Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,

Thank you for all your gifts in 2024!

Together we gave about $150K worth of gifts in support of gospel ministry. Whether you think that is a lot or a little, those are generous gifts given to honor our Lord and to spread the gospel of Jesus in Plainwell, Otsego, and beyond.

Our gifts did just that. We didn’t give them for our own honor. We aren’t driving fancy cars, enjoying crazy parties, or buying fun toys.

We are spreading the gospel. More than 30 guests and visitors heard the gospel with us on Christmas Eve. Over the whole year, more than 50 heard the gospel from us. We teach 15 kids about Jesus and his saving work each work. We forgive repentant sinners; we confront arrogant sinners. Jesus builds his kingdom by his work.

Thank you for your gifts and your partnership. We’ll share more about our work in the coming weeks. For now, thank you!


Christmas with the Chosen: Holy Night

We'd love to invite you to wrap up the Christmas season with a beautiful Christmas movie: Christmas with the Chosen.

The movie is free at our local theater M89 Cinema on February 2 at 3:00 pm.

Friends, family, and neighbors are all welcome!

Come take one last look at the Real Christmas!

Financial seminar for budgeting/financial planning in 2025

Did you do a budget or financial assessment last week? Here they are again if you didn’t!

If you want encouragement or accountability, we are holding a “Budgeting and Financial Assessment Seminar” on February 8th at 9:30 am. Come meet up with us, work on your budget, and plan your finances for the new year!

Let’s honor God with our assets in 2025.


Valentines for All

Everyone is welcome to a “Valentines for All” celerbation Sunday February 16th after service. Let’s enjoy pancakes, cakewalk, fellowship, and games for all. Be sure to invite people who miss out on Valentines!

Annual Meeting

Information is starting to be released for the voters’ meeting on Sunday February 2nd after service. Voters, please plan to attend!

January 26th 9:30 Service

January 26th 10:45 No Catechism

February 2nd 9:30 Service

February 2nd 10: 45 Voters’ Meeting

February 2nd 3:00 pm “Christmas with the Chosen” @ M89 Cinema

February 4th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

February 8th 9:30 am Budgeting and Financial Assessment Seminar

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Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078
