Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

Thanks for the winter fun. I had a great time with you Sunday. It was good to see so many of you playing together, supporting each other, and loving each other. Keep sharing the good news of Jesus!

February 18th 4:30 to 8:30 pm, we’re going to give parents a “Night Out”. Students, this is your chance to help out parents!

“Parents Night Out” we’re babysitting children 2 years old and up. Parents will have a chance to get out for a night of whatever they want.

Students, this is your chance to help out and raise some funds for the youth rally this year! We’ll play games, feed the kids, and teach them some great tricks!

We’ll watch kids at St Peter’s Lutheran Church in Dorr, MI. Please RSVP to your pastor if you’re coming.

More details to follow. Save the date and plan to meet us at St Peter’s in Dorr on February 18th!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

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