Dear friends of Jesus at Peace,
Whether religious or irreligious, people and our systems have always insisted on putting God on trial. We judge God just as much as we sense he judges us. This culture is unhealthy, even destructive. It’s easy to treat people as enemies, to retreat from the world and life, and even to lash out in violence. How do we live as people of God in our culture today, and how do we and the systems we work in develop to be more healthy and constructive?
This series takes us back to the moments when God was literally on trial before men in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. In these episodes, we find both forgiveness and faith.
We’ll have service and time for fellowship and prayer each week, starting at 6:30 p.m.
February 14th (Ash Wednesday) “Accusations” from Job 40:1, 2, 42:1-6
February 21st “Restraint” from Luke 22:47-53
February 28th “Truth” from John 18:33-40
March 6th “Sympathy” from John 23:26-34
March 13th “Misconceptions” from Luke 23:1-12
March 20th “Testimony” from Matthew 26:57-76
March 28th (note switch to Thursday) “Respite” from Luke 22:7-20
March 29th Good Friday “Evidence” from Matthew 27:38-54
March 31st Easter “Resurrection Reality and Vindication” from Mark 16, Matthew 28
Decisions at the voters meeting
Thank you to the members who participated in our annual voters’ meeting. Together we made some basic decisions to move our ministry forward.
Elected Josh Gower as vice-president and Terry Brower as elder, to serve with Charlie Kling on our council. We still have one vacant position, recording secretary.
Approved the removal by sale or disposal of the modular
Approved the purchase of a new computer to develop our livestream
Approved some other special purchases including a door lock, microwave, gateway, router, fire extinguishers, and a range for the parsonage. All these were purchases outside the budget that required special approval because funds are tight.
The voters’ meeting was a calm discussion of these basic questions of our ministry.
We want to keep doing good Gospel work despite the struggles, challenges, and setbacks. It is our hope in the challenges that declares the power of the cross.
An example of righteousness by faith
Is it possible to prove ourselves as good people by becoming good people?
The apostle Paul answered this question once towards the major critics of his day, the Jewish people. He used a great example: Abraham. People like a good story, and Abraham was a good story.
“The writing to the Romans advances and defends Paul’s thesis that “in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed – a righteousness that is by faith from first to last” (Romans 1:17). God speaks and works wrath and judgment over all unrighteousness. Such unrighteousness exists whether you were a Jew who had the law or a Gentile who did not have the law, so that every person is unrighteousness and therefore naturally under wrath and judgment. God also gives righteousness through faith to all who believe.
“Paul considers Abraham in light of his thesis. Abraham seems to disprove Paul’s thesis. James summarized what Judaism thought about Abraham when he said,
“21 Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. 23 And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. 24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. (James 2:21–24)”
(To read the rest of this essay, download here bibtheo-romans_04-abraham_as_an_example_of_righeousness_by_faith
Love is in the air!
Parents, we know you are so busy and you would like some time to be together. We want you to enjoy some time away.
February 18th 4:30 to 8:30 pm, we’re hosting a Parents’ Night Out. We’ll be at
St Peter’s Lutheran Church
4125 18th St
Dorr, MI 49323
131 YouthCrew will watch kids. We’ll watch children 2 years old and up.
Kids will
play games
Suggested donation is $5 per kid for the evening. Donations will help pay for 131 YouthCrew kids to go to this year’s rally!
Sign up below or contact 269-694-6104!
Shannon Schwartz
Sue Olivares
Darlene Syers
Tom Richmond
Our new council - Josh Gower, Terry Brower
February ushers are Dan Doran and Eric Szczembara
Easter - Easter work is underway!
Date: March 31st
Service 9:30 a.m., lunch and celebration to follow
Theme: “Resurrection Reality” We can’t trust much of what we see and experience today. AI, fake news, and “spin” mean the facts are clouded and hidden. But the resurrection firmly grounds life. We live in a resurrection reality.
Invites: Both print and digital invites for your friends and family will be out in the next week
Easter egg hunt: Collecting candy, will take place after service
Upcoming events (full calendar)
February 14th 6:30 am Ash Wednesday service
February 16th 11:00 am Ladies Guild
February 16th 6:30 pm Bunco
February 17th 9:30 am Evangelism workshop
February 18th 4:30 pm Parents’ Night Out (131 YouthCrew)
February 21st 6:30 pm Lenten service
February 28th 6:30 pm Lenten service
March 5th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time
March 28th 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday service
March 29th 6:30 pm Good Friday service
March 31st 9:30 am Easter service, lunch, egg hunt, celebration
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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!
Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving
Peace Lutheran Church
805 S Wilmott St
Otsego, MI 49078