For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5
Dear friend,
Hear God's call and get to work! What great news. Yes, the people around us need our work. We bring honor to God through our work. And most of all, we live as the people God calls us to be when we work.
Pastor Timmermann will be back with us this week. We’re thankful for the recovery God has given him. Thank you to the people who sent meals, prayed, sent cards, and called. What great encouragement!
We continue to follow basic practices for good health
Please stay home if you're sick.
We ask attendees to follow applicable state and local guidelines - distancing, masks, and hand washing.
Jesus redeemed us body and soul. Your soul matters so much to God that he became a man to win it back. Watch over it!
Services are Sunday 9:00 and 10:45. See you to hear the Word and worship God!
Pastor Timmermann
131 Youth Crew Sledding
We’re excited for a sledding outing with all our middle school and high school students on January 31st. Leave Peace about 3:45, sled at 4:30.
Contact pastor with questions and to join. Click below for more!
How will you learn to follow Jesus and grow in 2021? With a new year, we can make fresh habits to send ourselves on a new trajectory.
Contact the office and join me in the HEAR plan this year. I’ve got a great journal for each person who wants to be part of the group.
Jesus will guide us where he wants us to go!
Christmas decoration takedown
Thanks to all who helped take down Christmas decorations! Great work Roger, Cindy, Eda, Carlene, Ann, Ron, and Ellen.
Christianity Explored
The gospel, Jesus, and faith that brings life!
This is the class for people who aren’t sure if they believe in Jesus, would like to know more about Christianity, or would like a more formal introduction to the Christian church.
The next session will start in February! Sign up and bring a friend.
I got to drop off the hats and gloves from the “Tree of Warmth” at the local elementary school. “Yes, we can definitely use them!"
Prayers (full prayer list)
Paul Myers - recovery after surgery
the country and our elected representatives
Other notes
2021 council nominations under way Nominations/appointments – Peace Lutheran Church (
Christian Neighbors items for January are canned soup and ramen noodles, but any items are welcome
Ushers for January 9:00 Dan Doran, 10:45 Ron Miller
We would be helped if someone could take out the recycling by the family center door. Thank you!
Serving the weekend of January 17th
Pastor will be out of town over the weekend of the 24th. He regrets any inconvenience this adds to church life after having COVID, but after discussion with council and the elders they decided to keep the weekend off instead of trying to reschedule. Please feel free to call the church office with normal requests and he’ll answer (269-694-6104 call or text). Please contact Don Seelhof that weekend if the matter is urgent.
Upcoming events (full calendar)
January 24th 12:00 pm Open forum - both the open forum and voters’ meeting will be available at our video meeting platform (but not Zoom or Facebook, Youtube)
January 31th 12:00 pm Voters’ meeting (approve bylaws, elect new council)
January 31th 4:30 pm Sledding outing for 131 Youth Crew
February 8 6:30 pm Christianity Explored
February 17th 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday
I’m studying and you could try
Encouragement for reaching friends and neighbors without a church The Unaffiliated Are Not the Unreachable: Understanding and Reaching the Nones | The Exchange | A Blog by Ed Stetzer (
How Then Should We Work? – Institute for Faith, Work & Economics Bookstore (
Got this from a friend? Sign up here!
Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!
Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving