
When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. Isaiah 26:9


Dear friend,

Are you ready for whatever God gives you this Christmas?

I would like to be. I want to be.

We had about 45 in the 9:00 am service and about 25 in the 10:45 last week. We have lots of space. Please follow the appropriate guidelines.

Let’s stay together on-site, online, or personal visit (269-694-6104).


Pastor Timmermann

Christmas 2020

On Christmas, we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Let’s join in the celebration on-site or online.




If you will join us on-site for any activities, sign up to reserve your spot! Please click the button below and fill out the form on the next page. Be sure to let us know the number of people in your group.

Chrildrens Christmas service 2020.png
Giving Tree 2020

Giving Tree 2020


A Special Thank You

A special thank you to the parishioners that donated gifts so generously to the giving tree this year. Through your generosity, many children will have a Merry Christmas!

Special Christmas Time Giving Opportunities

During the holiday season, you might think about ways to express your gratitude and serve the community around you. We are inviting you to join us in these opportunities again this year. 

Christmas Gift for Called Workers

  • You are invited to place your monetary token of love and thanks for Pastor Timmerman in an envelope marked “Christmas Gift”. 

  • Please give it to Charlie Kling or Ralph Holewa in the mail, in person, drop it in the collection plate, or one of their church mailboxes

  • Gifts will be received until the morning of December 20th

  • These gifts will be presented at the end of the 6:30 pm service

The Tree of Warmth: 

  • New acceptable items include hats, gloves, and scarves

  • Donations will go to Dix Street, Washington Street elementary schools, and Kalamazoo Gospel Mission 

  • Donations will be accepted through January 3rd

Ministry review

The elders recently finished reviewing our ministry, including the work of our staff.

We asked 21 households for feedback. Their ages ranged from low 20s to 80s. 14 households responded. Most of the responses were from individuals over 65. 

We’d like to thank the individuals who responded to their feedback.

We’d like to respond to a few points.

  1. Hymnals: A few people asked for hymnals. We reiterate - we encourage the use of hymnals. Please bring your own or ask and we’ll provide one that you can leave in your box. 

  2. Ushers: Ushers were asked to complete prep before service. We certainly agree and constantly work on it. For a number of reasons, to make this happen, this is an area where we need everyone on-site to help out. 

  3. Digital methods (digital newsletter, live stream, and electronic giving): We are glad to see our digital methods be generally well-received, despite the learning curve. We’re starting to see better engagement. We hope for continued success in improving our practices and appreciate appropriate feedback.

  4. Awareness: One younger individual commented that he/she had no awareness of the work of our administrative assistant. This is a persistent theme - that much of what we do does not engage people under 60. 

  5. Brochure: A brochure was asked for to explain mission, value, and strategies. We aren’t sure about the return on investment for us, and pastor will look into it. We may be better served by integrating some of those ideas into a service folder. 

  6. Calendar: The calendar was asked for in a monthly view. The calendar is printed monthly in a monthly view and emailed as a pdf. That calendar is also available by clicking “full calendar” each week. It would not be convenient to include it in the weekly email.

We’re taking away the following:

  1. Recognition: Pastor, Cindy, Jessica, and a few others were all recognized for the regular work getting done. People are generally satisfied. We’re glad to hear that. 

  2. Member retention: We validate the concern for member retention. We've noticed that concern in 2017 - 2019, and probably long before. Whether we are speaking of people we know well and miss dearly, or thinking of people only barely connected to us, member retention matters for the kingdom of God. Member retention is generally produced through the presence of certain characteristics and the absence of other characteristics.  We’ve identified both things we’re lacking (a sense of leadership and direction, trust, real relationships) and things that are present that we can work on (lack of responsiveness, dysfunction, lack of connection with teaching). Member retention should exist alongside outreach. Jesus calls us to make disciples. 

  3. Unsurprised: We were not surprised by the feedback we received this year. We take that as a good sign. It is always a good task to get the big ideas out of this size crowd. We try to stay on top of the feelings of the different generations and demographic groups. We hope communication improves for an even better partnership. 

This is a good time to remind us all that feedback once a year, anonymously given and summarized is a useful tool for good ministry. It helps us stay on top of big picture trends. 

Small, week to week feedback, is just as valuable and helpful. Please talk to the council and elders. Ushers, music, tech, hymnals, cleaning, Bible class times, study topics, philosophy, politics, and so much more all can benefit from the constant conversation. 

Thank you for this partnership. God be with you as you follow Jesus! 

Pastor T and the elders of Peace 

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Dave and Jeanne Myers 50th anniversary

  • Christmas

Other notes

I’m studying and you could try

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • December 20th, 9:00 am Children’s Christmas service

  • December 24th 4:30 and 6:30 pm Candlelight Christmas Eve services

  • December 25th, 10:00 am Christmas Day service

  • No midweek activities between December 24th and January 2nd

  • December 27th 9:00 and 10:45 regular Sunday services


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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving