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The Christian message at Thanksgiving is both easier and harder than we imagine. Paul puts it this way. “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Eph 5:19 - 20) Singing, making music, and giving thanks are not hard tasks. The Lord doesn’t ask us to feed all the hungry or fix poverty.

At the same time, he says do it “from the heart”. Saying “thanks” doesn’t count if we don’t have a deep, living conviction of thanksgiving. That might be harder than ever in 2020.

Join me in generating both the heart and the activity of Thanksgiving this year.

Group gatherings of devotion and prayer in Thanksgiving

We’ll host an on site and an online devotion/prayer for Thanksgiving. Both will be just over 20 minutes.

Kingdom Thanksgivings

We encourage gratitude and thankfulness for all things. As a Christian congregation, we are especially glad to give thanks for what we call “kingdom thanksgivings”. Kingdom thanksgivings are the gospel related work God is up to among you. It’s what he does with his good news of forgiveness and life.

This year we invite all our friends and neighbors to share their thanksgivings on this postcard that will anonymously be posted at Peace.

  • Pick up a card at Peace and drop it in the box

  • Mail the card you got in the mail back to us

  • Email your kingdom thanksgiving to church@peaceotsego.org, text to 269-694-6104, or reach us on social media

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