Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,
A big thank you to Tom Wright for his work last week. If you missed him, check it out here.
Do you see the spiritual warfare we’re in? It’s a struggle to believe and behave. If you want to understand the nature of spiritual temptation these days, I invite you to check out CS Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters. They are one of the best modern descriptions of the antispiritual life. Check out a summary here. or here
Review of ministry in 2024
I'm taking stock of 2024. As we roll into the new year, I and the rest of the council summarize our 2024 ministry and then begin the process to see what to do next. Here are some highlights from 2024:
Our most attended service was Christmas Eve and Easter!
We saw the most guests at Christmas Eve
We added one new musician to our team (Angela) and Ellise and Noah are learning
We gave $150,xxx worth of gifts to support gospel ministry through Peace
Our most watched videos of the year was our sermon encouraging “Confess”! followed by our Thanksgiving message “Thankful for you”
One matter that was quite hard in 2024 was our financial situation. Together, things got better. For more, check out this financial summary
Pastor T is glad to join you and lead you in God's work, help you share the gospel, and serve you with God's Word. If you would like prayers, would like to study God’s Word more carefully, or want to share the gospel with others, please reach out to him. We’re glad to do God’s work together!
Christmas with the Chosen: Holy Night
We'd love to invite you to wrap up the Christmas season with a beautiful Christmas movie: Christmas with the Chosen.
The movie is free at our local theater M89 Cinema on February 2 at 3:00 pm.
Friends, family, and neighbors are all welcome!
Come take one last look at the Real Christmas!
Easter planning
Planning for Easter festivities will take place at Team and Task Time on February 4th at 6:30 pm. Come help our congregation welcome the community this important festival - the resurrection of Jesus!
Financial workshop for budgeting/financial planning in 2025
Did you do a budget or financial assessment last week? Here they are again if you didn’t!
A “Financial State of the Household” tool - a tool to overview your household finances Click here to download
A basic budget Click here to download
If you want encouragement or accountability, we are holding a “Budgeting and Financial Assessment Seminar” on February 8th at 9:30 am. Come meet up with us, work on your budget, and plan your finances for the new year!
Let’s honor God with our assets in 2025.
Valentines for All
Everyone is welcome to a “Valentines for All” celebation Sunday February 16th after service. Let’s enjoy pancakes, cakewalk, fellowship, and games for all. Be sure to invite people who miss out on Valentines!
Please bring a dessert for the cakewalk!
Annual Meeting
Information is starting to be released for the voters’ meeting on Sunday February 2nd after service. Voters, please plan to attend!
February 2nd 9:30 Service
February 2nd No Catechism
February 2nd 10: 45 Voters’ Meeting
February 2nd 3:00 pm “Christmas with the Chosen” @ M89 Cinema
February 4th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time
February 8th 9:30 am Budgeting and Financial Assessment Seminar
February 9th 9:30 Service
February 9th 9:30 No catechism
February 13th 12:00 Senior luncheon
February 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology
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Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving
Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078