Good News for Peace March 23rd

Hello friends of Jesus and Peace

“Following The Footsteps”

We’ve got a chance to walk the steps of Jesus on March 24th at 3:00 pm. “Following the Footsteps” is a documentary following Jesus to the places where he walked.

The movie will play at 3:00 pm at M89 Cinema. It’s free and open to the public.

Everyone is welcome!

Holy Week 2024

Palm Sunday March 24th 9:30 am entrance with palm processional

Maundy Thursday March 28th 6:30 pm with Lord’s Supper

Good Friday March 29th 6:30 pm Service of 7 Words and Darkness

Easter Sunday March 31st 9:30 am

Keeping us safe - fire extinguishers

It’s a little thing. You might have noticed new fire extinguishers around our place. We’re doing our best to keep us safe with new models and new locations.

Big thanks to Jim Winkel for taking care of this project for us!

Lawnmower coordinator

We’re looking for someone to help coordinate the lawn mowing around the church this summer.


We’re looking for someone to take the lead in coordinating lawn mowers. A good person for this job will love Jesus, be committed to bringing people the gospel, want a good looking site to use as a base for ministry, and understand a little about mowing large sites.


Volunteer lawn mower coordinator

Reports to pastor (no maintenance coordinator currently)

Flexible schedule, requires an hour on average per week for the summer


Make sure the grass gets mowed and cared for (trimmed, watered?) in a timely manner

Able to organize people and schedule

Able to communicate with people about tasks and duties


Schedule individuals to mow the lawn as needed

Train individuals to mow

manage schedule changes and adjustments

Easter set up

We are setting up for Easter on March 30th at 10 am. Set up tables and chairs, prep food, change decorations (cross, tomb), put up photo spot, prep gifts, light cleaning, etc. If you can lend a hand, please come and help out.


March 24 9:30 Palm Sunday service with palm processional

March 24 3:00 pm “Following His Footsteps” movie at M89 Cinema (no cost)

March 28 6:30 Maundy Thursday

March 29 6:30 Good Friday

March 30th 10:00 am Easter set up

March 31 9:30 Easter sunday service

April 9th 7:00 pm Women’s Self-Defense class begins

Good News for Peace March 13th

Dear friends of Jesus at Peace,

“Following The Footsteps”

We’ve got a chance to walk the steps of Jesus on March 24th at 3:00 pm. Everyone is welcome!

Holy Week 2024

Palm Sunday March 24th 9:30 am entrance with palm processional

Maundy Thursday March 28th 6:30 pm with Lord’s Supper

Good Friday March 29th 6:30 pm Service of 7 Words and Darkness

Easter Sunday March 31st 9:30 am “Resurrection Reality”

Service outline change

Service attendees will notice a small change to the service outline. We’ve added space for a connection spot. Individuals can leave a name and phone number. Pastor will follow up.

This section serves a couple of purposes:

  • first time attendees and other newer individuals can connect in an unobtrusive way. Please invite newer people around to share their information.

  • All attendees can share prayer requests and indicate that they’d like to talk to pastor.

Women’s Self-Defense Class

Peace will host a 4 week Women’s Self-Defense class beginning April 9th 7:00 pm

  • Tuesday nights

  • 7:00 - 8:15 pm

  • April 9th, April 16th, April 23rd, April 30th

  • $30

Find more and register here


March 14 12:00 pm Senior lunch

March 15 11:00 am Ladies Guild

March 15 6:30 pm Bunco

March 17 10:45 am Call discussion with pastor

March 24 9:30 Palm Sunday service with palm processional

March 24 3:00 pm “Following His Footsteps” movie at M89 Cinema (no cost)

March 28 6:30 Maundy Thursday

March 29 6:30 Good Friday

March 31 9:30 Easter sunday!

April 9th 7:00 pm Women’s Self-Defense class begins

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


"Following The Footsteps"

"Following The Footsteps"

“Following the Footsteps”

FOLLOWING the FOOTSTEPS is a non-profit, feature-length documentary film capturing the unique experience of visiting the historical sites that illuminate the life of Jesus. Join us on a journey that will change the way you see Jesus and show you how to let him shape your life.

Location: M89 Cinema, 392 Oaks Xing, Plainwell, MI 49080

Time: March 24th 3:00 pm - 4:45

Cost: Free. No tickets or sign up required. Just show up! Donations welcome at the door. Concessions will be available.

Contact: For more info, contact or 269-694-6104

To see more on the movie, visit

Easter 2024 - Resurrection Reality!

Easter 2024 - Resurrection Reality!

Resurrection Reality!

Fake news. Media bias. AI. Virtual reality. 

What’s real? Can we trust anyone or anything? 

There is a different way to know reality. More than facts, narrative, or history. A person. 

“The resurrection of Jesus is undeniably a miracle. But it’s not a miracle that adds to the absurdity of your world. The resurrection explains what would otherwise be even more absurd. It says, “There’s expansion because there was an explosion” - the explosion of Christ bursting the bonds of death and inviting the world into his triumph. To embrace the miracle is not to embrace nonsense. In fact, it’s a way to make sense of life.

“Resurrection explains why the Jesus movement did not die when he did. Resurrection explains why the Jesus movement continued its unlikely growth through many deadly trials. Resurrection explains why the Victim has come to be Victor. Resurrection explains why, far from being a tragedy, the cross has represented healing and hope. Resurrection explains why the pattern of all great stories - and the pattern of the meaningful life - is triumph through sacrifice. Most of all, resurrection explains Jesus. It explains why the one famous for his death have been encountered by billions as the one most fully alive.

“Everyone is confronted with an absurdly improbable event: Christianity rose to life to have dominion over the world. Christians say, "We have an explanation: Christianity rose to life because Christ rose to life. And if you start leaning towards the Jesus explanation, then you can embrace the most wonderful truths:

- that the world is loved, and loved to death;

- that such love is the very essence of who God is;

- that behind the history you witness is a History Maker who can be trusted;

- that above the values you prize is a person who embodies them;

- that beneath the values you violate is the mercy to forgive you; and …

- that beyond the death you must die is the life he has pioneered: resurrection.” (Glen Scrivener, The Air We Breathe, 218-219)

Come discover a resurrection reality this Easter. Start with us before March 31st onsite or online @ https// or call to talk to a real person today 269-694-6104. 

See you for Easter service March 31st 9:30 am 


March 29 6:30 pm Good Friday

March 31 9:30 am Resurrection Reality - Easter Sunday! 10:45 Brunch and fun

April 2 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

April 3 Studies restart

April 9th 7:00 pm Women’s Self-Defense class begins

April 11th 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Good News for Peace March 4th

Soul Work: System

What system do you have for your soul? Check out this past Sunday’s sermon, share it with friends, and build the system of your soul.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Team and Task Time

Tonight, March 5th Tuesday 6:30 pm. We’re prepping for Easter. Come help!

Easter 2024 - “Resurrection Reality”

Fake news. Media bias. AI. Virtual reality. 

What’s real? Can we trust anyone or anything? 

There is a different way to know reality. More than facts, narrative, or history. A person. 

Come discover a resurrection reality this Easter. Start with us before March 31st onsite or online @ https// or call to talk to a real person today 269-694-6104. 

See you for Easter service March 31st 9:30 am

Call and discussion

Pastor has a call to serve at New Life Lutheran Church, Rockford, IL. He will meet with you in the family center on March 17th after the service to discuss his call to Peace, answer any questions you might have, and share information.

Women’s Self-Defense Class

Peace will host a 4 week Women’s Self-Defense class beginning April 9th 7:00 pm

  • Tuesday nights

  • 7:00 - 8:15 pm

  • April 9th, April 16th, April 23rd, April 30th

  • $30

Find more and register here

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Women's Self-Defense

Women's Self-Defense

Peace will host a 4 week Women’s Self-Defense class beginning April 9th 7:00 pm

  • Tuesday nights

  • 7:00 - 8:15 pm

  • April 9th, April 16th, April 23rd, April 30th

  • $30

Register below or at

Good news for Peace February 9


Dear friends of Jesus at Peace,

Whether religious or irreligious, people and our systems have always insisted on putting God on trial. We judge God just as much as we sense he judges us. This culture is unhealthy, even destructive. It’s easy to treat people as enemies, to retreat from the world and life, and even to lash out in violence. How do we live as people of God in our culture today, and how do we and the systems we work in develop to be more healthy and constructive?

This series takes us back to the moments when God was literally on trial before men in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. In these episodes, we find both forgiveness and faith.

We’ll have service and time for fellowship and prayer each week, starting at 6:30 p.m.

  • February 14th (Ash Wednesday) “Accusations” from Job 40:1, 2, 42:1-6

  • February 21st “Restraint” from Luke 22:47-53

  • February 28th “Truth” from John 18:33-40

  • March 6th “Sympathy” from John 23:26-34

  • March 13th “Misconceptions” from Luke 23:1-12

  • March 20th “Testimony” from Matthew 26:57-76

  • March 28th (note switch to Thursday) “Respite” from Luke 22:7-20

  • March 29th Good Friday “Evidence” from Matthew 27:38-54

  • March 31st Easter “Resurrection Reality and Vindication” from Mark 16, Matthew 28

Decisions at the voters meeting

Thank you to the members who participated in our annual voters’ meeting. Together we made some basic decisions to move our ministry forward.

  • Elected Josh Gower as vice-president and Terry Brower as elder, to serve with Charlie Kling on our council. We still have one vacant position, recording secretary.

  • Approved the removal by sale or disposal of the modular

  • Approved the purchase of a new computer to develop our livestream

  • Approved some other special purchases including a door lock, microwave, gateway, router, fire extinguishers, and a range for the parsonage. All these were purchases outside the budget that required special approval because funds are tight.

The voters’ meeting was a calm discussion of these basic questions of our ministry.

We want to keep doing good Gospel work despite the struggles, challenges, and setbacks. It is our hope in the challenges that declares the power of the cross.

An example of righteousness by faith

Is it possible to prove ourselves as good people by becoming good people?

The apostle Paul answered this question once towards the major critics of his day, the Jewish people. He used a great example: Abraham. People like a good story, and Abraham was a good story.

“The writing to the Romans advances and defends Paul’s thesis that “in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed – a righteousness that is by faith from first to last” (Romans 1:17). God speaks and works wrath and judgment over all unrighteousness. Such unrighteousness exists whether you were a Jew who had the law or a Gentile who did not have the law, so that every person is unrighteousness and therefore naturally under wrath and judgment. God also gives righteousness through faith to all who believe.

“Paul considers Abraham in light of his thesis. Abraham seems to disprove Paul’s thesis. James summarized what Judaism thought about Abraham when he said,

“21 Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. 23 And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. 24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. (James 2:21–24)”

(To read the rest of this essay, download here bibtheo-romans_04-abraham_as_an_example_of_righeousness_by_faith

Love is in the air!

Parents, we know you are so busy and you would like some time to be together. We want you to enjoy some time away.

February 18th 4:30 to 8:30 pm, we’re hosting a Parents’ Night Out. We’ll be at

St Peter’s Lutheran Church

4125 18th St

Dorr, MI 49323


131 YouthCrew will watch kids. We’ll watch children 2 years old and up.

Kids will

  • play games

  • eat

  • learn!

Suggested donation is $5 per kid for the evening. Donations will help pay for 131 YouthCrew kids to go to this year’s rally!

Sign up below or contact 269-694-6104!

Shannon Schwartz

Sue Olivares

Darlene Syers

Tom Richmond

Our new council - Josh Gower, Terry Brower


February ushers are Dan Doran and Eric Szczembara

Easter - Easter work is underway!

Date: March 31st

Service 9:30 a.m., lunch and celebration to follow

Theme: “Resurrection Reality” We can’t trust much of what we see and experience today. AI, fake news, and “spin” mean the facts are clouded and hidden. But the resurrection firmly grounds life. We live in a resurrection reality.

Invites: Both print and digital invites for your friends and family will be out in the next week

Easter egg hunt: Collecting candy, will take place after service

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • February 14th 6:30 am Ash Wednesday service

  • February 16th 11:00 am Ladies Guild

  • February 16th 6:30 pm Bunco

  • February 17th 9:30 am Evangelism workshop

  • February 18th 4:30 pm Parents’ Night Out (131 YouthCrew)

  • February 21st 6:30 pm Lenten service

  • February 28th 6:30 pm Lenten service

  • March 5th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

  • March 28th 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday service

  • March 29th 6:30 pm Good Friday service

  • March 31st 9:30 am Easter service, lunch, egg hunt, celebration


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Parents Night Out (131 YouthCrew February)

Parents Night Out (131 YouthCrew February)

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

Love is in the air!

Parents, we know you are so busy and you would like some time to be together. We want you to enjoy some time away.

February 18th 4:30 to 8:30 pm, we’re hosting a Parents’ Night Out. We’ll be at

St Peter’s Lutheran Church

4125 18th St

Dorr, MI 49323


131 YouthCrew will watch kids. We’ll watch children 2 years old and up.

Kids will

  • play games

  • eat

  • learn!

Suggested donation is $5 per kid for the evening. Donations will help pay for 131 YouthCrew kids to go to this year’s rally!

Sign up below or contact 269-694-6104!

Can’t wait to see you!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Follow us on Facebook!

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

131 Youth Crew February

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

Thanks for the winter fun. I had a great time with you Sunday. It was good to see so many of you playing together, supporting each other, and loving each other. Keep sharing the good news of Jesus!

February 18th 4:30 to 8:30 pm, we’re going to give parents a “Night Out”. Students, this is your chance to help out parents!

“Parents Night Out” we’re babysitting children 2 years old and up. Parents will have a chance to get out for a night of whatever they want.

Students, this is your chance to help out and raise some funds for the youth rally this year! We’ll play games, feed the kids, and teach them some great tricks!

We’ll watch kids at St Peter’s Lutheran Church in Dorr, MI. Please RSVP to your pastor if you’re coming.

More details to follow. Save the date and plan to meet us at St Peter’s in Dorr on February 18th!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Follow us on Facebook!

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

Good news for Peace January 18th


I'm taking stock of 2023. As we roll into the new year, I and the rest of the council summarize our 2023 ministry and then begin the process to see what to do next. Here are some highlights from 2023:

  • Our most attended service was Easter, followed shortly by Christmas Eve

  • We saw the most guests at Christmas Eve, followed by confirmation

  • We added one new musician to our team (Helga), with two others starting to join the team

  • We gave $149,xxx worth of gifts to support gospel ministry through Peace

  • Our most watched videos of the year were our Christmas invite, followed shortly by our service encouraging “Confess”!

For more info on all the gospel work we did together this year, please join us at our annual meeting. Our 2024 meetings to review our 2023 ministry are

  • Congregational forum January 21st 10:45 am

  • Voters’ meeting January 28th 10:45 am

You are welcome to attend and provide feedback, suggestions. Our voters are expected to attend.

Notes will be posted here.

Pastor T is glad to join you and lead you in God's work, help you share the gospel, and serve you with God's Word. If you would like prayers, would like to study God’s Word more carefully, or want to share the gospel with others, please reach out to him. We’re glad to do God’s work together!

Christianity Explored

The gospel is so much better than we could ever imagine.

The next session of our group to explore the basics of the gospel and God’s Word so that we can follow Jesus will start January 22nd at 6:30 pm.

This group is eight weeks and provides all the information you need to get to know the gospel.

If you have any questions, please contact the office 269-694-6104 or

If you are interested in joining Peace Lutheran Church, this is the place to start.

The 8 sessions cover

  1. Gospel

  2. Identity

  3. Sin

  4. The cross and suffering

  5. Resurrection and life

  6. Grace and forgiveness

  7. Following Jesus

  8. God’s gifts

You can let me know you’re coming by signing up below or contacting me at 269-694-6104.

Financial Peace

Get peace of mind as you start 2024. Be financially solvent without financially focused.

Financial Peace helps us

  • defeat debt

  • overcome inflation

  • and forge a new future.

Join us for a high speed session of Financial Peace at Peace Lutheran Church.

  • Saturday February 10th 9:30 am - 4:00 pm

  • Sunday February 11th 12:30 - 3:30 pm

Childcare, snacks, and lunch will be provided.

You can let me know you’re coming or sign up below!

131 YouthCrew Tubing

January 21st 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. we’re tubing at Timber Ridge. Students 6th grade to senior in high school welcome!

Dinner and study after 5:00 at Peace. Be done at 6:00.

Cost is only $25 with a group over 20 so bring your friends and we’ll have a great time! Please register with your pastor by January 15 because we have to save spots.

Look forward to some winter fun with you.

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Shannon Schwartz

Sue Olivares

Darlene Syers

Tom Richmond

Danny Bosch


January ushers are Dan Doran and Josh Gower

February ushers are Dan Doran and Eric Szczembara

Giving statements are in mailboxes on site. Please pick them up if you can. Offering envelopes are there for those who use them.

Easter Team - I know it’s early, but it’s time to get ready for sharing the good news that Jesus is alive. Pastor is putting together a team. Here are some things to help with: prayer team, invites, meal, decorating, service, egg hunt. We’d love to have your help with any and all of this. Get ahold of pastor and I can get you on the team!


We’re currently considering individuals to help the congregation carry out its mission.

Paul and Barnabas did this work as they traveled around according to Acts 14:23, “Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.” Paul told Titus to do this in Crete when he worked there. “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.” (Titus 1:5) From the Bible, we learn …

  • to have local elders or leaders of various sorts

  • Elders, deacons and other ministry workers should come from the local group. Every church should have people who can use God’s Word in people’s lives, whether they help students, young adults, or seniors. God’s people work together.

  • People mature in the Word should select the next generation. Many people should have involvement.

  • Selecting leaders happens alongside spiritual practices – prayer, fasting, careful assessment of what is undone, and discipline

Currently our nominating committee is seeking qualified men for certain positions. If they contact you, please prayerfully consider serving and contact pastor.

The people of Peace are also welcome to make nominations. Please contact pastor or our congregational chairman. You may nominate yourself if you would like. 

We will look for people who show signs of gifts and developing spiritual maturity to lead God’s people. The use of individual gifts is more important than simply filling a role.

One person provided some wise advice for selecting leaders: “Most churches make the mistake of electing the competent, the confident, and the successful; whereas what you really need is a man who has been broken by the knowledge of his own sin, and restored by an even greater knowledge of grace. That kind of elder (or other leader) can lead the congregation in being the chief repenter: repenting more quickly, more publicly, more often and more deeply.” Please pray for all the current and future servant-leaders of Peace.

Qualifications for our elected positions are as follows:

  • Must not be a new convert; some spiritual maturity

  • Voting member

  • Male, in good standing

Positions open for nomination

For the 2024 calendar year, the following positions are open for nomination:

  • Vice-president/treasurer - responsible for oversight of the facility and finances, fills in for president

  • Elder (1-3) - responsible for spiritual health of the congregation

  • Secretary - responsible for records and legal standing of the congregation

We’d love to partner with you in any of these areas. For the whole team, visit Team – Peace Lutheran Church (

Christian Neighbors

We made some good progress on Christian Neighbors in 2023!

Christian Neighbors provides professional, thoughtful, appropriate assistance for people of Otsego - Plainwell. Unlike most assistance organizations, Christian Neighbors is supported through donations. When it comes to food, they primarily rely on local congregations.

Thank you for your donations. They make a huge difference.

Total donations for 2023 were 618 items, up 6% from 583 in 2022. Great work and thank you!

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • January 21st 10:45 Congregational Forum

  • January 21st 3:00 pm 131 YouthCrew tubing

  • January 22nd 9:00 am Facility work time

  • January 22nd 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

  • January 28th 10:45 Voters’ meeting

  • February 10th 9:30 am Financial Peace

  • February 17th 9:30 Evangelism workshop


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


131 Youth Crew January

131 Youth Crew January

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

It’s time for some winter fun!

January 21st 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. we’re tubing at Timber Ridge. Students 6th grade to senior in high school welcome!

Dinner and study after 5:00 at Peace. Be done at 6:00.

Cost is only $25 with a group over 20 so bring your friends and we’ll have a great time! Please register with your pastor by January 15 because we have to save spots.

Look forward to some winter fun with you.

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Follow us on Facebook!

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

Good news for Peace December 20


Merry Christmas!

We hope you and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas.

I hope you have a happy Christmas - meaningful gifts, some cookies, a good drink, food you like, a night with people you love, and a bonus at work - that would cover it.

But life is full of things that no amount of effort, money, time, or success on our part can change. A war in Ukraine, conflict in the Middle East, inflation, sickness and disease, family conflict, and social struggles.

These are all things that only good news can change.

Lets find great joy because of truly good news this Christmas.

Candlelight Christmas Eve services December 24th @ 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

All events on-site and online at

Christmas Day service December 25th 9:30 am

Share your Christmas prayer requests and invite friends to know joy

Watch for Christmas updates at

Darlene Syers

Sharing of the Christmas message


Thank you to everyone who got the gifts back for the giving tree. I’m encouraged by your generosity!

Tree of Warmth

The tree of warmth is again functioning this year. Through the tree of warmth, we collect items to keep individuals warm.

Items from the tree are donated to Dix Street Elementary, Gilkey Elementary, Washington Street Elementary, and the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission.

This year we are especially focusing on

  • gloves! very low on gloves - both kids and men’s. Not women’s

  • hats

  • coats - new or lightly used

  • men’s and women’s underwear, all sizes

P.S. Have an acquaintance who needs hats, gloves, scarves, etc? Take some from the tree!

Please return items by January 7th.

Offering envelopes

for 2024 are available in your boxes. Please pick them up at your convenience.

December ushers are Pete Weyenberg and Ron Miller

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • December 20th 11:00 Christian funeral of Jerry Koenig

  • December 24th 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve services

  • December 25th 9:30 a.m. Christmas Day service

  • December 25th - January 1st office closed

  • January 7th groups and studies restart

  • January 22nd 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

  • February 10th 9:30 am Financial Peace


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Financial Peace Winter 2024

Financial Peace Winter 2024

Last chance to fix your finances before the winter (and Christmas season!)

Financial Peace helps us

  • defeat debt

  • overcome inflation

  • and forge a new future.

Join us for a high speed session of Financial Peace at Peace Lutheran Church.

  • Saturday February 10th 9:30 am - 4:00 pm

  • Sunday February 11th 12:30 - 3:30 pm

Childcare, snacks, and lunch will be provided.

You can sign up below.

Please pray for the family of Jerry Koenig (Copy)


Jerald Wayne Koenig

Dear friends and family of Jerry,

On Thursday, December 7th, Jerald Wayne Koenig breathed his last and finished his earthly journey. Jerry knew the day was coming for quite some time and was well-prepared. He shared many last “I love yous” and “goodbyes”. He died quietly.

I am comforted to know that Jesus won a great victory for Jerry. Death is defeated, evil is undone, and the world belongs to God and his children. God is giving Jerry and all who trust in him the gift of life. I pray that you have the same comfort and look to your own eternal rest:

“Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude… shouting, ‘Hallelujah! For our God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bridegroom has made himself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given him to wear.'” (Revelation 19)

We were blessed by Jerry’s love for kids and his desire to teach them the faith. Whether it was the soccer camp, vacation Bible school, or many different classes for children, Jerry lived God’s command from long ago: “Teach these things to your children and your children’s children.”

Obituary: Jerry’s obituary will be posted later

Funeral: Jerry will receive a Christian funeral on Wednesday, December 20th at Peace Lutheran Church at 11:00 a.m.

The service is open to the public.

The service will be available via livestream for those who are unable to attend in person. Please see our site or visit our YouTube page Peace Lutheran Church - YouTube. The service will be available a little bit before 11:00 a.m. and be archived afterwards.

Visitation: Visitation will take place on Wednesday the 20th from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Peace Lutheran Church.

Internment: Jerry will be interred after the luncheon in Alamo Cemetery.

Light meal: Everyone is welcome to enjoy a light meal immediately following the service at Peace.

Memorials: To give a memorial to Peace in honor of Jerry, please go to and select “Memorial” or attend the funeral.

I invite you to gather with all of us to mourn and celebrate the victory Jesus gave to Jerry. May Jesus give us eternal peace.

Serving the living Savior

Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Please pray for Jerry’s family: 

Lord Jesus, by your victory over death you have opened the way to eternal life for all of us. Comfort Jerry’s family in their loss. Let their grief empty their souls of pain, hurt, and disappointment. Fill them up with new life. Renew their joy each morning. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Good news for Peace December 2


Hello friends of Peace,

We’ve started Advent, the time Christians call the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Advent is a great time to prayerfully reflect on the coming of Jesus. We consider three comings at the same time: 

  • His birth as a child to save us some 2,000 years ago

  • His coming to us now in Word and Sacrament to live in us and among us

  • His future return to restore all things

There are many good resources for your Advent meditation, both personal and family. I’ve included some of them and if you’d like more, please reach out to me. There are different ways to obtain each. 

Advent means “coming”; it also means "expectation". It helps us develop a joyful expectation of Christ’s return. This Advent as you meditate on God’s Word, may he match the expectations of your heart to his own so that his return is nothing but the greatest bliss, joy, pleasure, and satisfaction for you. 

This Advent as you meditate on God’s Word, may he match the expectations of your heart to his own so that his return is nothing but the greatest bliss, joy, pleasure, and satisfaction for you.

If you don’t have an Advent wreath, get one this year. Church will be glad to help you get a beautiful, simple Advent wreath for only $15. Email or call 269-694-6104

Christmas 2023

It wouldn’t be too hard to make you happy - ice cream, a good drink, a night with people you love, and a bonus at work - that would cover it. Unless tragedy has struck your family, you’re in pain, and you can’t shake the sense that the world has changed. No amount of ice cream can fix that. That requires a fundamental reorientation of life. That requires good news.

Find great joy because of truly good news with us this Christmas.

Candlelight Christmas Eve services December 24th @ 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

All events on-site and online at

Christmas Day service December 25th 9:30 am

Share your Christmas prayer requests and invite friends to know joy

Watch for Christmas updates at

Hometown Christmas

Otsego’s “Hometown Christmas” event will take place December 2nd.

We have 2 chances to participate: hot cocoa, parade security team.

Come on down and say hi!


We had a wonderful celebration thanking God for all his goodness, especially the spiritual work he has been up to. Here are a few things we’re especially thankful for:

  • Ron’s baptism

  • Clara’s profession

  • Ellise’s profession

  • Relatives of Tom & Nancy, as well as Mary getting baptized!

  • Tom’s “I love you”

  • helping Elizabeth read and hear the gospel for one of the first times

The apostle Paul reminds us to give thanks in all circumstances. Friends, let us remember that Jesus has even redeemed us from suffering, so that we can even give thanks when we suffer. Christians of all people should be thankful.

Keep sharing your reasons for thanks so we can be thankful with you!


Kids Christmas Service

The Children’s Christmas service will be on December 17th at 9:30 am.

The kids will practice together weekly on Sundays until the service! Special practice December 15th 5:00 p.m

Can’t wait to hear them!

You can find all the service info for the kids (readings, songs) at:

YouthCrew December - Concert!

The Youth Crew is celebrating Christmas together at a concert!

December 7th 6:00 p.m. we’ll gather at Corinth Reformed Church for a Christmas benefit concert.

The concert is free. All donations will go for the Scott family (part of the YouthCrew).

We’ll start the night with dinner and a meeting on the upcoming youth rally.

For more information and to RSVP, please contact your local leaders.


Take a Journey to Bethlehem

Sunday December 10th 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Sunday December 10th join us at Peace to step into a new sense of Christmas. Walk through simple displays of 1st century life. Touch the world that Jesus felt.

Walk-through displays open at 11:00 a.m. Brunch is available for all at the end. Displays and lunch close at 1:00 p.m.

There is no cost for the event or food. Please bring a canned good to pay your “census tax” as you come in. Canned goods will be donated to Christian Neighbors.

Brunch is a potluck! Please bring something to share with others. We'll have some pancakes to share.

Love to see you for a new sense of Christmas this year!

Irv Bolenbaugh, surgery

Darlene Syers and family

Our sharing of the message of Christmas

Bill McNees


Christmas Decorating

The eager excitement of hearts should show up in magnificent, beautiful, overwhelming decoration for Chris’s birth - an appearance that humbles us and makes us bow.

You are welcome to join us Sunday after services to decorate our facility. Come declare God’s beauty!

December 3 Sunday 11:00 am. A light lunch will be available.


Please reach out to the office (269-694-6104) or stop by the next steps table to sign up to usher in 2024.

December ushers are Pete Weyenberg and Ron Miller

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • December 2nd 4:00 Hometown Christmas

  • December 3rd 10:45 a.m. Christmas decorating

  • December 5th 6:30 p.m. Team and Task Time

  • December 10th 11:00 a.m. Take a Journey to Bethlehem

  • December 13th 1:00 p.m. Ladies Christmas Party

  • December 17th 9:30 Children’s Christmas service

  • December 24th 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve services

  • December 25th 9:30 a.m. Christmas Day service


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Children's Christmas Service 2023

Children’s Christmas Service

December 17th @ 9:30 a.m.

We like to offer our children an opportunity to declare and celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas.

Everyone – children, parents, grandparents, friends, and neighbors are invited to this service. The service will have many familiar service elements. But a significant portion of the service will be replaced with the children’s portion.

The children’s part of the service is posted below so that parents can practice.

Practice sessions

  • Sundays during their lessons at 9:30 am

  • Friday December 15th 5:00 to 7:00 pm - dinner will be served

  • December 17th 9:00 am

The Things of Christmas!

Children up to 5th grade should sit in the first 3 rows.

Welcome and Gathering

After the absolution and prayer, the children should come stand on the lower step.

Manger: Luke 2:1-7

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while[a] Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register.

4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

Angels: Luke 2:8-15

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,

and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

Luke 2:16-20

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.


Isaiah 11:1-3 (Kloey Hayes)

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. 2 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord— 3 and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.

Revelation 22:12-17

12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” 17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

Exodus 28:31-35

31 “Make the robe of the ephod entirely of blue cloth, 32 with an opening for the head in its center. There shall be a woven edge like a collar around this opening, so that it will not tear. 33 Make pomegranates of blue, purple and scarlet yarn around the hem of the robe, with gold bells between them. 34 The gold bells and the pomegranates are to alternate around the hem of the robe. 35 Aaron must wear it when he ministers. The sound of the bells will be heard when he enters the Holy Place before the Lord and when he comes out, so that he will not die.

Romans 5:12, 15-17

12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned—15 But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! 16 Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. 17 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!

The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Ro 5:12–17.








Presents - Magi,








Away in a Manger (CW 68)

Children sing verses 1 & 2, congregation joins on verse 3

Joy Has Dawned

(we’ll sing a simplified version of this song, same lyrics)

Where Shepherds Lately Knelt


Jesus Joy of the Highest Heaven

Hark the Herald Angels Sing (350)

Children sing verses 1 and 2, congregation joins on verse 3

Hit “play” and sing along to practice

131 Youth Crew December

131 Youth Crew December

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

We can’t wait to celebrate Christmas with you.

December 7th 6:00 p.m. we’ll gather at Corinth Reformed Church for a Christmas benefit concert.

The concert is free. All donations will go for the Scott family (part of the YouthCrew).

We’ll start the night with dinner and a meeting on the upcoming youth rally.

For more information and to RSVP, please contact your local leaders.

We’re going tubing next! Watch for more info and plan to join us.

Follow us on Facebook!

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

Can't wait to see how God grows our faith together this year!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Christmas 2023

Christmas 2023

Good News of Great Joy

Your friends and family at Peace would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

It wouldn’t be too hard to make you happy - ice cream, a good drink, a night with people you love, and a bonus at work - that would cover it. Unless tragedy has struck your family, you’re in pain, and you can’t shake the sense that the world has changed. No amount of ice cream can fix that. That requires a fundamental reorientation of life. That requires good news.

Find great joy because of truly good news with us this Christmas.

Candlelight Christmas Eve services December 24th @ 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

 All events on-site and online at

Friends, family and neighbors are welcome. Invite them all!

Christmas Day service December 25th 9:30 am

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Take a Journey to Bethlehem

Take a Journey to Bethlehem

Take a Journey to Bethlehem

Sunday December 10th 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Sunday December 10th join us at Peace to step into a new sense of Christmas. Walk through simple displays of 1st century life. Touch the world that Jesus felt.

Walk-through displays open at 11:00 a.m. Brunch is available for all at the end. Displays and lunch close at 1:00 p.m.

There is no cost for the event or food. Please bring a canned good to pay your “census tax” as you come in. Canned goods will be donated to Christian Neighbors.

Love to see you for a new sense of Christmas this year!

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


Please pray for the family of Ray Winkel

Ray Winkel

Dear friends and family of Ray

Dear friends and family of Ray,

On Thursday, November 9th, Ray finished his journey with us and was brought to his eternal rest in Jesus. Ray wanted to cross the finish line. I was privileged to read him some of his last words: “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” Even though he was troubled a little at the end by sickness, he never wavered in God’s love for him. He was not shaken.

I am comforted to know that Jesus won a great victory for Ray. Death is defeated, evil is undone, and the world belongs to God and his children. God is giving Ray and all who trust in him the gift of life. I pray that you have the same comfort and look to your own eternal rest:

“Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude… shouting, ‘Hallelujah! For our God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bridegroom has made himself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given him to wear.'” (Revelation 19)

I don’t know of a person who wasn’t blessed by Ray when they spent time with him. I spoke with one of his caretakers the other night, who had only been with Ray for a few years. Even though they weren’t his best years, they meant a great deal to this young man. Ray similarly impacted me and many others. God used him to be a blessing.

Ray has been an integral part of Peace for many years. He was part of the committee that planned the first parsonage, he helped design the first bulletins, and he was on the board to start the day school. He celebrated the cancelation of the first mortgage.

Obituary: To read Ray’s obituary, please visit

Funeral: Ray will receive a Christian funeral on Monday, November 13th at Peace Lutheran Church at 11:00 a.m. The service is open to the public.

The service will be available via livestream for those who are unable to attend in person. Please see our site or visit our YouTube page Peace Lutheran Church - YouTube. The service will be available a little bit before 11:00 a.m. and be archived afterwards.

Visitation: Visitation will take place on Sunday November 12th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Winkel Funeral Home in Otsego, MI.

Internment: Ray will be interred following the service at Mountain View Cemetery. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Light meal: Everyone is welcome to enjoy a light meal immediately following the service at Peace.

Memorials: To give a memorial to Peace in honor of Ray, please go to and select “Memorial” or attend the funeral.

I invite you to gather with all of us to mourn and celebrate the victory Jesus gave to Ray. May Jesus give us eternal peace.

Serving the living Savior

Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Please pray for Ray’s family: 

Lord Jesus, by your victory over death you have opened the way to eternal life for all of us. Comfort Ray’s family in their loss. Let their grief empty their souls of pain, hurt, and disappointment. Fill them up with new life. Renew their joy each morning. In Jesus’ name, Amen.