This week’s lessons: James 4:1-12, Mark 9:38-50

Hi all!

This last weekend I let the church know that I’ve returned the recent call and will stay at Peace. I shared this letter with them.

Dear fellow followers of our risen Lord,  

Thank you for calling me to serve our Lord and you at St Paul’s Lutheran Church. I have been glad to hear about all the great gospel ministry taking place. I consider it an honor to have been invited to be part of your work.  

I have decided to stay in Otsego for now. I am returning this call to you and joining you in prayer for the future of your ministry. I pray that God gives you a shepherd or another way to keep doing his work, because he has definitely given you plenty of opportunities! 

My work at Peace continues to call me to repentance and trust in our Lord. As a pastor, I can hardly imagine anything better. To go first in following the true Shepherd’s voice in all of life's challenges and opportunities, to declare his glory and invite others to do the same … this is good.  

God be with you, 

Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann and family  

Look forward to hearing God’s Word with you on Sunday at 9:00 am or 10:30.


Pastor T


Financial Peace University

I can’t tell you how much the basic financial practices of Financial Peace have helped my family. We don’t live paycheck to paycheck and are saving the future. You can have the same. Financial Peace University will teach you to budget, eliminate debt, save for the future, and be generous. Classes will be held Mondays @ 6:30 pm beginning October 18th - December 13th.

For more information and to sign up, click the link below.

Please note: Financial Peace University normally requires a subscription for independent participation. If you join us, you can participate for free OR through a subscription.

Open Forum and Voters' Meeting

Peace uses two business meetings to set the direction of the congregation for the upcoming calendar year. 

The first is an open forum. At the open forum, the elders and council request feedback on future initiatives. All are welcome to provide feedback and make inquiries/suggestions. 

At the voters' meeting, voting members are asked to conduct the business of the congregation. 


Open forum will take place on October 17th @ 11:45 am

Voters' meeting on October 24th @ 11:45 am

How to participate online

Since the voters' meeting is a legal gathering and requires two-way participation, we will not host it on Facebook, Youtube, etc. It will be on our phone provider's system.

You can participate on the computer (with a microphone and speakers) by clicking on this link. You may need to install an application the first time, so try it before the meeting time. All laptops should have the necessary hardware.

You can also call in to connect by phone. Dial 1 (650)419-1505; when prompted enter the meeting ID of 273 136 645. There is no need to enter a name.

Major items

Approve Micah Rimpel as recording secretary

2022 budget

Welcome Home!

We’ll have a special event on Sunday, October 31st to welcome everyone home!

We consider you part of our church family and are so glad to know you. We want our entire church family to reconnect on Oct 31st and want you to be part of it. No matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done, Peace is a place we can all call home

      Family photos                                Chili cook off  

      Costumes encouraged                 Prizes                  

      Family games                               Cakewalk 

                                 Harvest fest!

Beautiful worship filled with the gospel at 9:30 am! 

Visit or call 269-694-6104

Christmas Tree.jfif

Christmas Volunteers

With 75 degrees weather, it feels too early to be thinking about Christmas and we know schedules become busier the closer we get. We would like to start forming volunteer teams now for our different Christmas activities and services like decorating, the Hometown parade, and Christmas services. Please touch base with pastor!


You and Your Pets

Our next Youth Crew gathering will take place Sunday, October 10th at 4:00. We’ll talk about our pets. We love them. We appreciate them.

We’ll be heading to the Grand Rapids area. We’ll leave Peace at about 3:15 on the 10th. We’ll be back at about 7. Join me!

  • The Wedge family

(full prayer list)

Christian Neighbors

Christian Neighbor’s items for October are pasta and pasta sauce


October ushers are Jim Walkley and Ron Miller

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • October 8, 12 pm Senior luncheon

  • October 10th, 4 pm Youth Crew in Dorr

  • October 14th 6:30 pm Choir

  • October 15th, 6:30 pm Bunco

  • October 15th, 11 am Ladies Guild

  • October 17th, 11:45 am Open Forum

  • October 18th 6:30 pm, Financial Peace University

  • October 31st 9:30 am, Welcome Home


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving