Good news for Peace October 29

This week’s lessons: Daniel 3, Mark 13:5-11

Hi all!

The woman only came to the church for a wedding. She didn’t care about God, or faith, or approval. She was just there for the wedding.

Something happened at the wedding. She remembered her childhood. She remembered praising the creator of the universe. She relived love and hope and faith. She came alive.

She came home.

I love how many people can tell a story of coming home to a church. They discover or rediscover laughs, life, and love. They discover family.

And I want to be a family with you this weekend.

Can’t wait to see you for service at 9:30. Chili cook-off, family portraits, and games after! Until then, God be with you!


Pastor T


With Christmas approaching, people may be more interested in attending church than they are during other times of the year. Visitors feel more comfortable attending services when they know someone. We encourage you to begin a journey of bringing a family to Christ. Asking the family to attend services should be one step in the journey. Let’s start now by praying for a family you would like to begin this journey with.

Forward in Christ (and other subscriptions)

Our synod offers two main periodicals: Forward in Christ (a monthly magazine) and Meditations (a quarterly devotion booklet).

We help individuals who want to receive paper editions subscribe. We receive a discount that way. If you’d like to subscribe to either of these, now is the time. For new sign-ups or if you have questions contact the office or Charlie Kling

These periodicals are also available electronically. Click the links above.


Stories that Sneak in: The Parables of Jesus

Ben Franklin published this picture a long time ago. He was trying to people something. Do you understand what he was saying?

If you don’t get it, talk to pastor or your favorite politics junkie. Political cartoons don’t get straight to the point. They sneak the point in.

Ancient parables worked in much the same way. They snuck the point in while people were smiling, laughing, or wondering. Jesus was an expert parable teller. He always helped people discover the kingdom of God at work among them and invited them to trust.

We’re going to take a look at parables in our next study session. We meet

  • Wednesday night at 6:30 in the Kalamazoo area

  • Thursday 8:00 pm online

  • Sunday at 7:50 am.

Join us and bring a friend.

Voters’ meeting

Great work to everyone who participated in our recent voters’ meeting. It’s not easy to personally bring others the gospel, let alone guide an organization that is committed to helping people bring others the gospel. Hats off!

I’d like to share a couple of highlights of our 2022 ministry plan (including the budget).

  • Help and enable pastor for more personal interaction (less office time)

  • Help seniors take their next step to active participation in God’s work

  • Increase personal, relational networking and witnessing

  • Reduce expected income to $150,000.

  • Switch to volunteer musician or recorded music twice per month

  • End the admin assistant on July 1st

  • Reduce both outreach and education-related expenses

  • No planned VBS or camps

  • Cut maintenance expenses to $4750

  • Eliminate debt overpayment

We’re making a number of changes that will both challenge us and let God work through as we bring people the gospel. Please join me in praying for Peace as we work together and invite God to work through us.

Please reach out to pastor or Charlie Kling if you have any questions.

Trunk or Treat

October 29th Friday 5:30-6:45. Can’t wait to see you!


November Youth Crew - November 7th, 4:00 pm. All middle school and high school students are invited! Love to go with you! Leave Peace at 3:15 God, Guys, and Gals: November Youth Crew — Peace (


(full prayer list)

Ron Miller, thanksgiving and recovery after surgery

Carlene White, loss of stepfather

Welcome Home

Christian Neighbor’s items for October are pasta and pasta sauce

Dix Street Elementary school would love to have a few people clean up the landscaping this fall.

Workday! November 6th, 9:00 am.

Love to have your help!

This is the start of the list.

Reformation “This Changed Everything” This Changed Everything (2016) | Full Movie | David Suchet | Dr. John Armstrong - YouTube

Springtide Research “The State of Religion and Young People” The State of Religion & Young People 2021: Navigating Uncertainty (

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace October 22

This week’s lessons: Amos 5:4-15, Mark 10:17-27

Hi all!

Can’t wait to see you next week for Welcome Home. I hope you’re inviting people and praying for the family of God at Peace.

It’ll be great to reunite!


Pastor T


Welcome Home!

Peace is a place we can all call home.

On October 31st we’ll have one service at 9:30 am.

Family photographs are available. Chili cook-off, a cakewalk, family games. Merry, not scary costumes are welcome!

Sign up below for family photos!

Forward in Christ (and other subscriptions)

Our synod offers two main periodicals: Forward in Christ (a monthly magazine) and Meditations (a quarterly devotion booklet).

We help individuals who want to receive paper editions subscribe. We receive a discount that way. If you’d like to subscribe to either of these, now is the time. For new sign-ups or if you have questions contact the office or Charlie Kling

These periodicals are also available electronically.

Veteran’s Day Potluck

The November Senior Luncheon will also include a thank you to our veterans.

All seniors and veterans are welcome on Friday November 12th at 12:00 pm. Please bring a dish to pass.

Please contact Jeanne Myers if you have any questions.


Trunk or Treat!

Join us on October 29th from 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm for hot dogs and Trunk or Treating!

Hosts are also welcome - bring a decorated trunk full of candy!

November Youth Crew - November 7th, 4:00 pm. All middle school and high school students are invited! Love to go with you! Leave Peace at 3:15 God, Guys, and Gals: November Youth Crew — Peace (

(full prayer list)

Jeanne Ueck, recovering from a tooth infection

Ron Miller, aneurysm surgery this week

Welcome Home

Christian Neighbor’s items for October are pasta and pasta sauce

Dix Street Elementary school would love to have a few people clean up the landscaping this fall.

Workday! November 6th, 9:00 am.

Love to have your help!

This is the start of the list.

The friends and enemies of Martin Luther

WELS “Ministering to Millennials Playbook

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace October 15

This week’s lessons: Amos 5:4-15, Mark 10:17-27

Hi all!

Religion and religiosity might actually have a number of negative effects.

Religion might lead to a larger gender pay gap. The Hidden Cost of Prayer: Religiosity and the Gender Wage Gap | Academy of Management Journal (

Religion might lead to fanaticism.

Religion might lead to violence.

I’m not coming up on this on my own. Amos pointed it all out 2,500 years ago.

Let’s get into it Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30 am.


Pastor T


Open Forum and Voters' Meeting

All are welcome to provide feedback and make inquiries/suggestions during our open forum. Our major business is the budget.

Open forum will take place on October 17th @ 11:45 am

Voters' meeting on October 24th @ 11:45 am

How to participate online

You can participate on the computer (with a microphone and speakers) by clicking on this link. You may need to install an application the first time, so try it before the meeting time. All laptops should have the necessary hardware.

You can also call in to connect by phone. Dial 1 (650)419-1505; when prompted enter the meeting ID of 273 136 645. There is no need to enter a name.

Welcome Home!

Peace is a place we can all call home. Join us on October 31st for worship at 9:30 am and activities to follow. Actives include a chili cook-off, a cakewalk, family games, family photos, and more!

Financial Peace University!

Join us to learn about budgeting, eliminating debt, saving for the future, and gifting. Classes are held weekly starting October 18th @ 6:30 pm!

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Trunk or Treat!

Join us on October 29th from 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm for hot dogs and Trunk or Treating!

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  • Ron Miller

  • Shannon, granddaughter of Myers

(full prayer list)

Christian Neighbors

Christian Neighbor’s items for October are pasta and pasta sauce

Wondering what your religious neighbors are hearing at church?

Our latest study on sharing God’s truth and grace one person at a time

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace October 8

This week’s lessons: James 4:1-12, Mark 9:38-50

Hi all!

This last weekend I let the church know that I’ve returned the recent call and will stay at Peace. I shared this letter with them.

Dear fellow followers of our risen Lord,  

Thank you for calling me to serve our Lord and you at St Paul’s Lutheran Church. I have been glad to hear about all the great gospel ministry taking place. I consider it an honor to have been invited to be part of your work.  

I have decided to stay in Otsego for now. I am returning this call to you and joining you in prayer for the future of your ministry. I pray that God gives you a shepherd or another way to keep doing his work, because he has definitely given you plenty of opportunities! 

My work at Peace continues to call me to repentance and trust in our Lord. As a pastor, I can hardly imagine anything better. To go first in following the true Shepherd’s voice in all of life's challenges and opportunities, to declare his glory and invite others to do the same … this is good.  

God be with you, 

Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann and family  

Look forward to hearing God’s Word with you on Sunday at 9:00 am or 10:30.


Pastor T


Financial Peace University

I can’t tell you how much the basic financial practices of Financial Peace have helped my family. We don’t live paycheck to paycheck and are saving the future. You can have the same. Financial Peace University will teach you to budget, eliminate debt, save for the future, and be generous. Classes will be held Mondays @ 6:30 pm beginning October 18th - December 13th.

For more information and to sign up, click the link below.

Please note: Financial Peace University normally requires a subscription for independent participation. If you join us, you can participate for free OR through a subscription.

Open Forum and Voters' Meeting

Peace uses two business meetings to set the direction of the congregation for the upcoming calendar year. 

The first is an open forum. At the open forum, the elders and council request feedback on future initiatives. All are welcome to provide feedback and make inquiries/suggestions. 

At the voters' meeting, voting members are asked to conduct the business of the congregation. 


Open forum will take place on October 17th @ 11:45 am

Voters' meeting on October 24th @ 11:45 am

How to participate online

Since the voters' meeting is a legal gathering and requires two-way participation, we will not host it on Facebook, Youtube, etc. It will be on our phone provider's system.

You can participate on the computer (with a microphone and speakers) by clicking on this link. You may need to install an application the first time, so try it before the meeting time. All laptops should have the necessary hardware.

You can also call in to connect by phone. Dial 1 (650)419-1505; when prompted enter the meeting ID of 273 136 645. There is no need to enter a name.

Major items

Approve Micah Rimpel as recording secretary

2022 budget

Welcome Home!

We’ll have a special event on Sunday, October 31st to welcome everyone home!

We consider you part of our church family and are so glad to know you. We want our entire church family to reconnect on Oct 31st and want you to be part of it. No matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done, Peace is a place we can all call home

      Family photos                                Chili cook off  

      Costumes encouraged                 Prizes                  

      Family games                               Cakewalk 

                                 Harvest fest!

Beautiful worship filled with the gospel at 9:30 am! 

Visit or call 269-694-6104

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Christmas Volunteers

With 75 degrees weather, it feels too early to be thinking about Christmas and we know schedules become busier the closer we get. We would like to start forming volunteer teams now for our different Christmas activities and services like decorating, the Hometown parade, and Christmas services. Please touch base with pastor!


You and Your Pets

Our next Youth Crew gathering will take place Sunday, October 10th at 4:00. We’ll talk about our pets. We love them. We appreciate them.

We’ll be heading to the Grand Rapids area. We’ll leave Peace at about 3:15 on the 10th. We’ll be back at about 7. Join me!

  • The Wedge family

(full prayer list)

Christian Neighbors

Christian Neighbor’s items for October are pasta and pasta sauce


October ushers are Jim Walkley and Ron Miller

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • October 8, 12 pm Senior luncheon

  • October 10th, 4 pm Youth Crew in Dorr

  • October 14th 6:30 pm Choir

  • October 15th, 6:30 pm Bunco

  • October 15th, 11 am Ladies Guild

  • October 17th, 11:45 am Open Forum

  • October 18th 6:30 pm, Financial Peace University

  • October 31st 9:30 am, Welcome Home


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace October 1

This week’s lessons: James 3:1-18, Mark 9:30-37

Hi all!

Well, did you test economic impartiality this week? I did. It was interesting. I guess I still have a long way to go to match the heart of God. If you missed the rest of the message, catch it here. Bring! your wallets — Peace (

Look forward to hearing God’s Word with you on Sunday at 9:00 am or 10:30.


Pastor T

Communion transition

We’ve been using pre-packaged communion kits for almost two years now. I think you’ve appreciated it; I’ve seen how many you take each week.

We are NOT getting rid of the pre-packaged kits. If you are concerned about your health, please continue to use them.

I would like to encourage you to use the individual cups. If you don’t want to walk back to your seat, please step to the side to eat and drink upfront.


Financial Peace University

Would you like Financial peace? Join us for a 9-week course to help you achieve your financial goals. Financial Peace University will teach you to budget, eliminate debt, save for the future, and be generous. Classes will be held Mondays @ 6:30 pm beginning October 18th - December 13th.

For more information and to sign up, visit

Please note: Financial Peace University normally requires a subscription for independent participation. If you join us, you can participate for free OR through a subscription.

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Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6

We are looking for two volunteers to help teach our children. If you are available once a month and able to help please contact pastor.

Craft time!

All crafters (and non-crafters) are welcome to craft time on Tuesday, October 5th. 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.

Bring all your craftiness to show off. There will be a few people on-site to help with knitting and crocheting.

Can’t wait to see you!

Welcome Home!

We’ll have a special event on Sunday, October 31st to welcome everyone home!

Pastor would love to have a small team of people to help for the day. We’ll have special invites, a chili cook-off, a photographer, and more.

I’d love to have your help. Please let me know. And I’d love to see you!

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You and Your Pets

Our next Youth Crew gathering will take place Sunday, October 10th at 4:00. We’ll talk about our pets. We love them. We appreciate them.

We’ll be heading to the Grand Rapids area. We’ll leave Peace at about 3:15 on the 10th. We’ll be back at about 7. Join me!

  • Dolores Cook

  • Dave Myers surgery recovery

  • Eda McNees surgery recovery

(full prayer list)

Christian Neighbors

Christian Neighbor’s items for October are pasta and pasta sauce

Maintenance Coordinator

We’re looking for a volunteer to oversee our maintenance. Please let Pastor know if you would like to volunteer. Position Requirements.

Team and Task Time

I’m looking forward to Team and Task Time Tuesday night. It’s a great chance for us to work together for Peace and our city.

  • Barn clean up

  • Inventory ramps

  • Some basic landscaping at Dix Elementary School

  • Fix lights and repair bulbs

  • Christmas planning - Hometown Christmas, Christmas 4 Kids, Christmas services

See you at 6 (or 6:30)!


October ushers are Jim Walkley and Ron Miller


How to Grow Volunteerism in Your Church (

A hub for the research of New Testament manuscripts in the United States The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • October 5, 10 am Craft Time

  • October 5, 6 pm Task and Team Time

  • October 8, 12 pm Senior luncheon

  • October 10th, 4 pm Youth Crew in Wyoming

  • October 17th, 11:45 am Open Forum


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace September 24

This week’s lessons: James 2:1-18, Mark 8:27-35

Hi all!

“They love all men and are persecuted by all. They are unknown and condemned. They are put to death and restored to life. 

They are poor, yet make many rich. They lack everything, yet they overflow in everything. 

They are dishonored, and yet in their very dishonor they are glorified; they are spoken ill of and yet are justified; they are reviled but bless; they are insulted and repay the insult with honor; they do good, yet are punished as evildoers; when punished, they rejoice as if raised from the dead. They are assailed by the Jews as barbarians; they are persecuted by the Greeks; yet those who hate them are unable to give any reason for their hatred.” Letter to Diognetus

This is what it means and looks like to do gospel good. For more on the gospel good we can do, please check out last week’s sermon. Bring! gospel good — Peace (

This week we’re going to bring our wallets. Martin Luther said, “I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess.”

Look forward to hearing God’s Word with you on Sunday at 9:00 am or 10:30.


Pastor T

Creative Arts Festival volunteers

We’ve got a nice chance to be part of and help out our community. I’m looking for about 20 total people to help out with shifts at the Otsego Creative Arts Festival.

The Creative Arts Festival is September 25th.

Shifts can be an hour or two on Saturday. Feel free to invite friends and neighbors.

Sign up here for some community fun (click below)

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on

Join us this week for the last outdoor service of 2021!

Outdoor Service.PNG

Craft time!

All crafters (and non-crafters) are welcome to craft time on Tuesday October 5th.

Bring all your craftiness to show off. There will be a few people on-site to help with knitting and crocheting.

Can’t wait to see you!

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Welcome Home!

We’ll have a special event on Sunday, October 31st to welcome people home who have been gone for a while.

Pastor would love to have a small team of people to help for the day. We’ll have special invites, a chili cook-off, a photographer, and more.

Let me know!


131 Youth Crew Allegan Events September 26th, 3:00 pm September Youth Crew – Allegan Events – Peace Lutheran Church (

You and Your Pets

Our first regular Youth Crew gathering will take place Sunday, October 10th at 3:00. We’ll talk about our pets. We love them. We appreciate them.

We’ll leave Peace at about 2:15 on the 10th. Join me!

  • The family of Shirley Kling (Charlie)

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbor’s item for September is mac and cheese and boxed potatoes.

  • We’re looking for a volunteer to oversee our maintenance. Please let Pastor know if you would like to volunteer. Position Requirements.

I’m studying and you could try

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Please pray for the family of Shirley Kling


Shirley R Kling

Dear friends and family of Shirley Kling,

On Wednesday, September 22nd Shirley was brought to glory to celebrate with her Savior. I am comforted to know that she triumphs with all the saints because of Jesus. I pray that you have the same comfort. She experiences what we can only imagine:

“Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude… shouting, ‘Hallelujah! For our God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bridegroom has made himself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given him to wear.'” (Revelation 19)

Shirley honored the Lord and his people by teaching our children God’s Word. She also developed their natural skills through our Pioneer program. We thank her and the Lord for her service.

Obituary: To read Shirley’s obituary, please visit Shirley R. Kling - Winkel Funeral Home | Otsego Michigan

Funeral: Shirley’s funeral will take place on Saturday September 25th at Peace Lutheran Church. The service will begin at 11:00 a.m.

The funeral is open to the public.

Concerning health, attendees are encouraged to follow state and local guidelines. Peace does not have any different protocols in place.

Information to participate remotely (livestreaming or phone) is available on our website,

Interment: Interment will take place at Mountain Home Cemetery at 2:00 pm on Saturday. Family and close friends are welcome to attend.

Luncheon: Everyone is welcome to attend a light luncheon immediately following the service.

Visitation: Visitation will take place on Friday September 24th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Winkel Funeral Home; or from 10:00 - 10:45 am on Saturday September 25th at Peace Lutheran Church.

Memorial To give a memorial to Peace in honor of Shirley, please go to and select “Memorial”.

Let’s gather on Saturday to mourn and celebrate the victory Jesus has given to Shirley. May Jesus work healing and hope in us.

Serving the living Savior

Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Please pray for Shirley’s family: 

Lord Jesus, by your victory over death you have opened the way to eternal life for all of us. Comfort Shirley’s family in their loss. Point the way to life. Renew their joy each morning. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Pastor has received a request to serve at another congregation

Dear friends in Jesus,

We wanted to let you know that Pastor Timmermann has received a request from another church to serve as their pastor. He shared the following with us this Sunday.

“I’m honored to already serve God’s people at Peace in Otsego. Together we get to bring the gospel of Jesus to the greater Otsego – Plainwell community. I’m also grateful to announce that God’s people have asked me to serve at Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church in Mauston, WI.

Our Christian churches call these requests to serve in a specific place “calls” or “divine calls”. Over the coming weeks, my family and I will deliberate both calls. I will seek God’s guidance through his Word. I will consider the counsel of his people. I will try to take many factors into account. I’d like to invite individuals at both congregations to provide input and counsel as they desire. I’d love to hear from you. I trust that God will be at work for the good of his kingdom.

This call does not mean that we’re looking to leave Peace. We’re grateful for the people, the community, and the ministry. We are not obligated to accept the new call to serve at Saint Paul's. Both calls are equally valid. We will follow God’s guidance through his Word, his people, and our gifting.

We’ll deliberate these calls for some time. Again, to reiterate, people at both congregations are invited to reach out with prayers, encouragement, and wisdom. I will announce a decision at a Sunday service when we’ve made one.

I’m grateful that Jesus is Lord of the church through all the things that are going on and he still leads us forward in his mission. I can’t wait to see what he does in both locations through his mighty gospel!

In Christ, 

Nathaniel Timmermann, along with Rachel, Clara, Lillian, Marie, Josiah, and Alex

Please do reach out to pastor, let him know you are praying for him, and encourage him as he listens to God.

Please feel free to reach out at 269-694-6104 or Thanks!


Good news for Peace September 17

This week’s lessons: James 1:19-27, Mark 7:31-37


Hi all!

James wrote, “consider it pure joy when you face trials” (verse 2) How can you have joy when you face trials? Who can do that?  

  • If I believe that I’m a good person, so everything will be okay, what happens the first time your girlfriend breaks up with you, or you lose your first job, or you get cancer? If you believe you are a good person, how can you have joy when you experience those kinds of trials? What will you end up saying to yourself?  

  • You'll say, I thought I was a good person. I thought I was doing the right thing. I shouldn’t have to suffer like this. This doesn’t seem fair. This doesn’t seem right.  

  • But the gospel would say to you and me, Jesus has endured the very worst trial – he was separated from his father – so that he could be joined with us and you and I would never be separated from God.  

  • We can say, yes, my girlfriend broke up with me because I am a messed up person and I probably did something and I betrayed her trust and I hurt her and I messed up the relationship. At the same time, I know that my God has endured a test so much worse than this so that he would never leave me. Even if my girlfriend does leave me, my God never will.  

  • Or if you or I get cancer, we can say, I realize that I have this cancer because I am a broken person and I’m falling apart and I’m supposed to be heading into the grave. But my God went through a far worse test, he suffered eternal death so that whatever death I die, it’s only temporary. Even if I die for a time, I won’t die forever. I will rise again.  

This is what the gospel does for us. It lets us turn this whole messy world back around. For more on the gospel turning this world around (include stories of the ’60s!), check out the entire sermon. Bring! the gospel — Peace (

This week, Pastor Timmermann will give us encouragement from James to not only bring good words (the gospel) but also bring good deeds to people.

Look forward to hearing God’s Word with you on Sunday at 9:00 am or 10:30.


Pastor T

Reminder: Did you get engaged?

We’ve got all kinds of ways for us to be part of God’s mission through Peace. Did you join in this last week? Get plugged into our fall ministry! Fall 2021 ministry – Peace Lutheran Church (

Creative Arts Festival volunteers

We’ve got a nice chance to be part of and help out our community. I’m looking for about 20 total people to help out with shifts at the Otsego Creative Arts Festival.

The Creative Arts Festival is September 25th (next Saturday).

Shifts can be an hour or two next Saturday. Feel free to invite friends and neighbors.

Sign up here for some community fun (click below)

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on

Gifts from Guests

We’re pleased to announce a small new effort to serve our community.

We’re going to make small gifts in honor of first-time guests to certain non-profits.

First-time guests will be able to select the non-profit.

We’ll provide more explanation on Sunday. We’re excited to work with our guests in this way! Can’t wait to see you at the services.

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Maintenance Coordinator

Our maintenance coordinator has taken a new job in another state and resigned.

We’re looking for a volunteer to take the lead and oversee our maintenance team to keep the facility clean and running well.  The volunteer will need:

  • Flexible schedule

  • Average 1-3 hours per week

  • Oversee ongoing maintenance of all material onsite such as change furnace filters, replace light bulbs, etc.

  • Good communication and organization

Full position requirements are in the link below. If this sounds like something you are interested in please let pastor know.

Last Outdoor Service

Join us on September 26th at 10:30 am for our last outdoor service.

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  • Dolores Cook, therapy after successful surgery for a cancerous lump

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbor’s item for September is mac and cheese and boxed potatoes.

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

  • Pastor could use some help running cables for the piano and some other recent installs. If you would be able to help some time please let him know!

  • We would like to update specific individual and family pictures in the directory and on the board. This is not a general “let’s update the directory”. It’s a targeted effort. If you’d like to help us update specific people, please let pastor know!

I’m studying and you could try

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace September 10

This week’s lessons: James 1:2-18, Mark 10: 32-44


BRING! Fall 2021

What are you bringing with you this fall? If you’re heading to school, I bet your bag is full of a computer, notebooks, pens, and everything else you’ll need for class. If you’re heading back into the office (or maybe home from the office), you’ve got your computer, reports, and that picture of someone you care for. And if you’re starting to head south, you’re getting packed.

Be sure to add one more thing. The gospel of Jesus. We bring the gospel and you can too.

Our fall ministry starts on September 12th. Check out the plan for the fall and join in!

I strongly urge each of us to get engaged in some way with God’s work at Peace. There are all kinds of opportunities - studies, service work, and so much more.

I look forward to the time with you!

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Gifts from Guests

We’re pleased to announce a small new effort to serve our community.

We’re going to make small gifts in honor of first-time guests to certain non-profits.

First-time guests will be able to select the non-profit.

We’ll provide more explanation on Sunday. We’re excited to work with our guests in this way! Can’t wait to see you at the services.

2021 Fall Ministry Schedule

  • None at time of print

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbor’s item for September is mac and cheese and boxed potatoes.

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

  • Our ministry to children could use a used computer. Please let pastor know.

  • Pastor could use some help running cables for the piano and some other recent installs. If you would be able to help some time please let him know!

  • We would like to update specific individual and family pictures in the directory and on the board. This is not a general “let’s update the directory”. It’s a targeted effort. If you’d like to help us update specific people, please let pastor know!

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace September 3

This week’s lessons: Ephesians 5:21-6:4, Mark 10:2-16


Hi all!

What does family life look like in America around the year 2021?  

The US population is about 330 million (Decennial Census by Decades). For some perspective, that is more than double the 1950 US population. There are about 265 million people over the age of 15, the other 65 million are children.  

There are about 120 million households or family units. The average household size is about 2.6 people. U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: United States  

About 135 million or 2 in every 5 people (I.e. just under 1 out of every 2 people) are married. (see charts linked here National Spouses Day: January 26, 2021 ( 

About 3 out of every 5 households are married, 2 out of every 5 are unmarried.  

About 87 million people over the age of 15 have never been married. So if another person isn’t married, the odds are almost 50/50 that they have never been married. Record Share of Americans Have Never Married | Pew Research Center  

If the person is married, they are almost certainly at least 30 (Number, Timing and Duration of Marriages and Divorces ( 

Another 41 million people over the age of 15 are either widowed or divorced.  

As a pastor, I keep these things in the back of my mind when I'm around town, meeting people, creating studies, and preparing messages. This is the American family. 2 in 5 Americans are married, more than 2 in 5 Americas (including children) have never been married, and fewer than 1 in 5 Americans have been but currently are not married.  

What does the gospel say to all these households and individuals? We believe that Jesus died and rose for individuals and for families. This is the good news we’re going to hear this weekend. Can’t wait to hear it with you!  

God bless you until then!

Pastor Timmermann

Check in with all of our fall ministry!


We want to listen to the questions and concerns our friends and family have about the gospel of Jesus. Explore Christianity is an opportunity to discuss those questions. 

This class is reserved for those curious about the claims of Jesus. Christians are encouraged to bring those who might be curious or skeptical. Begin praying for and inviting your family and friends to attend.

The next session starts on September 16th at 6:30 pm. More info and sign up by clicking below.

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Labor Day weekend is a day to lift up our workers, celebrate our contributions, and support our struggles. It is also a day to commit to improving ourselves, appreciating others, and thanking each other for a job well done. Let’s enjoy our Labor Day weekend together!

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Team and Task Time!

Join us for Team and Task Time Tuesday, September 7th @ 6 pm

Bring your ideas, helping hands, and cheerful heart

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September Youth Crew

We’re heading to Allegan Events to kick off the year!

Middle and high school students join us for indoor zip-lining, a ropes course, and a climbing wall!

September 26th 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Cost: $20 per person

Ramp It Up!

As we mentioned last week, we’re glad to announce our new “Ramp It Up” initiative. We will now be able to install ramps for in-need individuals from our community!

This insured work allows people who need assistance to get into and out of their homes and have no other affordable options to get the help they need.

This last weekend, we ministered to a gentleman who recently lost his wife while we took down the ramp.

The crew will meet Tuesday night September 7th during Team and Task Time (dinner at 6, work at 6:30). If you want to help out, join us!

Please direct questions to Jon Ott, the coordinator.

2021 Fall Ministry Schedule

  • Class for children will begin again on September 12th!

  • None at time of print

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbor’s item for September is mac and cheese and boxed potatoes.

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

  • Our ministry to children could use a used computer. Please let pastor know.

  • Pastor could use some help running cables for the piano and some other recent installs. If you would be able to help some time please let him know!

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • September 7th, 6 pm Team and Task Time

  • September 9th, 1 pm Women’s Fall Welcome

  • September 10th, 12 pm Senior Luncheon

  • September 12th, 5:00 pm Ministry Meals 2021

  • September 12th BRING! Fall start!

    • 8:00 am Study

    • 9:00 and 10:30 Services

    • During 9:00 am service - children’s education

  • September 16th, 6:30 pm Choir starts

  • September 17th, 6:30 pm Bunco

  • September Ushers: Marc Nelson and Andy Winter

    I’m studying and you could try

  • All our sermons Messages — Peace (


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace August 27

This week’s lessons: James 4:7-12, Mark 9:30-50

Hi all!

Jesus knew what would happen to him. He would die. He made all his own choices knowing what would happen.

We’ve also been told that there will be consequences if we do the wrong thing. Jesus declares judgment for everyone who does what is wrong.

We need to adjust to natural consequences. There are lots of consequences in life. If we don’t work, eventually we won’t be productive. If we aren’t physically active, eventually we’ll become overweight or otherwise unhealthy. If we don’t eat decently, we might become sick.

It may take years for these consequences to appear, but eventually, they will. God will also bring consequences on those who do wrong eventually - even if they are people who say they want to do good.

Decide what you are going to do with your life and do it. Be ready to accept the consequences.

Let’s get into the Word this weekend at 9:00 or 10:30. See you then!

God bless you until then!

Pastor Timmermann

Women’s Fall Welcome!

All ladies, come to Peace on September 9th at 1 pm to be reacquainted with old friends and make new ones! 

Refreshments will be served. Feel free to invite others. Weather permitting we will meet at the pavilion.

Can’t wait to see you!

BRING! Fall 2021

What are you bringing with you this fall? If you’re heading to school, I bet your bag is full of a computer, notebooks, pens, and everything else you’ll need for class.

Be sure to add one more thing. The gospel of Jesus. We bring the gospel and you can too.

Our fall ministry starts on September 12th. Check out the plan for the fall and join in! I look forward to the time with you!

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Ramp It Up!

We’re glad to announce a new initiative. We will now be able to install ramps for in-need individuals from our community!

Through a generous donation and a great partnership, we’ve been able to set up a fully insured ministry activity to install accessible ramps.

We’ll be slowly rolling out details over the coming weeks. We’ll be making the opportunity accessible to the public. For now, here are a few little details:

  • individuals must be in demonstrable need. If you can buy or rent your own equipment, please do so. That keeps this equipment available for those in need.

  • There is no budgetary expense for this work. In order to replace and upgrade equipment, we’ll welcome donations (from recipients) and grants when possible.

  • As long as competent individuals participate, the work is fully insured - both on our side and the resident’s side.

Please direct questions to Jon Ott, the coordinator.

2021 Fall Ministry Schedule

Class for children will begin again September 12th!

We’ll have class during the service for all students PreK3 to 5th grade.

Middle school and high school students will meet for catechism and gatherings at separate times.

I look forward to our time together!

  • The family of Sandra Rimson

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbor’s item for August is canned vegetables.

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

  • Our ministry to children could use a used computer. Please let pastor know.

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace August 20

This week’s lessons: Exodus 16:2-20, Mark 9:14-29

Hi all!

I hope you had a nice weekend. I had a good time helping my in-laws and enjoyed a family wedding.

There are at least three kinds of unbelief. One is a hopeful and almost desperate desire to believe. The second is passive indifference and ignorance. The third is committed rejection and denial.

These positions aren’t anything new. We see them in the ancient Israelites. We see them in the Bible.

This week, let’s address them. Jesus does. He doesn’t shy away from unbelief and neither will we - even the unbelief in ourselves.

God bless you until then!

Pastor Timmermann

Outdoor services and streaming resume this week!

  • Outdoor services begin at 10:30 am at the pavilion

  • We will be streaming our 9 am service. Join us from home!

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Ministry Meals

Ministry Meals pick back up this week!

August 22nd @ 5 pm

Please check here for attendance.

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Women’s Fall Welcome!

All ladies, come to Peace on September 9th at 1 pm to be reacquainted with old friends and make new ones! 

Refreshments will be served. Feel free to invite others. Weather permitting we will meet at the pavilion.

Can’t wait to see you!


BRING! Fall 2021

I bet by now you’ve started packing your bags with computers, notebooks, pens, and everything else you’ll need for school (unless you go to Otsego, then you’ve already started!)

Be sure to add one more thing. The gospel of Jesus. We bring the gospel and you can too.

Let’s gather starting September 12th to be filled with that gospel and bring it to others for the new year. I look forward to the time with you!

Work time on Children’s Education

I’d like to spend some time with anyone who wants to help with the education and activities for our children on Sunday, August 22 at 12:00. If you’d like to teach, help, provide music training, do crafts, and show the kids how to serve, please join me.

  • The family or Ardelle Hutchinson

  • students and families

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbor’s item for August is canned vegetables.

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Please pray for the family of Ardelle Hutchinson


Ardelle Hutchinson

Dear friends and family of Ardelle Hutchinson,

On Thursday August 12th Ardelle was brought to glory to celebrate with his Savior. I am comforted to know that Ardelle triumphs with all the saints because of Jesus. I pray that you have the same comfort. She experiences what we can only imagine:

“Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude… shouting, ‘Hallelujah! For our God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bridegroom has made himself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given him to wear.'” (Revelation 19)

Obituary: For Ardelle’s obituary, please visit Ardelle G. Hutchinson | Winkel Funeral Home | Otsego Michigan

Funeral: Ardelle’s funeral will take place on Monday August 16th at Peace Lutheran Church. The service will begin at 11:00 a.m.

The funeral is open to the public.

Concerning health, attendees are encouraged to follow state and local guidelines. Peace does not have any different protocols in place.

Information to participate remotely (livestreaming or phone) is available on our website,

Interment: Interment will take place at Hillside Cemetery in Plainwell immediately following the service. Family and close friends are welcome to attend.

Luncheon: All are welcome to attend a light luncheon immediately following the service. Please encourage the family when they return from the interment.

Visitation: Visitation will take place on Sunday August 15th from 4:00 - 6:00 pm at Winkel Funeral Home; or from 10:00 - 10:45 am on Monday August 16th at Peace Lutheran Church.

Memorial To give a memorial to Peace in honor of Ardelle, please go to

On Monday, I pray we grieve Ardelle well and celebrate the victory Jesus has given her. May Jesus work healing and hope in us.

Serving the living Savior

Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Please pray for Ardelle’s family: 

Lord Jesus, by your victory over death you have opened the way to eternal life for all of us. Comfort Ardelle’s family in their loss. Point the way to life. Renew their joy each morning. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Good news for Peace August 6

This week’s lessons: Jeremiah 17:5-8, Luke 10:1-20, Matthew 10:32-39


Hi all!

“Here I stand”. Everyone has to figure out what their foundation is. What’s yours? If the gospel is right, that’s where we stand. I invite you to take a stand this weekend.

I’m thankful for the people taking care of our services and ministry for the next few weeks. We’ve got a great team and I’m proud of them.

There won’t be any news next week around August 12th. We’re taking the week off.

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann

Indoor services only for 8/8 and 8/15

We’re adapting a little during pastor's time off. Both services will be indoors on 8/8 and 8/15.

Service on 8/8 will include communion as normal.

Service on 8/15 will be a regular service with a shorter devotion and more singing.

Streaming on Facebook only for 8/8 and 8/15

We need to adapt a little during pastor’s time off as we handle technology. Peace will stream only on Facebook the next two Sundays (no YouTube).

Please know the sound quality will be different.

There will also not be any lyrics for following along on the video.

Temporary Cable

Just a heads up, I've run a temporary cable along the aisle on the north side of the sanctuary to test the new keyboard. We’ll leave it up for about a month to test it out. Please watch your step. I’d appreciate some help later to run the new cable more permanently.

Last call for Trunk or Treat Coordinator!

We are looking for a Trunk or Treat coordinator for this year. (Trunk or Treat is around the end of October, depends on the city). Unfortunately, if we don’t find one we may not be hosting Trunk or Treat this fall. If you are interested please let Pastor know.

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Work time on Children’s Education

I’d like to spend some time with anyone who wants to help with the education and activities for our children on Sunday August 22 at 12:00. If you’d like to teach, help, provide music training, do crafts, and show the kids how to serve, please join me.

  • Safe, restful vacations

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbor’s item for August is canned vegetables.

  • We were able to secure a bed for a member. Thank you for the donation!

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace July 23

This week’s lessons: Deuteronomy 4:1-9 & Mark 7:1-23

Hi all!

“I care and I can”. I was glad to hear God’s encouragement this last week to care about the people who experience hunger, poverty, and all the other human problems. If you want to check out last week’s message, you can do so. I care and I can — Peace (

I look forward to this week’s message on the Christian view of sin and getting right on the inside. I’ll join you at 9:00 and 10:30. Can’t wait to see you!

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann

Congregational Forum

I’m thankful for those who participated in our congregational forum this past Sunday.

We talked about a number of topics including reaching out to new people, making disciples, the stove, freezer, the replacement of the flat roof, before and after school care, who is serving on the council (see the team Team – Peace Lutheran Church (, and an evangelism study this fall.

For more of an update, click the button below.

Our latest ministry meal - a wonderful time and great conversation! Join our next one by contacting the office!

Our latest ministry meal - a wonderful time and great conversation! Join our next one by contacting the office!

Fall Ministry

We’re formulating our fall plan for ministry - services, studies, events, and more. We’d love your input and help. If you have thoughts and suggestions, let’s talk!

We need all plans for fall ministry by August 18th so they can be published with the fall ministry plan. Please contact Pastor by August 18th with your plans so that we can get it on the list.

It’s hard to believe fall is just a few months away. We are already planning for our fall events. We are looking for a Trunk or Treat coordinator for this year. If you are interested please let Pastor know.

  • Hillary U wedding

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbors items for July - fruit juice and cereal

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

  • We are in need of a refrigerator/freezer or a freezer. Please let Pastor know if you have one to donate.

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace July 16

This week’s lessons: Numbers 27:12-23 & Mark 6:30-44


Hi all!

We all know there is a lot going on with Christians in America, even if we can’t say what it all is.

One factor is a change in church attendance. Here are some examples:

  • people who attended weekly now attend 3 of 4 weeks or 2 of 4 weeks

  • people who attended 2 times per month now attend 1 time per month

  • people who attended 1 time per month now attend every other month

    and so on.

I haven’t run the numbers for people at Peace. I can tell some things have changed. So can others.

At the same time, we believe that regular participation in our worship and mission is good and right. We expect people to be around at least once a month and encourage more. Know someone is missing? Please check on them and let us know. We miss you!

Speaking of attendance, we’ll have a short Congregational Forum on Sunday after services. Everyone is welcome to participate. Please bring your suggestions and questions. You can find pastor’s report, a few recent financial reports, and possible upcoming proposals posted here. July Congregational Forum – Peace Lutheran Church ( We’ve also posted information to participate remotely.

Sunday services at 9:00 and 10:30. Can’t wait to see you!

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann

Choir 2021-2022

We’d love to have people of all singing abilities join us in the choir for the 2021 - 2022 year. We have good fun together, praise our Savior and Lord, and declare his name! Practice runs weekly from mid-September through April.

If you might be interested, please contact the office, 269-694-6104, or reach out to Cindy Commissaris.

Thank you!


Fall Ministry

Pastor is currently hard at work with many of our people putting together our fall ministry. We’ll

  • worship

  • discuss

  • study

  • serve

  • share

  • give

  • and love

What exactly that ministry looks like depends on what you want and what you will do. I’m especially looking for people who would like to lead groups of children and adults in the study of God’s Word. Let me know!

How will you be part of it? Can’t wait to be with you this fall!

Cleaning Crew

I want to thank all who have helped us work through the change in format and helped keep our facility clean. We still have 8 opportunities to help make the Lord’s house shine this year. Check out the list here (click link) or on the sign up sheet at church. Questions? Feel free to call Jane @ 269-680-9060

  • None at time of print

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbors items for July - fruit juice and cereal

  • We're looking for a couple of people to regularly serve at the next steps table. Check here for more.

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace July 9

This week’s lessons

Ezekiel 2:1-3:4, Mark 6:1-31

Hi all!

2 weeks ago, good friends in China watched one of their teachers get arrested. She was attending a Bible study, admittedly with a minor, and in the home of a couple that was long accused of dissent.

They affirmed their commitment to stay and their willingness to endure their own arrest if necessary.

We talked afterward to encourage each other. One thing we connected over was that even though we don’t face obvious opposition in our pursuit of God’s goals, we face “death by a thousand cuts”. Something like Chinese water torture. Political conflict, bureaucracy, institutionalism, and institutional regulation, the breakdown of the family unit, declining birth rate, labor shortage, income and wealth inequality - we face much of the same opposition and it hacks away at us a little at a time.

We do God’s work as long as it is day - bringing people the gospel of Jesus - so that people everywhere can raise their hands in prayer and lead decent and godly lives. And if you’re like me, I bet you’ve experienced opposition, even conflict.

What opposition have you experienced lately? Let’s get stronger together.

Sunday services at 9:00 and 10:30.

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann

Choir 2021-2022

Cindy Commissaris, our choir director, is looking for singers for the 2021-2022 year!

We generally practice weekly from mid-September through April. We sing about 6-8 times per year.

We’d love to have people of all singing abilities. We have good fun together, praise our Savior and Lord, and declare his name!

If you might be interested, please contact the office, 269-694-6104, or reach out to Cindy Commissaris.

Thank you!

A choir teaser from last Christmas ….


Team and Task Time

God has equipped us with abilities, skills, and servant’s hearts to serve our church and our community.

We are creating a time for individuals and teams to collaboratively serve the people of Peace and our city. We have no strict agenda and encourage you to bring ideas.

This time will generally

  • Meet the first Tuesday of every month @ 6 pm

  • Start with a light dinner and work on whatever project we decide for the month (hard stop at 8 pm)

  • Bring your ideas, helping hands, and cheerful heart

Due to the holiday weekend, the first time will be held on July 13th. We’ll be organizing a bike outing as well as fall ministry, plus whatever you want to work on! Hope to see you all there!


The Lord's Supper

The Lord’s Supper is an incredible gift and experience for our mutual encouragement. I so appreciate standing before the altar, pondering God’s gift and my soul, and hearing the words as if from God himself.

We continue to offer the Lord’s Supper with pre-packaged containers as well as individual cups. We invite members of our Christian congregation and other WELS congregations to

  • exit their row and come forward in the middle aisle to the front - right side first, then left

  • take either wafer & wine or individually wrapped kit

  • return to your seat by the side aisle and wait for instructions

  • take and eat, take and drink at the pastor’s instruction

This is very similar to what our churches call “continuous flow distribution”.

I’m glad to receive this incredible gift with you and be assured of my forgiveness. I look forward to this weekend.

The apostle Paul admonishes us to recognize the body and to receive it in a worthy manner. We learn to recognize the body and to receive the Supper worthily through our basic instruction class. We invite only those who have completed it and professed faith with us or at another WELS church to eat with us.

We’re aware that some people, because of health concerns or other matters, are still staying home on Sunday. Communion remains available by appointment.

Cleaning Crew

I want to thank all who have helped. We still have 8 opportunities to help make our Lord’s house shine this year. Check out the list here (click link) or on the sign up sheet at church. Questions? Feel free to call Jane @ 269-680-9060

Copy of SERVE.png
  • Ardelle Hutchinson - moved to assisted living

  • Samantha Holewa

  • Cindy Commissaris - back surgery

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbors items for July - fruit juice and cereal

  • We’d like to paint the rest of the lobby/entry area. If you are interested in painting (we have the supplies), please let pastor know.

  • Pastor could use help installing conduit and cabling at the pavilion

  • Is there any interest in a senior luncheon? Talk to pastor…

  • We're looking for a couple of people to regularly serve at the next steps table. Check here for more.

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace July 2

This week’s lessons

Mark 5:34 “He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

2 Samuel 12:11-25


Hi all!

I know we’re concerned about health. We spend thousands on it every year. We work out for hours every day. We discuss doctors, health care practices, and injuries.

We’ve long recognized the connection between faith and health. Many years ago, we started the Central African Medical Mission for just this reason. Our churches didn’t start hospitals like many other churches, but we got involved in international medical service early on.

We still believe faith and health go together. Don’t you?

Sunday services at 9:00 and 10:30. Happy 4th of July!

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann

Congregational Forum

Even though we aren’t having a voters’ meeting in July, we’re having a congregational forum on July 18th. This will take place at 11:45 am. All are welcome to attend.

The forum is an opportunity

  • to respond to proposals and initiatives

  • to give public feedback on the work of the congregation (after privately sharing feedback)

  • to make suggestions for future work

Please note that you are always welcome to bring feedback, thoughts, and suggestions at any time. We love being part of God’s work with you.

We’ll release more information as we get closer to the forum.

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Team and Task Time

God has equipped us with abilities, skills, and servant’s hearts to serve our church and our community.

We are creating a time for individuals and teams to collaboratively serve the people of Peace and our city. We have no strict agenda and encourage you to bring ideas.

The team will generally

  • Meet the first Tuesday of every month @ 6 pm

  • Start with a light dinner and work on whatever project we decide for the month (hard stop at 8 pm)

  • Bring your ideas, helping hands, and cheerful heart

Due to the holiday weekend, the first time will be held on July 13th. We’ll be organizing a bike outing as well as fall ministry, plus whatever you want to work on! Hope to see you all there!


Devotions Connecting Teens to Christ

Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Cindy Commissaris - hip and leg pain

  • Christian Neighbors items for July - fruit juice and cereal

  • We’d like to paint the rest of the lobby/entry area. If you are interested in painting (we have the supplies), please let pastor know.

  • Pastor could use help installing conduit and cabling at the pavilion

  • Is there any interest in a senior luncheon? Talk to pastor…

  • We're looking for a couple of people to regularly serve at the next steps table. Check here for more.

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Good news for Peace June 24

This week’s lesson: Mark 5:19 “Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”, also Job 38


Hi all!

Thanks for communicating with Jessica and me about the communication update. We’ve enjoyed hearing from you and are glad we got to talk.

We’ll take a moment this week at our services to welcome Paul, Lucyann, and Gabriel. We’re glad that we get to join them in following Jesus and we’ll be praying for them! They’ve been around for almost a year now, but COVID messed up our welcome. Please add them to your regular prayers.

If you got some Peace wear be sure to wear it so the rest of us can check it out! We’ve got so many options! Peace in Otsego (

This week at worship God shows us how he manages external (natural disasters) and internal (demons, spiritual battles) so we can live our lives and do good. Look forward to worshiping with you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30!

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann

Prayer chain

Pastor prays for the people of Peace and the requests you make. Many members pray. We also have a prayer chain, a group of devoted who pray for specific requests.

If you have a specific prayer request you’d like people to pray about, please pass it on to pastor at 269-694-6104 or You can email, text, or call.

if you’d like to join our prayer chain and pray for others, you are welcome to do so. Again, please let pastor/the office know and he’ll get you on the list!

Congregational Forum

Even though we aren’t having a voters’ meeting in July, we’re having a congregational forum on July 18th. This will take place at 11:45 am. All are welcome to attend.

The forum is an opportunity

  • to respond to proposals and initiatives

  • to give public feedback on the work of the congregation (after privately sharing feedback)

  • to make suggestions for future work

Please note that you are always welcome to bring feedback, thoughts, and suggestions at any time. We love being part of God’s work with you.

We’ll release more information as we get closer to the forum.

Do you have a special event or celebration coming up and need space? Any space on-site except for the sanctuary can be used for non-ministerial events like graduation parties, baby showers, anniversaries, birthday parties, group gatherings, etc. We’d be glad to host your event! Please bring any requests to pastor or council for review.

To review the current facility use policy and see if your event is eligible, please click below.

  • June 25th, 6 pm, 131 Youth Crew lock-in


Prayers (full prayer list)

  • Jim Bartz, WELS pastor in Eau Claire, hospitalized with COVID

  • Paul, Lucyann, and Gabriel

  • Christian Neighbors items for June - Soup Beans: Kidney, Navy, Black,

  • We’d like to paint the rest of the lobby/entry area. If you are interested in painting (we have the supplies), please let pastor know.

  • Pastor could use help installing conduit and cabling at the pavilion

  • Is there any interest in a senior luncheon? Talk to pastor…

  • We’re looking for a volunteer to take the lead and oversee our maintenance team to keep the facility clean and running well. Maintenance coordinator – Peace Lutheran Church (

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving