call, a letter, or a polite email.

  • Third, we encourage the next generation to step forward and be even more faithful to their calling.

This week God gives us a break from all the politics with wisdom about money. If you would like to improve your financial health, this is a great week for God’s Good Life.

Love to have you!

Reminders: If you have symptoms, please stay home. Please respect and love others - follow guidelines.

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Sunday Services at 9 indoor and 10:45 outdoor!


Pastor Timmermann

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Movie night

October 4th 7:00 pm

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 Last call for Trunk or Treat sign up!! 

Saturday, October 31st

5:30 pm - 6:45pm

We need at least 6 more trunks for this event!

Please sign up below if you’d like to safely host.

Trunk or Treat Sign up!

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Hometown Christmas Volunteers needed!

December 5th, 2020

The City of Otsego intends to celebrate Christmas downtown on December 5th.

We have the opportunity, if we are interested, to make many connections by handing out hot cocoa during the celebration.

If you are interested in helping us serve the city in this way, please submit your information here: Hot Cocoa Volunteer. We’ll have to do this safely, within health guidelines. We appreciate your continued volunteer spirit!

Facility Use Policy Update

Our facility is provided through God’s benevolence and by the generosity of our congregation.

In order to keep the facility and grounds available for ministry, we are excited to clarify our facility use policy.

We desire to bring great opportunities to our Peace family. The new policy will welcome both members and the community of the greater Otsego-Plainwell area within limitations. Link below for FAQ’s and the full policy.

Discussion and questions

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

  • Call pastor at 269-694-6104 or Jon Ott (maintenance)

  • Join pastor and Jon via Zoom on October 15 at 6:30 pm - contact pastor for the info

  • Discuss on October 18th Open Forum - limited time, budget

  • Approve at October 25th Voters’ meeting.


Volunteer Appreciation

We won’t be able to welcome all the members home to Peace this fall. Instead, we’ll celebrate all our volunteers. Plan to be part of our special celebration in November. For now, start looking for a small, fun gift for your favorite Peace volunteer!

Prayers (full prayer list)

Other notes

  • An overview of church size

    Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • October 4th, 7:00 pm “Christopher Robin” movie night

  • October 11th, 6:00 pm 131 Youth Crew Oktoberfest (middle school high school appropriate)

  • October 18th 12:00 Open Forum - review budget

  • October 25th 12:00 Voters’ meeting - approve the budget, facility use policy

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace September 24, 2020


and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding with knowledge and with all kinds of skills- Exodus 31:3

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Dear friend,

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In your opinion, what takes the most humility in life?

  • Washing someone else’s stinky feet?

  • Admitting you were wrong?

  • Accepting correction?

  • Asking for forgiveness?

  • Accepting forgiveness?

  • Forgiving someone else?

  • And the list could go on for quite a while….

We’re filling our wall with wisdom from the Word for the good life. If you’d like to grow in wisdom and add to ours, join us this week!

Sunday Services at 9 indoor and 10:45 outdoor!


Pastor Timmermann

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Movie night

October 4th 7:00 pm

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Trunk or Treat

Saturday, October 31st

5:30 pm - 6:45pm

We are looking for trunk hosts and volunteers to help with Trunk or Treat this year. We need at least 10 trunks signed up by September 30th! If you would like to volunteer or host a trunk please fill out the form.

Volunteer Form

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Hometown Christmas Volunteers needed!

December 5th, 2020

The City of Otsego intends to celebrate Christmas downtown on December 5th.

We have the opportunity, if we are interested, to make many connections by handing out hot cocoa during the celebration.

If you are interested helping us serve the city in this way, please submit your information here: Hot Cocoa Volunteer. We’ll have to do this safely, within health guidelines. We appreciate your continued volunteer spirit!

Facility Use Policy Update

Our facility is provided through God’s benevolence and by the generosity of our congregation.

In order to keep the facility and grounds available for ministry, we are excited to clarify our facility use policy.

We desire to bring great opportunities to our Peace family. The new policy will welcome both memebers and the community of the greater Otsego-Plainwell area within limitations. Policy changes include:

  • All the facilities and grounds of Peace Lutheran Church may be used by both members and people of the greater Otsego-Plainwell area, except for the sanctuary

  • Those who are not members may only host or offer nonreligious activities

  • Other clarifications of use must be in accord with our insurance company suggested policy and WELS related policy

  • Scheduling of the use of the facility and grounds should be done through the office. First come first served based on requests in writing

  • Use of the grounds by Peace will be prioritized. However, previously scheduled community activities may not be cancelled if a Peace activity was not on the calendar

  • The building and grounds chairman and pastor will make the decision regarding use. Questionable situations should be brought to the council

  • So as to avoid confusion regarding income, while community groups are encouraged to give a donation in thanks for the use and the community participation, such a donation is not to be understood as payment for the use

  • Anyone who uses the facility is responsible for cleaning it unless prior arrangement has been made

  • Outside individuals or groups with insurance should add Peace as an insured if possible, or put their insurance on file at Peace

  • Use of the facility must be approved by the insurance company

  • All those who use the facility should operate in good faith and avoid holding Peace or any individuals liable

Please bring questions and suggestions regarding facility use to pastor or Jon Ott (maintenance) before October 18th. On that day, we’ll discuss it at the open forum. The policy will God will be approved on October 25th at the voters’ meeting.

Prayers (full prayer list)

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace September 17, 2020


And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 10:12

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Dear friend,

I don’t like being wrong. I really appreciate the people in my life who kindly, thoughtfully point out the mistakes that are hindering my life as a Christian.

Sunday Services at 9 indoor and 10:45 outdoor!


Pastor Timmermann

Fall ministry

Our fall ministry is off to a great start!

Over 90 people came together indoors and out to hear the gospel of Jesus and celebrate what God is doing in their lives. There is still space in the two services, although if you are a high-risk individual the best gathering for you is the Wednesday Study and Supper. That event only has 5 to 10 individuals. We meet for about 30 minutes of study and conversation. Then we share in communion. Lots of space, masks enforced!

We had more than 10 kids join in our distanced kids class. Let pastor know if your kid or grandkid wants to join!

131 Youth Crew and Kzoo College is starting in the coming weeks. Can’t wait to see you all!

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Trunk or Treat

Saturday, October 31st

5:30 pm - 6:45pm

We are looking for trunk hosts and volunteers to help with Trunk or Treat this year. We need at least 10 trunks signed up by September 31st! If you would like to volunteer or host a trunk please fill out the form.

Volunteer Form

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Rick Ward, hospitalized for complications related to cancer treatment

    Other notes

  • September Christian Neighbors items are assorted fruits and juices

  • Fall 2020 ministry plan - full version

  • Fall 2020 usher guidelines

    Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • October 11th, 6:00 pm 131 Youth Crew Oktoberfest (middle school high school appropriate)

  • October 18th 12:00 Open Forum - review budget

  • October 25th 12:00 Voters’ meeting - approve the budget

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace September 10, 2020


For great is your love, reaching to the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Psalm 57:10

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Dear friend,

When life is messy, complicated, and confusing, what guides your choices?

My basic go to? “It’ll get better before you (get married, get a job, or go to Jesus)”.

If I’m having a problem understanding other people, someone usually says, “God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason.”

If I can’t seem to get stuff right, I say, “We learn wisdom from failure much more than success.”

If I can’t understand the ladies in my life, I usually resort to “men are like waffles, women are like spaghetti.”

Where do you turn? What wisdom guides the choices of your life? God’s Word is full of wisdom to lead us to a good life. Over the next few weeks, we’ll look at stories and events from the Bible that lead us to the wisdom of the good life.

Services at 9 indoor and 10:45 outdoor!


Pastor Timmermann

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  • Class for students PreK4-5th grade

  • Every Sunday at 9:15 (during the service)

  • In the large room with lots (20+ feet) of distance

  • Grouped by household

  • Young children who need help should be accompanied by a parent or grandparent

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Prayers (full prayer list)

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • September 13th Fall kick-off!

  • October 11th, 6:00 pm 131 Youth Crew Oktoberfest (middle school high school appropriate)

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace September 3, 2020


The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. Isaiah 32:17

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Dear friend,

The man’s name is Dennis. He spent many of his years in the most elite fighting units of our country. He was an unbeliever and his highest purpose was the mission, his friends, and his survival.

When he left the military, he lost that sense of purpose and meaning. His life spiraled out of control - depression, alcohol, drugs, and suicide. Years later a severely handicapped man named Justin told him the gospel. For the first time, it really meant something to him.

Years after that, he was part of a thriving ministry, constantly seeking a new purpose and meaning in life. He was no longer spiraling down. He was watching and waiting for the next step God was letting him take.

Who is Jesus? It’s the most important question in life. This week, we’ll answer Jesus’ question. It will make all the difference for our community.

Can’t wait to worship with you, hear God’s Word, and praise him! Sunday at 9:00 am indoors, 10:30 outdoors!


Pastor Timmermann

P.S. We’ll be giving away a copy of “The Chosen”, the new series, to one attendee to better answer the question!

Fall Ministry beginning September 13th

Our fall ministry will soon be here! Can’t wait to worship and follow Jesus with you!

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  1. Worship will be 9:00 am inside or 10:45 outdoors; Communion also served weekly Wednesday at 7:15 pm

  2. Education for children Prek4-5th grade at 9:15 am in the large room.

  3. Discipleship and growth for adults Sunday at 8:00 am on-site, Wednesday at 6:30 pm on-site, and Thursday 6:30 pm online!

  4. Other groups paused for now

  5. Non-ministerial facility use is limited.

  6. We ask and encourage everyone to follow local guidelines.

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We would like to stay in touch but only in ways you find helpful. You can sign up at the link below. If you have already filled out the form don’t worry about it unless you want to update or change your preferences. If you have anything you would like to communicate with everyone please contact or 269-694-6104.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Thanksgiving for Gordon Haas’ surgery, went well

  • David and Linda Becker, a memorial for their son Thomas

  • Trevor and Kaitlynn, grief over Brantley; Andy and Trish Winter

  • Carolyn Miner, Maxine Sandahl, and Larry Thompson

    Other notes

  • September Christian Neighbors items are assorted fruits and juices

  • Correction to September calendar - 10:45 am worship time begins September 13th

  • Fall 2020 ministry plan - full version

  • Fall 2020 usher guidelines

    I’m studying and you could try……

  • Joe Carter, Vince Han - a dialogue on who Jesus is “Who do you say I am”

  • “The Chosen” - TV series on Jesus

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • September 13th Fall kick-off!

  • October 11th, 6:00 pm 131 Youth Crew Oktoberfest (middle school high school appropriate)

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace August 28, 2020


Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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Dear friend,

God really does the best job equipping us to live well with the people around us. We …

But what if that person is just a really tough person to like? Can you, I, we, love the unlovable?

Looking forward to worshiping with you as we grow to love even the people that are hard to like (and love!)

Apologies for the audio problem last week. You can watch the service again (click here) with the audio fixed. God willing it won’t happen this week.


Pastor Timmermann

Fall Ministry beginning September 13th

Our fall ministry will soon be here! Can’t wait to worship and follow Jesus with you!

Last week we shared worship information with you.


Sunday 9:00 am on-site or online

Sunday 10:45 am outdoors

Wednesday 6:30 pm communion served weekly after study (about 7:10 pm)

Communion will be served the 2nd and 4th Sundays with prepackaged kits.

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Sunday 8:00 am study group

Wednesday 6:30 pm study group

Children’s education and adult education information coming next week!

Catechism returns to a once a month schedule

Other notes

Choir, Ladies Guild, and Senior Outing will not meet until further notice.

We won’t initially serve snacks after services.

We clean and disinfect high touch areas like doors and bathrooms weekly. We are not able to disinfect wood pews.

Flowers are welcome for the altar. Sign up on the bulletin board at church.

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We would like to stay in touch but only in ways you find helpful. You can sign up at the link below. If you have already filled out the form don’t worry about it unless you want to update or change your preferences. If you have anything you would like to communicate with everyone please contact or 269-694-6104.

Facility use

Non-ministerial use of the building (including family events like parties) is limited; please bring requests to pastor or council for review.

Please do your best to follow state and local guidelines regarding masks, distancing, and other hygiene. Feel free to discuss your situation with pastor or a council member.

Thank you! Can’t wait to bring people the gospel.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Marilyn Sipple, sister of Carolyn Miner, Maxine Sandahl, and Larry Thompson - hospice care in her final days

  • Janice Rockhoff - back surgery

  • Brantley, grandson of Andy and Trish Winter - premature birth

  • Gordon Haas’ - thyroid surgery

    Other notes

  • September Christian Neighbors items are assorted fruits and juices

  • Correction to September calendar - 10:45 am worship time begins September 13th.

    I’m studying and you could try……

  • Rahab, a story of judgment

  • Replicate Journal - a Bible reading journal I’m trying out

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • September 13th Fall kick-off!

  • October 11th, 6:00 pm 131 Youth Crew Oktoberfest (middle school high school appropriate)

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


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Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace August 20, 2020


The second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31

Love Your Neighbor.png

Dear friend,

How are you doing loving your neighbor? We have so many chances right now to love people. Chances to spend money on others. Chances to feed others. I pray that as you live with Jesus you seize opportunities to love others!

What makes it hard to love others? I have a long list. This week, Jesus addresses one of the biggest challenges we face in loving others. Can’t wait to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30, Wednesday night at 6:30 (Study and Supper) around the Word!


Pastor Timmermann

2020-07-31 18.38.57.jpg

Outdoor Game Night

Friday August 21st 5:30pm!

Bring your favorite board game (tables set up under pavilion) or lawn game. Bring your own salad and dessert, we’ll have meat on the grill.

Fall Ministry

Our fall ministry will soon be here! Can’t wait to worship and follow Jesus with you!

Two key dates:

  • September 13th

  • October 11th

September 13th begins our fall schedule. We’ll gather for worship at 9:00 am and 10:45 am (not 10:30!). 10:45 worship will remain outdoors! Children will have lessons weekly. Adults will also have a few study chances. (service needs to move to 10:45 to allow the first group to mostly get out of the building before the second group arrives)

Outdoor worship will move indoors on October 11th.

We ask and encourage everyone to follow whatever the local guidelines are. We are thankful for a government exemption that allows us to gather for worship.

  • We have a good opportunity to love others. Please be considerate. If we all are, we’ll all benefit.

  • We can honor our leaders - all of them; local, state, and federal.

Thank you!

Other notes and happenings

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Gordon Haas’ thyroid cancer surgery on September 3

  • Marilyn Sipple on hospice care

I’m studying and you could try……

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • August 21st, 5:30 pm outdoor game night

  • August 25th, 7:00 pm middle school/high school planning meeting - talk to pastor

  • September 13th Fall kick off!

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


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Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace August 13, 2020


Be generous and willing to share. 1 Timothy 6:18

Love Your Neighbor.png

Dear friend,

How did it go loving your neighbor this week? I had some good stuff and some tough stuff. Two friends lost people they love. I got to comfort and encourage them. A gift for a high school graduate. We're planning a farewell for someone who took a new job. I teased someone and got to apologize. Lots of opportunities to spend. Many chances to love, and love better.

I hope you see that a pandemic gives us more chances to love, even if it makes it harder to love.

  • Parents need help parenting

  • children need help learning

  • Workers need help staying employed or finding new jobs

  • communities need help maintaining public spaces

  • Isolated neighbors need connection

Please know that I’m working to plan our fall ministry - working with our teachers, elders, musicians, cleaners, and ushers. I can’t wait to gather around the gospel of Jesus with you. I hope it is a benefit for you and your friends in a safe and healthy environment.

This week God helps us sustain our friends no matter what physical need they have. He even sustains us. If you want to help others, come hear the Word!

2020-07-31 18.38.57.jpg

Outdoor Game Night

Friday August 21st 5:30pm !

Bring your favorite board game (tables set up under pavilion) or lawn game. Bring your own salad and dessert, we’ll have meat on the grill.

Other notes and happenings

  • Facility roof repair complete

  • Volunteer opportunity - September 26th 12:30 - 3:00 Games at Creative Arts Festival

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Bridget, friend of Myers, lost a spouse

  • our local government

  • parents deciding how to educate their children this fall

  • fall kick off

I’m studying and you could try……

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • August 16th Volunteer roundup and training for the fall (moved up)

  • August 18th 5:30 pm elders, 7:00 pm council

  • August 21st 5:30 pm outdoor game night

  • August 25th 7:00 pm middle school/high school planning meeting - talk to pastor

  • September 13th Fall kick off!

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace August 6, 2020


Be generous and willing to share. 1 Timothy 6:18

Love Your Neighbor.png

Dear friend,

Love your neighbor.

To love ‘em, you got to know ‘em. Some days, with work, practice, family gatherings, hobbies, and emergencies, there isn’t much time left to love our neighbors.

I’ve enjoyed a simple tool, a block map, to get to know my neighbors. It’s helped. Maybe you can use the one below to help you.

This week, we’ll use God’s gifts to love our neighbors. Join us!

God’s Word this week: 1 Timothy 6:17-21, Matthew 13:44-46


Nathaniel, pastor at Peace


Food to help

Thanks for all the food to help friends and neighbors in the Otsego-Plainwell community. You did so well!

Let’s keep it up. Our August items for Christian Neighbors are hamburger and tuna helper.


2020-07-30 10.48.27.jpg

AV team

I’m impressed by and grateful for the willingness of a number of individuals to help Peace get online: Cindy Comissaris, Kaitlyn Nelson, Charlie Kling, Connor Hall, and Clara Timmermann.

We could really use your help to get better and fill in the gaps. No experience needed, training provided! If you’d like to help us improve our online experience, please contact pastor at 269-694-6104 or Thanks!

2020-07-31 18.38.57.jpg

Outdoor Game Night

Friday August 21st! 5:30

Bring your favorite board game (tables set up under pavilion) or lawn game. Bring your own salad and dessert, we’ll have meat on the grill.

Roof and siding repair underway

The roofing and siding repair is underway. It’s going very well. The company has done quick, quality work. John Ott, the maintenance chairperson, checks on the job each day.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • family that lost their 13 year old daughter

  • facility repair process

  • our neighbors

I’m studying and you could try……

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • August 16th Volunteer roundup and training for the fall (moved up)

  • August 18th 5:30 pm elders, 7:00 pm council

  • September 13th Fall kick off!

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


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Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace July 31, 2020


Then you will call on me and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Jeremiah 29:12


Dear friend,

“You're driving me crazy!” We've all got people in life that are hard to put up with.

This week Jesus shocks us with a message about the people who drive us crazy. I find it even more surprising that he says it about evil people and people who belong to the evil one. Even them? I shouldn't destroy them or ignore them?


See you Sunday to hear what we should do with them. 9:00 am indoors or online, 10:30 outside. We’re worshiping about 40 and 50 people respectively.


Nathaniel, pastor at Peace


Bean bag toss night

Cornhole/bean bag toss party! Come out for some good hearted competition. July 31 5:30 - 10:00. Bring your own sides for your crew or eat before you come; we’ll have brats and hot dogs on. S’mores to close out the night!

Let pastor know if you have a set of boards you can bring. Can't wait to see you!

Food to help

We’re doing great collecting one item per July participant. We’re about halfway to the goal of 323 participants.

Our Christian Neighbors items for July are fruits and juices. But Christian Neighbors is serving many needs and could use: peanut butter and jelly, boxed dinners, spaghetti pasta and sauce, oatmeal, canned meat, tuna, beans, rice - basic nonperishable goods.

Add an item to the table by the large wooden box in the family center. Thanks for your support of those in need!


Lawnmower sold - Thanks!

Serving God and his people

As we head into the fall, there are many opportunities to serve God and others through Peace.

How are you serving God and others? Is it time to serve in a new way? What gifts and talents do you have that could be used for God and others? Want to find some gifts and talents? You could take this survey and share it with us.

If you want to know some ways people are serving and you could serve, check out the team at Peace. We’d love to have you!

2020-07-30 10.48.27.jpg

AV team

I’m impressed by and grateful for the willingness of a number of individuals to help Peace get online: Cindy Comissaris, Kaitlyn Nelson, Charlie Kling, Connor Hall, and Clara Timmermann.

We could really use your help to get better and fill in the gaps. If you’d like to help us improve our online experience, please contact pastor at 269-694-6104 or Thanks!

Fall plan

We’re formulating our fall plan for ministry - services, studies, events, and more - as we try to adjust to COVID. We’d love your input and help. If you have thoughts and suggestions, let’s talk! Pastor is listening.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • high school graduates

I’m studying and you could try……

  • Forward in Christ, the WELS magazine

  • “2 Steps Forward with James and Ade”, a great Bible study from WELS pastor James Hein and his wife available on any podcasting app and Youtube

  • A block map, a helpful tool for loving our neighbors

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • July 31st 5:30 Bean bag toss night

  • August 3rd Facility repair begins (note one week delay)

  • August 16th Volunteer roundup and training for the fall (moved up)

  • September 13th Fall kick off!

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace July 24, 2020 (Copy)


For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction. Psalm 1:6


Dear friend,

Did you wait for the Lord this week? I was telling someone that I find it hard to know when to wait and when to act. If you missed last week’s message from Pastor Steve Otto encouraging us to trust and wait on the Lord, check it out.

God’s Word promises to work, but it promises to work for God’s end not ours. Most of the time I don’t even think about what God wants, because I’m so busy thinking about what I want. This week, God calls us to let his Word do what he desires.

See you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30, Wednesday night at 6:30!

Quick reminder:

  • If you’re ill or at risk, please stay home and worship with us online or by phone (contact church for info)

  • Peace encourages you to follow state guidelines as possible.

  • To date, no members are sick as best we know. Let’s keep it that way!


Nathaniel, pastor at Peace

Voters’ meeting

The summer meeting of the voters’ (men over 18 who have agreed to the constitution) will take place on Sunday at 11:45. Attendees are required to wear masks. Those who signed up for notices will receive a digital copy of the material in advance.

If you’d like to join online, please click this link


Bean bag toss night

Cornhole/bean bag toss party! Come out for some good hearted competition. July 31 5:30 - 10:00. Bring your own sides for your crew or eat before you come; we’ll have brats and hot dogs on. S’mores to close out the night!

Let pastor know if you have a set of boards you can bring. Can't wait to see you!

Food to help

We’re doing great collecting one item per July participant. Thanks for all your help!

We need your help to reach our goal. Our Christian Neighbors items for July are fruits and juices. But Christian Neighbors is serving many needs and could use: peanut butter and jelly, boxed dinners, spaghetti pasta and sauce, oatmeal, canned meat, tuna, beans, rice - basic nonperishable goods.

Add an item to the table by the large wooden box in the family center. Thanks for your support of those in need!


Lawnmower for sale

Peace recently replaced its lawnmower. The old lawnmower (John Deere 60” with roof over the seat) has definitely known quite a few years of wear and tear. It has been maintained. $500. Please contact the church office or Paul Retberg if you are interested to see the mower. Within the next week the mower will be made available to the public.

Serving God and his people

As we head into the fall, there are many opportunities to serve God and others through Peace. Next week, we’ll share a possible list to get involved. For now, consider: how are you serving? Is it time to serve in a new way? What gifts and talents do you have that could be used for God and others?

Want to find some gifts and talents? You could take this survey and share it with us.

Fall plan

We’re formulating our fall plan for ministry - services, studies, events, and more - as we try to adjust to COVIID. We’d love your input and help. If you have thoughts and suggestions, let’s talk! Pastor is listening.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Gloria Osgood

  • Sharon Ward’s brother John

  • Mark Gieschen’s retirement

I’m studying and you could try……

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • July 26th, Voter’s Meeting (masks required)

  • July 31st 5:30 Bean bag toss night

  • August 3rd Facility repair begins (note one week delay)

  • August 16th Volunteer roundup and training for the fall (moved up)

  • September 13th Fall kick off!

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


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Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace July 18, 2020


Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. James 1:21


Dear friend,

Are you tired of waiting? Tired of businesses closed, tired of staying home, and tired of waiting to see people. Psalm 27 tells us when there is trouble, we can count on God’s goodness. Until then, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Waiting is one of the best ways to show God we trust him. I invite you to join me this weekend to wait better. See you Sunday at 9 or 10:30 am!


Nathaniel, pastor at Peace


Bean bag toss night

Cornhole/bean bag toss party! Come out for some good hearted competition. July 31 5:30 - 10:00. Bring your own sides for your crew or eat before you come; we’ll have brats and hot dogs on. S’mores to close out the night!

Let pastor know if you have a set of boards you can bring. Can't wait to see you!

Facility repair

The facility at Peace was impacted by the hail storm that struck the Otsego - Plainwell area in the beginning of April. Since then, we have learned about the facility and gained proposals for repair. We’ve recently agreed with a contractor for most of the work. John Ott, the maintenance leader, will serve as the director of the project.

The work will take place in the last week of July and the beginning weeks of August. The facility will be available on weekends, but please plan to give the workers space during the week.

The roof of the main buildings will be reshingled. If you are interested in seeing a sample, you may see one in the lobby this weekend (July 12th). It is substantially similar to the current shingles.

Food to help

Can we gather one food item from every participant in the month of July?

Our Christian Neighbors items for July are fruits and juices. But Christian Neighbors is serving many needs and could use: peanut butter and jelly, boxed dinners, spaghetti pasta and sauce, oatmeal, canned meat, tuna, beans, rice - basic nonperishable goods.

Add an item by the large wooden box in the family center. Thanks for your support of those in need!


Lawnmower for sale

Peace recently replaced its lawnmower. The old lawnmower (John Deere 60” with roof over the seat) has definitely known quite a few years of wear and tear. It has been maintained. $500. Please contact the church office or Paul Retberg if you are interested to see the mower. Within the next week the mower will be made available to the public.

Explore Christianity

I’d love to Explore Christianity with you and your friends/neighbors this fall. Be praying for someone you want to share the gospel with!

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • The family of Marilyn Meert

  • The Becker family - David Becker’s health

I’m studying and you could try……

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • July 19th, Open Forum immediately following services

  • July 26th, Voter’s Meeting

  • July 31st 5:30 Bean bag toss night

  • September 13 Volunteer roundup and training for the fall

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

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Please pray for Marilyn Meert's family

Please pray for Marilyn Meert's family

Dear friends and family of Marilyn Meert,

On Tuesday, July 14th, 2020, Marilyn was brought to glory to celebrate with her Savior.

What a comfort it is for us all to know that Marilyn now triumphs with all the other believers in Jesus. She experiences what we can only imagine:

"Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude... shouting, 'Hallelujah! For our God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bridegroom has made himself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given him to wear.'" (Revelation 19)

A drive by visitation will take place from 10:30 to 11 am on Friday July 17th. High risk individuals are encouraged to come during this time.

A general visitation (social distancing required) will take place from 11:00 to 1:00 pm.

A funeral will take place outdoors at Peace Lutheran Church on Friday, July 17th at 1 pm. As an outdoor worship gathering, it is open to the public and the number of attendees may be 100 or more. Peace and the family ask attendees to follow current guidelines. If all goes well, at risk individuals may stay in their cars, watch the service, and listen over the FM radio (drive in service) - please test the day of about 12:30. Due to the location, the service will not be available live online. The recorded service will be available several hours afterward, click here.

A private burial will take place later in the day.

The obituary is available at

Marilyn was a dear treasure of the family of God at Peace as well as the Otsego-Plainwell community. Marilyn was baptized March 13 nearly 90 years ago. She was confirmed April 14 almost 75 years ago.

Please pray for Marilyn’s family:

Lord Jesus, by your victory over death you have opened the way to eternal life for all of us. Marilyn’s family especially is sad because of their loss. Comfort them in their trial. Point the way to life. Renew their joy each morning. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Good news from for Peace July 9, 2020


And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward. Matthew 10:42


Dear friend,

Wow, it’s hot! I think I saw that the number of days over 90 is a new record for Kalamazoo. I could use a glass of water.

God’s Word gives us some really easy, simple instructions this week to build connection and unity. An easy one - “give a cup of cold water”.

What are you doing this week to build connection and unity with other people this week? I enjoyed a lunch and a breakfast this week with people, made a few special phone calls to people in need, and had the joy of wishing most of you a happy independence weekend.

I’d love to welcome you to Peace this weekend so we can build connection and unity. Enjoy Matthew 10:4-42. See you then!

If you’re worshiping indoors, we’d be glad to provide a hymnbook if you’d like one.


Nathaniel, pastor at Peace

Facility repair

The facility at Peace was impacted by the hail storm that struck the Otsego - Plainwell area in the beginning of April. Since then, we have learned about the facility and gained proposals for repair. We’ve recently agreed with a contractor for most of the work. John Ott, the maintenance leader, will serve as the director of the project.

The work will take place in the last week of July and the beginning weeks of August. The facility will be available on weekends, but please plan to give the workers space during the week.

The roof of the main buildings will be reshingled. If you are interested in seeing a sample, you may see one in the lobby this weekend (July 12th). It is substantially similar to the current shingles.

Choir 2020-2021

Past, present, or future choir members:

Due to the COVID 19 virus, we have decided that choir will have to be put on hold for now and not start in the fall. This wasn't a tough decision because the safety of our Peace members comes before anything else.

We don't know yet when we will be able to start up again, but more than likely it won't be until the situation has significantly improved (vaccine, large number of immune individuals).

If there are any Peace members that would be interested in helping with our worship by singing solos or cantoring (guiding congregational singing) please let pastor know.

Food to help

Can we gather one food item from every participant in the month of July?

Our Christian Neighbors items for July are fruits and juices. But Christian Neighbors is serving many needs and could use: peanut butter and jelly, boxed dinners, spaghetti pasta and sauce, oatmeal, canned meat, tuna, beans, rice - basic nonperishable goods.

Add an item by the large wooden box in the family center. Thanks for your support of those in need!

Explore Christianity

I’d love to Explore Christianity with you and your friends/neighbors this fall. Be praying for someone you want to share the gospel with!

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Erika, Howard Hunt’s daughter, who is starting chemo again

  • Olivia, Eda Mcneees’ niece, difficult cancer treatment

  • Judy Haugh, thanksgiving for successful pain management

  • Jeanne Myers, thanksgiving for successful cataract surgery

I’m studying and you could try……

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • No devotion this week - taking a break

  • NO July 15th “Study and Supper”

  • July 19th, 11:45 am Open Forum

  • July 26th, Voter’s meeting

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace July 2, 2020


Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Romans 12:9


Dear friend,

I’ve been enjoying Jesus’ words this week in Matthew 10 “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” (verse 39).

As we make daily choices, we have a good opportunity to “leave behind” old parts of our false selves. With so many routines disrupted, we can take away new activities that lead to healthier, abundant life with God and the people around us.

One thing I’ve been glad to leave behind is indirect communication. No one is around, so if I want to talk to people, I’ve got to talk right to them!

What about you? What have you left behind? Let’s talk, 269-694-6104.

See you Sunday around the Word!

Pastor T

P.S. Guidelines for gatherings remain basically the same. We are passing out more service folders in doors if you like them, and, if you’re a hymnbook person, you’re welcome to bring your own or select one on-site and store it in your box as your own.

Wednesday “Study and Supper”

Everyone is welcome to a safe, small opportunity for worship and building relationships on Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. We finish before 7:30

Each week features a Bible study and discussion, prayer, confession, singing, and the Lord’s Supper.

This event is a great supplement for individuals worshiping off-site, or a simple worship/study time.

Attendance is limited to about 15. Masks are required.

Open Forum and Voters’ Meeting

The second quarter Open Forum is scheduled for July 19th at 11:45 am. All are welcome to attend.

The open forum is an opportunity to respond to proposals and initiatives. Individuals are welcome to give public feedback on the work of the congregation. Anyone is always welcome to bring feedback to pastor or council if necessary.

If the second quarter Voters’ Meeting takes place, it will be July 26th at 11:45. At this time, there are no business items to address.

Documentation will be available at the meeting. If you’d like information provided to you directly, you’re welcome to sign up.

Choir 2020-2021

Past, present or future choir members:

Due to the COVID 19 virus, we have decided that choir will have to be put on hold for now and not start in the fall. This wasn't a tough decision because the safety of our Peace members comes before anything else.

We don't know yet when we will be able to start up again, but more than likely it won't be until the situation has significantly improved (vaccine, large number of immune individuals).

If there are any Peace members that would be interested in helping with our worship by singing solos or cantoring (guiding congregational singing) please let pastor know.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Helen, Sharon Edgerton’s cousin who is hospitalized for congestive heart failure and pneumonia

  • Ellen Miller - thanksgiving for a good surgery

  • Our elected and appointed representatives

I’m studying and you could try……

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • Weekdays 9:00am - live devotion on Facebook, say hi

  • July 4th Independence Day!

  • July 7th 10:00 am Tuesday Talks study on-site or online

  • July 19th 11:45am Open Forum

  • July 26th Voter’s meeting

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Follow us on Facebook

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know. 

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news from for Peace June 25, 2020


I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalms 32:8

Trusting God in trouble.png

Dear friend,

I think about a few ways my life has changed in the last 6 months:

  • I actually know my way around Aldi well and can grocery shop in 30 minutes (a huge victory)

  • I stopped two Monday devotion/study gatherings

  • We live stream services weekly and do well

  • I’ve left behind my erratic start time each day and begin my day with a live devotion

  • I stopped avoiding some difficult conversations and began saying what I felt to my wife and others

  • I left behind avoiding a hard paper I need to write

I’d love to know what you have learned during this pandemic & protest season. What have you left behind? What would you like to take away? We’re going to consider a few of the great “leave behind and take aways” in July. Send me an email or text with yours.

For this week, let’s hear one last week to “Trust God in trouble”. See you Sunday at 9:00 (on-site or online), 10:30 outdoors!

[By the way, if you’re a hymnbook person, you’re welcome to bring your own or select one on-site and store it in your box as your own.]


Nathaniel Timmermann, pastor at Peace


Regular Musicians

Peace is looking to expand it’s group of regular musicians. We pay per weekend ($82). If you play an instrument appropriate for leading the congregation and would like to use your gifts for worship excellence, please let the pastor know via the church office.

Open Forum and Voters’ Meeting

The second quarter Open Forum is scheduled for July 19th at 11:45 am. All are welcome to attend.

The open forum is an opportunity to respond to proposals and initiatives. Individuals are welcome to give public feedback on the work of the congregation. Anyone is always welcome to bring feedback to pastor or council if necessary.

If the second quarter Voters’ Meeting takes place, it will be July 26th at 11:45. At this time, there are no business items to address.


  • Helen, Sharon Edgerton’s cousin who is hospitalized for congestive heart failure and pneumonia

I’m studying and you could try……

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


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Good news from for Peace June 18, 2020


Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

Dear friend,

Whether we gather from our homes or on-site, it's been nice to hear Jesus' word with you and proclaim his name these last few weeks.

Here are a few updates:

  • As best as I know, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 among Peace’s attenders. We know people who have it or have had it.

  • 9 am service has about 30 on site. We only use screens, no bulletins or hymnals. Offering is at the door. Only a few people wear masks. 15-20 devices are connected online each week.

  • 10:30 am service has between 35-45 attendees. We gather around the pavilion. Please bring your own chairs. There is no need to wear masks.

  • Most attenders have participated in the Lord’s Supper.

  • I am aware of the breakouts connected to a church in Sheboygan Falls, WI, a church in Oregon, churches in Virginia, and there are probably many others. I’m sure there are many thoughts and considerations about these situations. We’ll try to monitor these situations.

  • As we have gathered again on site, people have begun giving through physical gifts. Thanks for your generosity. Year to date, income and expenses are about even through May around $62K. We’re about $10K short of budget. If you are able, I encourage you to try electronic giving at in order to minimize physical interaction surrounding giving.

If you’re joining us for the first time, please check out the guidelines and sign up so we’ve got the space for you.


Nathaniel Timmermann, pastor at Peace


Let’s celebrate: Together and dads!

It’s time to celebrate that we can be together and God’s gift of dads. Services Sunday June 21st will be the same as normal - 9:00 am and 10:30. We’ll have a small celebration between service starting about 10:10. See you then!


  • Olivia, Eda McNees’ niece, whose uncle and father-in-law passed in the last week

  • Gus Hendrixson - brother Daryl recently passed

I’m studying and you could try……


Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • Weekdays 9:00am - live devotion on Facebook, say hi

  • June 21st 10:10 am “Together and dads celebration”

  • June 21st 11:45 am catechism

  • June 23rd 10:00 am Tuesday Talks study on-site or online

Weekly news from Peace Lutheran Church, Otsego MI

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


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Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for Online Giving