
Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:9


Dear friend,

It’s a new year and there is new work to do. Who needs your work? Yourself? Friends? Family? Neighbors and acquaintances? Your city? Or people on the other side of the world? One thing that changes our work is to think again about who we are working for and who benefits from it.

Speaking of work, Pastor Timmermann is back at work. He is bringing us more good news for our work based on Mark chapter 1 this week. Catch up on our recent sermons at Messages — Peace ( There you can find video, audio, and text.

We had about 30 in early service and about 20 in the later service last week, so there is lots of space! Join us.


Pastor Timmermann

Restructuring/new bylaws

Sunday January 31st marks a big day at Peace. God willing, we’ll vote to put new bylaws in place at Peace.

All members are invited to become informed about them, assess them, ask questions about them, and finally engage in the process - especially on Sunday. See Restructuring (Bylaws update) – Peace Lutheran Church (

We’ve handled a number of questions over the last few months. Highlights include:

  • Is this changing the doctrine of Peace? No. Peace proclaims Jesus’ teaching according to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Check out what we believe. This We Believe – WELS

  • Why these changes now? A number of reasons, including the fact that we wanted/needed new ways to function.

  • Is this a significant change to our structure, or more of the small changes we tend to see? This is a significant restructuring to the congregation. The old system required 18 elected positions and another 5 or so appointed positions. The new system requires 4 elected positions and no appointed positions.

The Hands of Passion.png

The Hands of Passion

Lenten services beginning February 17th at 6:30 pm

Everywhere we look, we see hands at work. In the passion of Jesus, there are many hands:

  • hands that heal

  • hands that hurt

  • hands that stay away

  • hands that are crushed

  • hands that claim victory

What are your hands doing?

Admit, heal, and do things differently with your hands.

Join pastor (we will not share pulpits in 2021) for Lenten services at 6:30 pm starting February 17th. We’ll culminate our services on April 1st with Maundy Thursday and April 2nd with Good Friday.


Easter 2021

Easter services will be 9 and 10:45 on April 4th. There will not be a 7 am service. Look for more information to come. Start inviting friends and family!



“Look here is water! Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” That’s what a man from Egypt said in the Bible when he heard the good news of Jesus. 

Why shouldn’t you be baptized? Easter is a great time of the year. It’s a time to celebrate Christ’s victory and success. There is no greater way to celebrate than baptism. 

If you aren’t baptized or you know someone who isn’t baptized, Easter is a great time to get baptized. Learn about baptism from this simple teaching on baptism, this sermon, and study materials on baptism, and I appreciate this outsider’s perspective on baptism in a Lutheran church. Check it out! 

Then call (269-694-6104) or email ( to set up your baptism!

Bring your sleds and join us for an afternoon of sledding! We’ll be sledding at Johnson Park in Walker this year. Hot chocolate and dinner will be provided.

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Thanksgiving for the good surgery for Gerald Scheppelman

Other notes

Upcoming events (full calendar)

I’m studying and you could try


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