This week’s lessons: James 3:1-18, Mark 9:30-37

Hi all!

Well, did you test economic impartiality this week? I did. It was interesting. I guess I still have a long way to go to match the heart of God. If you missed the rest of the message, catch it here. Bring! your wallets — Peace (

Look forward to hearing God’s Word with you on Sunday at 9:00 am or 10:30.


Pastor T

Communion transition

We’ve been using pre-packaged communion kits for almost two years now. I think you’ve appreciated it; I’ve seen how many you take each week.

We are NOT getting rid of the pre-packaged kits. If you are concerned about your health, please continue to use them.

I would like to encourage you to use the individual cups. If you don’t want to walk back to your seat, please step to the side to eat and drink upfront.


Financial Peace University

Would you like Financial peace? Join us for a 9-week course to help you achieve your financial goals. Financial Peace University will teach you to budget, eliminate debt, save for the future, and be generous. Classes will be held Mondays @ 6:30 pm beginning October 18th - December 13th.

For more information and to sign up, visit

Please note: Financial Peace University normally requires a subscription for independent participation. If you join us, you can participate for free OR through a subscription.

Sunday School Teachers.gif

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6

We are looking for two volunteers to help teach our children. If you are available once a month and able to help please contact pastor.

Craft time!

All crafters (and non-crafters) are welcome to craft time on Tuesday, October 5th. 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.

Bring all your craftiness to show off. There will be a few people on-site to help with knitting and crocheting.

Can’t wait to see you!

Welcome Home!

We’ll have a special event on Sunday, October 31st to welcome everyone home!

Pastor would love to have a small team of people to help for the day. We’ll have special invites, a chili cook-off, a photographer, and more.

I’d love to have your help. Please let me know. And I’d love to see you!

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You and Your Pets

Our next Youth Crew gathering will take place Sunday, October 10th at 4:00. We’ll talk about our pets. We love them. We appreciate them.

We’ll be heading to the Grand Rapids area. We’ll leave Peace at about 3:15 on the 10th. We’ll be back at about 7. Join me!

  • Dolores Cook

  • Dave Myers surgery recovery

  • Eda McNees surgery recovery

(full prayer list)

Christian Neighbors

Christian Neighbor’s items for October are pasta and pasta sauce

Maintenance Coordinator

We’re looking for a volunteer to oversee our maintenance. Please let Pastor know if you would like to volunteer. Position Requirements.

Team and Task Time

I’m looking forward to Team and Task Time Tuesday night. It’s a great chance for us to work together for Peace and our city.

  • Barn clean up

  • Inventory ramps

  • Some basic landscaping at Dix Elementary School

  • Fix lights and repair bulbs

  • Christmas planning - Hometown Christmas, Christmas 4 Kids, Christmas services

See you at 6 (or 6:30)!


October ushers are Jim Walkley and Ron Miller


How to Grow Volunteerism in Your Church (

A hub for the research of New Testament manuscripts in the United States The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • October 5, 10 am Craft Time

  • October 5, 6 pm Task and Team Time

  • October 8, 12 pm Senior luncheon

  • October 10th, 4 pm Youth Crew in Wyoming

  • October 17th, 11:45 am Open Forum


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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving