
Lord, you give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6


Dear friend,

I know that I often feel like my work isn’t worth it. Even as a pastor. And yet God calls us to work. He calls us to work with Jesus and to make his perfect work our own. That is work that is worth it.

If you missed our services last week, or any week, go to Messages — Peace ( There you can find video, audio, and text versions of the sermons, as well as links to the services.

I’m happy to welcome Mark Gieschen this weekend at Peace. We’ll follow our regular safety protocols at services.

We had 30 some in early service and about 15 in the later service last week, so there is lots of space! Join us.


Pastor Timmermann


Christianity Explored

The gospel, Jesus, and faith that brings life!

This is the class for people who aren’t sure if they believe in Jesus, would like to know more about Christianity, or would like a more formal introduction to the Christian church.

The next session will start in February! Sign up and bring a friend.

The Hands of the Passion

Lenten services beginning February 17th at 6:30 pm

Baptism pic .png


“Look here is water! Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” That’s what a man from Egypt said in the Bible when he heard the good news of Jesus. 

Why shouldn’t you be baptized? Easter is a great time of the year. It’s a time to celebrate Christ’s victory and success. There is no greater way to celebrate than baptism. 

If you aren’t baptized or you know someone who isn’t baptized, Easter is a great time to get baptized. Learn about baptism from this simple teaching on baptism, this sermon, and study materials on baptism, and I appreciate this outsider’s perspective on baptism in a Lutheran church. Check it out! 

Then call (269-694-6104) or email ( to set up your baptism!

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • (no prayers at this point)

Other notes

  • Christian Neighbors items for January are canned soup and ramen noodles, but any items are welcome

  • Ushers for January 9:00 Dan Doran, 10:45 Ron Miller

  • Serving the weekend of January 24th

  • Pastor will be out of town over the weekend of the 24th. He regrets any inconvenience this adds to church life after having COVID, but after discussion with council and the elders they decided to keep the weekend off instead of trying to reschedule. Please feel free to call the church office with normal requests and he’ll answer (269-694-6104 call or text). Please contact Don Seelhof over the weekend if the matter is urgent.

  • We need to move the white freezer from the kitchen to the parsonage garage and clean it out. Can you help?

Upcoming events (full calendar)

I’m studying and you could try


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