Hello friends of Peace,
Our annual voters’ meeting will take place on February 2nd at 10:45 am. All members are welcome to attend; voting members should attend.
Voting members will conduct the business.
Voting members are those who have signed the constitution prior to the meeting. Please speak with Pastor if you need to do so.
This presentation overviews the meeting and orients you to the current situation. It is in the process of being updated. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rw8j-bNORS_fcQWqinWkEdUp7Pu_pc3s1AyW6FfsQzQ/edit?usp=drive_link
Our main focus at these meetings is to review our 2024 ministry and take actions for ministry in 2025. We’ll review
The agenda (not available)
Nominations (none)
Minutes from October 2024 meeting https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zQpdAkUT-GVco_ZfhfDBsNgIrX8R-DmR/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=114785614165381582809&rtpof=true&sd=true
Pastor's report https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rw1RTIcMFpP_PFjYpI6iHPr06yBfrciv/edit
Bookkeepers report (Statement of income and expenses, statement of financial position)
Financial position https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YZBi8GyGjmPkNzDEVwWPurwU_OR49JRc/view?usp=drive_link
Income and expenses compared with budget https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o-pkcOOSObVRWtgpqmU0xU3Q8b8EsSSP/view?usp=drive_link
Dedicated accounts https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11dHssQMZ4NAIqGdLutgMeYjkDKvUASWw/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=114785614165381582809&rtpof=true&sd=true
Financial Secretary's reports (report on giving)
All members of Peace may sign up to receive regular notices regarding our gospel work at https://peace.breezechms.com/form/62dd85
Got this from a friend? Sign up here!
Unsubscribe? Email church@peaceotsego.org
Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.
Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!
Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving
Peace Lutheran Church
805 S Wilmott St
Otsego, MI 49078