This week’s lessons: Daniel 3, Mark 13:5-11

Hi all!

The woman only came to the church for a wedding. She didn’t care about God, or faith, or approval. She was just there for the wedding.

Something happened at the wedding. She remembered her childhood. She remembered praising the creator of the universe. She relived love and hope and faith. She came alive.

She came home.

I love how many people can tell a story of coming home to a church. They discover or rediscover laughs, life, and love. They discover family.

And I want to be a family with you this weekend.

Can’t wait to see you for service at 9:30. Chili cook-off, family portraits, and games after! Until then, God be with you!


Pastor T


With Christmas approaching, people may be more interested in attending church than they are during other times of the year. Visitors feel more comfortable attending services when they know someone. We encourage you to begin a journey of bringing a family to Christ. Asking the family to attend services should be one step in the journey. Let’s start now by praying for a family you would like to begin this journey with.

Forward in Christ (and other subscriptions)

Our synod offers two main periodicals: Forward in Christ (a monthly magazine) and Meditations (a quarterly devotion booklet).

We help individuals who want to receive paper editions subscribe. We receive a discount that way. If you’d like to subscribe to either of these, now is the time. For new sign-ups or if you have questions contact the office or Charlie Kling

These periodicals are also available electronically. Click the links above.


Stories that Sneak in: The Parables of Jesus

Ben Franklin published this picture a long time ago. He was trying to people something. Do you understand what he was saying?

If you don’t get it, talk to pastor or your favorite politics junkie. Political cartoons don’t get straight to the point. They sneak the point in.

Ancient parables worked in much the same way. They snuck the point in while people were smiling, laughing, or wondering. Jesus was an expert parable teller. He always helped people discover the kingdom of God at work among them and invited them to trust.

We’re going to take a look at parables in our next study session. We meet

  • Wednesday night at 6:30 in the Kalamazoo area

  • Thursday 8:00 pm online

  • Sunday at 7:50 am.

Join us and bring a friend.

Voters’ meeting

Great work to everyone who participated in our recent voters’ meeting. It’s not easy to personally bring others the gospel, let alone guide an organization that is committed to helping people bring others the gospel. Hats off!

I’d like to share a couple of highlights of our 2022 ministry plan (including the budget).

  • Help and enable pastor for more personal interaction (less office time)

  • Help seniors take their next step to active participation in God’s work

  • Increase personal, relational networking and witnessing

  • Reduce expected income to $150,000.

  • Switch to volunteer musician or recorded music twice per month

  • End the admin assistant on July 1st

  • Reduce both outreach and education-related expenses

  • No planned VBS or camps

  • Cut maintenance expenses to $4750

  • Eliminate debt overpayment

We’re making a number of changes that will both challenge us and let God work through as we bring people the gospel. Please join me in praying for Peace as we work together and invite God to work through us.

Please reach out to pastor or Charlie Kling if you have any questions.

Trunk or Treat

October 29th Friday 5:30-6:45. Can’t wait to see you!


November Youth Crew - November 7th, 4:00 pm. All middle school and high school students are invited! Love to go with you! Leave Peace at 3:15 God, Guys, and Gals: November Youth Crew — Peace (


(full prayer list)

Ron Miller, thanksgiving and recovery after surgery

Carlene White, loss of stepfather

Welcome Home

Christian Neighbor’s items for October are pasta and pasta sauce

Dix Street Elementary school would love to have a few people clean up the landscaping this fall.

Workday! November 6th, 9:00 am.

Love to have your help!

This is the start of the list.

Reformation “This Changed Everything” This Changed Everything (2016) | Full Movie | David Suchet | Dr. John Armstrong - YouTube

Springtide Research “The State of Religion and Young People” The State of Religion & Young People 2021: Navigating Uncertainty (

Upcoming events (full calendar)


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