Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,
Numerous members have received contacts this week claiming to be pastor and asking for money - usually gift cards.
These have all been scam attempts.
From the images below, you can see a couple of things.
First, the main thing is that the email address looks similar ( but isn’t identical to my business address: Be sure to check the sender address.
Second, note how these contacts don’t include names or small talk. Remember, I know you and like you. We have a real relationship and serve real people.
Third, these are requests for gift cards, specifically Amazon cards. We use gift cards to give aid to individuals at times, but church buys them. We don’t give people money on Amazon. We give groceries and gas.
I apologize for these emails, but more, I regret that I can’t stop them. I have no control over these addresses. All I can do is ask you to be careful and stay in contact with me. Then you’ll know the difference between the real and the fake.
Here are a couple of tips to watch out for social engineering:
Use Peace’s business email - or - and business phone - 269-694-6104. Those are official means of contact that are regulated by official policies. Pastor and other representatives of Peace will use these to contact you.
Give offerings and gifts to Peace through our official and legal means - the offering plate, online at Don’t give other ways.
Feel free to double check contacts with pastor any time.
Voters’ Summary
Thank you to those who attended our annual meeting this last weekend. Please let me share a few updates with you.
A big thank you to those who have agreed to serve in 2025.
2025 Church Council and Others
The nominating committee recently completed its work and the voters confirmed the nominations.
The following people are representing the congregation on the Church Council in 2025:
President: Josh Gower
Vice - president: Vacant
Secretary: Michael Grimm
Elder: Terry Brower
Other key positions in the congregation include:
Finanicial Secretary: Ralph Holewa, Helga Harris (Assistant)
Bookkeeper: Andy Winter
Maintenance Coordinator: Roger Commissaris
Musicians: Cindy Commissaris, Helga Harris, Angela Grimm, Pastor Timmermann, Ellise WedgeThe first key issue we’re addressing in 2025 is a vacancy on the council as our vice-president. This person oversees our facility, finances, HR, etc. This is a director level position required by the State of MI.
Second, we ended 2024 with a small deficit and are expecting a larger one in 2025. Please help us address this.
Suggestions? Questions? Contact the office at 269-694-6104.
What do Christians believe about Jesus? He is the most divisive character in history.
Join me February 15th at 9:30 for our next talk in our Christian Theology series.
Valentines for All
Everyone is welcome to a “Valentines for All” celebration Sunday February 16th after service.
Share the Love!
There will be a pancake breakfast, games for everyone, and win a goodie at the cakewalk!
This is a community event, so invite your friends! Plus, we do need items brought in like cakes, pies, cookies, candy or snack trays for the cakewalk. Just bring them to the kitchen next week.
Picture Board
Got a fun picture from your time at Peace?
Add it to the picture board.
February 8th 9:30 am Budgeting and Financial Assessment Workshop
February 9th 9:30 Service
February 9th 9:30 No catechism
February 13th 12:00 Senior luncheon
February 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology
February 16th 9:30 Service
February 16th 10:45 Catechism
February 16th Valentines for All
March 5th 6:30 Lenten service and snacks
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Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.
Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!
Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving
Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078