This week’s lessons

Ezekiel 2:1-3:4, Mark 6:1-31

Hi all!

2 weeks ago, good friends in China watched one of their teachers get arrested. She was attending a Bible study, admittedly with a minor, and in the home of a couple that was long accused of dissent.

They affirmed their commitment to stay and their willingness to endure their own arrest if necessary.

We talked afterward to encourage each other. One thing we connected over was that even though we don’t face obvious opposition in our pursuit of God’s goals, we face “death by a thousand cuts”. Something like Chinese water torture. Political conflict, bureaucracy, institutionalism, and institutional regulation, the breakdown of the family unit, declining birth rate, labor shortage, income and wealth inequality - we face much of the same opposition and it hacks away at us a little at a time.

We do God’s work as long as it is day - bringing people the gospel of Jesus - so that people everywhere can raise their hands in prayer and lead decent and godly lives. And if you’re like me, I bet you’ve experienced opposition, even conflict.

What opposition have you experienced lately? Let’s get stronger together.

Sunday services at 9:00 and 10:30.

Blessings in Jesus!

Pastor Timmermann

Choir 2021-2022

Cindy Commissaris, our choir director, is looking for singers for the 2021-2022 year!

We generally practice weekly from mid-September through April. We sing about 6-8 times per year.

We’d love to have people of all singing abilities. We have good fun together, praise our Savior and Lord, and declare his name!

If you might be interested, please contact the office, 269-694-6104, or reach out to Cindy Commissaris.

Thank you!

A choir teaser from last Christmas ….


Team and Task Time

God has equipped us with abilities, skills, and servant’s hearts to serve our church and our community.

We are creating a time for individuals and teams to collaboratively serve the people of Peace and our city. We have no strict agenda and encourage you to bring ideas.

This time will generally

  • Meet the first Tuesday of every month @ 6 pm

  • Start with a light dinner and work on whatever project we decide for the month (hard stop at 8 pm)

  • Bring your ideas, helping hands, and cheerful heart

Due to the holiday weekend, the first time will be held on July 13th. We’ll be organizing a bike outing as well as fall ministry, plus whatever you want to work on! Hope to see you all there!


The Lord's Supper

The Lord’s Supper is an incredible gift and experience for our mutual encouragement. I so appreciate standing before the altar, pondering God’s gift and my soul, and hearing the words as if from God himself.

We continue to offer the Lord’s Supper with pre-packaged containers as well as individual cups. We invite members of our Christian congregation and other WELS congregations to

  • exit their row and come forward in the middle aisle to the front - right side first, then left

  • take either wafer & wine or individually wrapped kit

  • return to your seat by the side aisle and wait for instructions

  • take and eat, take and drink at the pastor’s instruction

This is very similar to what our churches call “continuous flow distribution”.

I’m glad to receive this incredible gift with you and be assured of my forgiveness. I look forward to this weekend.

The apostle Paul admonishes us to recognize the body and to receive it in a worthy manner. We learn to recognize the body and to receive the Supper worthily through our basic instruction class. We invite only those who have completed it and professed faith with us or at another WELS church to eat with us.

We’re aware that some people, because of health concerns or other matters, are still staying home on Sunday. Communion remains available by appointment.

Cleaning Crew

I want to thank all who have helped. We still have 8 opportunities to help make our Lord’s house shine this year. Check out the list here (click link) or on the sign up sheet at church. Questions? Feel free to call Jane @ 269-680-9060

Copy of SERVE.png
  • Ardelle Hutchinson - moved to assisted living

  • Samantha Holewa

  • Cindy Commissaris - back surgery

(full prayer list)

  • Christian Neighbors items for July - fruit juice and cereal

  • We’d like to paint the rest of the lobby/entry area. If you are interested in painting (we have the supplies), please let pastor know.

  • Pastor could use help installing conduit and cabling at the pavilion

  • Is there any interest in a senior luncheon? Talk to pastor…

  • We're looking for a couple of people to regularly serve at the next steps table. Check here for more.

  • Check out who is serving and volunteer for tasks Volunteer calendar & sign up (you’ll need to log in to our church management software)

Upcoming events (full calendar)


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving