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Bernie Winkel

[For interactive content, please view this notice online at Good news from Peace — Peace (peaceotsego.org)

Dear friends and family of Bernie Winkel,

On Monday December 21st Bernie was brought to glory to celebrate with his Savior. I am comforted to know that Bernie triumphs with all the saints because of Jesus, and I pray you may be as well. She experiences what we can only imagine: “Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude… shouting, ‘Hallelujah! For our God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bridegroom has made himself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given him to wear.'” (Revelation 19)

For Bernie’s obituary, please visit Bernadine M. Winkel | Winkel Funeral Home | Otsego Michigan

Visitation arrangements are posted in the obituary. Individuals may greet the family also on Thursday morning prior to the funeral.

Her funeral will take place indoors at Peace Lutheran Church on Thursday, December 24th at 11 am. It will also be streamed online at https://peaceotsego.org/worship

The funeral is open to the public, but attendance is limited. Please register in advance so we can prepare well by filling out the form below (if viewing online) or click https://peaceotsego.org/peacenews

To give a memorial to Peace in honor of Bernie, please click https://peaceotsego.org/give

We ask and encourage on site attendees to follow active guidelines for social distancing, masks and other health practices. Our focus is to help people grieve the loss of Bernie and to celebrate the victory Jesus has given her. We are also convinced of the importance of caring for health as well as we can.

Serving the living Savior

Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Please pray for Bernie’s family: 
Lord Jesus, by your victory over death you have opened the way to eternal life for all of us. Bernie’s family in particular is sad because of their loss. Comfort them in their trial. Point the way to life. Renew their joy each morning. In Jesus’ name, Amen.