Resurrection Reality!

Fake news. Media bias. AI. Virtual reality. 

What’s real? Can we trust anyone or anything? 

There is a different way to know reality. More than facts, narrative, or history. A person. 

“The resurrection of Jesus is undeniably a miracle. But it’s not a miracle that adds to the absurdity of your world. The resurrection explains what would otherwise be even more absurd. It says, “There’s expansion because there was an explosion” - the explosion of Christ bursting the bonds of death and inviting the world into his triumph. To embrace the miracle is not to embrace nonsense. In fact, it’s a way to make sense of life.

“Resurrection explains why the Jesus movement did not die when he did. Resurrection explains why the Jesus movement continued its unlikely growth through many deadly trials. Resurrection explains why the Victim has come to be Victor. Resurrection explains why, far from being a tragedy, the cross has represented healing and hope. Resurrection explains why the pattern of all great stories - and the pattern of the meaningful life - is triumph through sacrifice. Most of all, resurrection explains Jesus. It explains why the one famous for his death have been encountered by billions as the one most fully alive.

“Everyone is confronted with an absurdly improbable event: Christianity rose to life to have dominion over the world. Christians say, "We have an explanation: Christianity rose to life because Christ rose to life. And if you start leaning towards the Jesus explanation, then you can embrace the most wonderful truths:

- that the world is loved, and loved to death;

- that such love is the very essence of who God is;

- that behind the history you witness is a History Maker who can be trusted;

- that above the values you prize is a person who embodies them;

- that beneath the values you violate is the mercy to forgive you; and …

- that beyond the death you must die is the life he has pioneered: resurrection.” (Glen Scrivener, The Air We Breathe, 218-219)

Come discover a resurrection reality this Easter. Start with us before March 31st onsite or online @ https// or call to talk to a real person today 269-694-6104. 

See you for Easter service March 31st 9:30 am 


March 29 6:30 pm Good Friday

March 31 9:30 am Resurrection Reality - Easter Sunday! 10:45 Brunch and fun

April 2 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

April 3 Studies restart

April 9th 7:00 pm Women’s Self-Defense class begins

April 11th 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

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Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078
