
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35


Dear friend,

Has your new year started well? Start it with God’s grace!

The elders, council, and I would like to thank Tom Wright for leading our services last week. Tom regularly displays faithfulness to God and a love for his Savior. He did a great job filling in at the last minute.

The reason Tom filled in is because I, pastor was first exposed to, then infected with, the coronavirus.

I’m doing well. Thank you for your concern. If you’d like to call, encourage, and check on me, please do so.


Here is what we’ve done to be safe

  • We’ve talked to the health department and they’ve assured us we’re doing the right things

  • Pastor is staying out of the building this week

  • Josh Gower and Ron Miller will be leading services this week with a video sermon from pastor

  • We’ll fog before and after services

  • Both services have a small attendance

We’re taking care of physical health so we can also take care of our spiritual well being. Have you confessed your anger, bitterness, loneliness, or despair and asked for help? Have you reached out to encourage someone? How is your commitment to your work?

Jesus redeemed us body and soul. Your soul matters so much to God that he became a man to win it back. Watch over it!

Services are Sunday 9:00 and 10:45. No Sunday study on 1/10. Thursday online at 8 pm (not 7 pm as the calendar says).

Let’s see where God's grace takes us this year!


Pastor Timmermann

2020 Giving

Thank you for your gifts to support gospel ministry through Peace in 2020!

Giving statements have been distributed. Please notify the office if you do not receive one and you need one.

Offering envelopes

Offering envelopes for 2021 are available in your mailbox at church.

The list of numbers is posted outside the office door. Please let the office know 269-694-6104 if there are any problems. Thanks for the partnership in gospel ministry!


How will you learn to follow Jesus and grow in 2021? With a new year, we can make fresh habits to send ourselves on a new trajectory.

Contact the office and join me in the HEAR plan this year. I’ve got a great journal for each person who wants to be part of the group.

Jesus will guide us where he wants us to go!

Christmas decoration takedown

We’ll take Christmas decorations down Sunday January 10th after the later service. The reverse of this list needs to be done

Thank you!

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • The Timmermanns

  • Paul Scheppelman

Other notes

  • Please nominate godly men — click here

  • someone could use a full/double size box spring if anyone has a spare. Please contact the office.

  • Ushers for January 9:00 Dan Doran, 10:45 Ron Miller

  • We would be helped if someone could take out the recycling by the family center door. Thank you!

  • Thank you to Pete and Donna for fixing the tape on the pews.

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • January 10, 12:00 pm Christmas decoration takedown

  • January 12 Elders and council meeting

  • January 24, 12:00 pm Open forum

  • January 31, 12:00 pm Voters’ meeting (approve bylaws, elect new council)

  • February 8th, 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

I’m studying and you could try


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Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving