This week’s lessons: James 1:19-27, Mark 7:31-37


Hi all!

James wrote, “consider it pure joy when you face trials” (verse 2) How can you have joy when you face trials? Who can do that?  

  • If I believe that I’m a good person, so everything will be okay, what happens the first time your girlfriend breaks up with you, or you lose your first job, or you get cancer? If you believe you are a good person, how can you have joy when you experience those kinds of trials? What will you end up saying to yourself?  

  • You'll say, I thought I was a good person. I thought I was doing the right thing. I shouldn’t have to suffer like this. This doesn’t seem fair. This doesn’t seem right.  

  • But the gospel would say to you and me, Jesus has endured the very worst trial – he was separated from his father – so that he could be joined with us and you and I would never be separated from God.  

  • We can say, yes, my girlfriend broke up with me because I am a messed up person and I probably did something and I betrayed her trust and I hurt her and I messed up the relationship. At the same time, I know that my God has endured a test so much worse than this so that he would never leave me. Even if my girlfriend does leave me, my God never will.  

  • Or if you or I get cancer, we can say, I realize that I have this cancer because I am a broken person and I’m falling apart and I’m supposed to be heading into the grave. But my God went through a far worse test, he suffered eternal death so that whatever death I die, it’s only temporary. Even if I die for a time, I won’t die forever. I will rise again.  

This is what the gospel does for us. It lets us turn this whole messy world back around. For more on the gospel turning this world around (include stories of the ’60s!), check out the entire sermon. Bring! the gospel — Peace (

This week, Pastor Timmermann will give us encouragement from James to not only bring good words (the gospel) but also bring good deeds to people.

Look forward to hearing God’s Word with you on Sunday at 9:00 am or 10:30.


Pastor T

Reminder: Did you get engaged?

We’ve got all kinds of ways for us to be part of God’s mission through Peace. Did you join in this last week? Get plugged into our fall ministry! Fall 2021 ministry – Peace Lutheran Church (

Creative Arts Festival volunteers

We’ve got a nice chance to be part of and help out our community. I’m looking for about 20 total people to help out with shifts at the Otsego Creative Arts Festival.

The Creative Arts Festival is September 25th (next Saturday).

Shifts can be an hour or two next Saturday. Feel free to invite friends and neighbors.

Sign up here for some community fun (click below)

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on

Gifts from Guests

We’re pleased to announce a small new effort to serve our community.

We’re going to make small gifts in honor of first-time guests to certain non-profits.

First-time guests will be able to select the non-profit.

We’ll provide more explanation on Sunday. We’re excited to work with our guests in this way! Can’t wait to see you at the services.

Maintenance Coordinator.PNG

Maintenance Coordinator

Our maintenance coordinator has taken a new job in another state and resigned.

We’re looking for a volunteer to take the lead and oversee our maintenance team to keep the facility clean and running well.  The volunteer will need:

  • Flexible schedule

  • Average 1-3 hours per week

  • Oversee ongoing maintenance of all material onsite such as change furnace filters, replace light bulbs, etc.

  • Good communication and organization

Full position requirements are in the link below. If this sounds like something you are interested in please let pastor know.

Last Outdoor Service

Join us on September 26th at 10:30 am for our last outdoor service.

Youth Group.jpg
  • Dolores Cook, therapy after successful surgery for a cancerous lump

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbor’s item for September is mac and cheese and boxed potatoes.

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

  • Pastor could use some help running cables for the piano and some other recent installs. If you would be able to help some time please let him know!

  • We would like to update specific individual and family pictures in the directory and on the board. This is not a general “let’s update the directory”. It’s a targeted effort. If you’d like to help us update specific people, please let pastor know!

I’m studying and you could try

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving