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one by one

Bring the gospel one by one:

Bring the gospel one by one:


Watch the video from “One By One Part 7:

Getting going

1. In your own words, what is the point of the starfish story?

2. You cannot save every soul. But God can use you to save one soul.

3. What question does Pastor Rosenau encourage his members to ask people they meet? Is this a good question? Why or why not? What makes it effective?

Getting into God’s Word

Good sharing of God’s love is hard work, simply done well. We joke saying “You can have it easy, you can have it fast, or you can have it cheap”. Pick any two. Good sharing of God’s love is not easy, it’s good work. It might be financially cheap, but it requires significant time, energy and emotions. It’s not fast.

Jesus tells how hard he was willing to work, how slow the work would be, and how much it would cost. He compares himself to phonies. Let’s read John 10:1-21.

5. In John 10:1-21, Jesus makes a couple of comparisons. What are they? The most important one is the actual historical one. Be sure to note the characters in context.

6. Jesus provides a great description of a shepherd. Based on his description and what you know about shepherding, what do you notice about the work a shepherd does?

7. In verse 11, the absolute cost that the shepherd will pay is clearly stated. He lays down his life. He also hints at the cost the rest of us will pay to love well. What will it cost to follow the one shepherd and love others well?

8. Harold Senkbeil offers a great example to help us grasp who we need to become: the sheepdog that helps the shepherd. I think this is a good one for us because we love our pets so much. He writes,

“That dog was the docile and faithful agent of another mind. He used his whole intelligence and initiative, but always in obedience to his master’s directive will; and was ever prompt at self-effacement. The little mountain sheep he had to deal with were exceedingly tiresome, expert in doubling and twisting and going the wrong way as any naughty little boy. Even so, the dog went steadily on with it; his tail never ceased to wag.

The dog’s relation to the shepherd was the center of his life; and because of that, he enjoyed doing his job with the sheep, he did not bother about the trouble, nor get discouraged with the apparent results. The dog had transcended mere dogginess. His actions were dictated by something right beyond himself. He was the agent of the shepherd, working for a scheme which was not his own and the whole of which he could not grasp, and it was just that which was the source of the delightedness, the eagerness and also the discipline with which he worked. But he would not have kept that peculiar and intimate relation unless he had sat down and looked at the shepherd a good deal.”
— Harold Senkbeil, The Cure of Souls, pg 123

Taking it home

9. We’ve drawn a number of conclusions during our study about what it looks like to share God’s love well with one person at a time. Let’s try to bring that all together. What does it look like to love others well?

10. Do you have the mind, will, and feelings of a sheepdog? Do you have the master’s heart? How can we help?

Bring the gospel one by one: An amazing partnership

Bring the gospel one by one: An amazing partnership


Watch the video from “One By One Part 6:

Getting going

1. In our study, “One by One” we considered the following points:

1) Jesus frequently and even usually (but not always) loved one sheep at a time by loving them uniquely.

2) Every Christian has been uniquely prepared through their experience and God’s work to love others.

3) We might feel many reasons to be afraid of loving others, but with honesty, personal conversion and the experience of seeing others come alive, we can have courage.

4) God only uses the gospel to save people.

5) We can do many things to love other people. We always bring the gospel and will often only see any kind of effect with the Word.

2. What two simple things does Pastor Rosenau tell people he meets and invites to church?

3. Doing those two things not only makes the people he invites more comfortable when they visit. What is the added benefits for outreach for his church members?

4. How does Pastor Rosenau remind himself to make visits and hold himself accountable for making visits?

Getting into God’s Word

At first it seems like there is no way we could replicate Pastor Rosenau’s work. And yet it is nothing more than the healthy, functional partnership of pastor and people in caring for souls.

5. Mark 2:1-5 is one of the most famous examples of pastor and people working together in the Bible. Who works with whom? What do they do?

6. John 1:40-42 is another good example of pastor and people working together. What did they do? It seems so easy and natural. What do you think made it so easy?

7. Let’s jump ahead to Acts 16:13-15. Who works together there? In what way?

8. Sometimes that partnership is much harder and even confrontational. In 1 Corinthians 5:9-12, what does Paul want the Corinthians to do to work with him?

9. There are many passages that show us the partnership of God’s ministers and people. This partnership is deeply rooted in the doctrine of the ministry. We summarize this doctrine saying,

That we may obtain this faith, the ministry of teaching the gospel and administering the sacraments was instituted. For through the Word and sacraments as instruments, the Holy Spirit is given, who works faith where and when it pleases God, namely, that God, not for our own merits but for Christ’s sake, justifies those who believe that they are received into grace for Christ’s sake
— Augsburg Confession Article V

If you read that quote and say, “I have no idea what it means”, don’t worry. None of us did the first 10 times we read it. But it means that God gave us ministry so that God can approve of believers. He didn’t give us pastors to fix everything. He gave us a job. And we all are glad to do it. Even you. You get to be part of God’s work.

Taking it home

10. If God is so big on the pastor-people partnership, what are some reasons it is so hard most of the time? Try to go beyond surface, basic reasons. Think about sociological, cultural, and interpersonal reasons.

11. What do you think are some of the ways we (pastor and people) can effectively and wisely work together right now? (For example, we could say, we’re going to work together to start a university. That doesn’t seem wise. We could also work together at preaching - like joint preaching. Again, that doesn’t seem wise.)

Bring the gospel one by one:

Bring the gospel one by one:


Watch the video from “One By One Part 5: only the gospel saves (an example)

Getting going

1. Last week I told you that if you put anyone in contact with me, I would follow up with them. Sunday two new people were at church and although I didn't get to reach out to them personally (they didn't leave any contact info), I got to thank them both through their friends.

2. Where did you see God at work this week?

3. Rather than a program, what tool did Pastor Rosenau say God would use to grow the church? What tactic would God use? (Note: this question could create a false choice. For example, the way churches bring God’s Word to children is often called a “Sunday School” program. Programs are may be just ways to organize a group of people to share the Word.)

4. How many Bibles had the congregation given away as a result of their Christmas booth? How many people had become active as a result of the booth?

5. Identify the basic evangelism plan of the church.

Getting into God’s Word

Pastor Rosenau has made a great point: we have a great tool and tactic for growing the church in God’s Word. Let's consider his point within the context of God's Word by looking at Jesus' life and work.

6. Jesus did many different things as he brought the Word to people. List some of them in the passages below.

—John 2:1-11

—John 4:1-8

—Mark 2:1-12

—Mark 2:15-17

—Mark 2:23-28

—Matthew 14:13-21

Beyond these things, what are some other things Jesus did as part of his ministry?

7. Numerically speaking how well did they work?

8. Despite all the different things Jesus did as he ministered to people, he summarized his ministry as, “Repent and believe the good news, for the kingdom of God has come near.” (Mark 1:15) He passed it on to us saying “Go into all the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. (Mt 28:19) Keeping in mind all the things Jesus did (healing, helping, feeding, etc), what do you think Jesus would have said his evangelism plan or strategy was?

Taking it home

10. Discuss as a group what is going on culturally that makes it so hard for passing out candy and water bottles and slips for free Bibles to actually lead to people coming to church.

11. Discuss the cultural challenges with Pastor Rosenau's approach.

12. Close with prayer. The gospel is amazing. “it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). So no matter how you feel, as you go to someone else, remember you go with the very power of God.

Bring the gospel one by one: only the gospel saves

Bring the gospel one by one: only the gospel saves


Watch the video from “One By One Part 4: only the gospel saves (an example)

Getting going

1. What’s the ugliest thing you’ve seen in a church?

2. Where did you see God at work this week?

3. When Pastor Rosenau began his vicar year at the mission church, what were some of the things that would have seemed to limit the success the church could have reaching the people of the city?

4. Although he didn’t have any real knowledge of how to do evangelism, what did Pastor Rosenau tell his people he had plenty of?

5. What did Pastor Rosenau promise his people he would do whenever they put him into contact with someone?

4. Although he said he had plenty of courage, what did Pastor Rosenau discover as he sat in his car before going out to knock on doors?

5. What two things did Pastor Rosenau tell people they could expect when he invited them to church?

Getting into God’s Word

The Old Testament has a number of events where God shared his Word with one person at a time, and against really long odds, brought that person into his kingdom. He often did this instead of going after large groups of people. We might think of examples like: Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, Moses to Jethro, Rahab in Jericho, Elisha to Naaman of Syria.

Paying attention to these events helps us recognize how unique the times were when God chose to rescue large groups of people: Jonah to Ninevah or Nehemiah to the Jews who had been left behind.

Today we want to focus on one of those times when God rescued one person by his Word and the many challenges he had to overcome. Let’s read the story of Rahab in Joshua 2:1-24.

6. Tell us about Rahab.

7. In verses 8 - 11, especially verse 11, what did Rahab and the people of the city of Jericho feel about the coming Israelites? Compare what they felt with what people might feel about Christians today.

8. In verse 14, how did the spies promise to treat Rahab?

I can’t help but think there is a wonderful reminder here. If we talk to people in their houses or the coffee shop or they choose to spend time with us at church, we might owe them something. Yes, we are the ones giving away God’s grace. Yes, we should treat them well whether they receive us or not. But we might event have a small debt or obligation to repay.

9. In verse 24, what did the men take away from their time with Rahab? Do you ever feel like there might be a time or a season for work in a city or place? What do you do if it isn’t the time or season?

Taking it home

10. I can make the same promise to you that Pastor Rosenau made. If you put me in contact with someone,

  • I will connect with them to say hello

  • I will pray for them and offer to pray specifically for them

  • I will offer to share the gospel with them

11. Almost everyone has something or things that they don’t like about their church. This can keep us from inviting others. Instead of focusing on those things, what can we focus on that will encourage us to invite others? (try to be specific to give us real help)

Bring the gospel one by one: Courage to do tough stuff

Bring the gospel one by one: Courage to do tough stuff


Watch the video from “One By One Part 3: Courage to do tough stuff

1. What question did the chief ask Pastor Rosenau when they were in the duck blind that makes it clear that Pastor had let his light shine while serving as a detective?

2. When Pastor Rosenau told the chief that, “…the important thing for guys like us is to know that Jesus is our Savior” and the chief replied “You have no idea who I really am.” What do you suppose he meant?

3. How did Pastor Rosenau demonstrate true love the day after the chief called him?

Getting connected

4. What good can we do around here?

5. I would guess that most of us feel uncomfortable or awkward about sharing the gospel of Jesus. Do you know what it is about that moment that makes you feel uncomfortable?

Getting into God’s Word

Let’s read 2 Corinthians 4:1-14. This is a great section of the Bible for courage in witnessing God’s love.

6. In verses 1-2, the apostle Paul offers the first reason that he has courage to speak God’s Word. What is it? _____________________. I think it might be worth asking ourselves. If we find we lack courage, perhaps it is because we lack honestly.

7. In verses 3-6, Paul gives a second reason for his courage. I’m going to summarize it is as personal conversion. He genuinely trusts Jesus as his Lord and Savior. So he can say, they’re perishing. God his lit up my life. I hope you can say the same. I’m not always comfortable saying that other people are perishing and God has really shined a light in my life.

8. In verses 7-10, Paul lists all the bad stuff which you would imagine would hurt his courage.

  • hard pressed

  • crushed

  • perplexed

  • despair

  • persecuted

  • abandoned

  • struck down

  • destroyed

Which bothers you the most? Any examples?

9. In verses 10-11, Paul gives the final reason that he has courage. In your own words, explain what he is saying.

Taking it home

10. Break up into groups of 2-3. Share with others something that you need courage to do related to God’s Word. It might be listening to a coworker, confronting a family member, evangelizing an acquaintance, or much more. Then pray for each other.

Bring the gospel one by one: you've been prepared (Lesson 2)

Bring the gospel one by one: you've been prepared (Lesson 2)


Watch the video from “One By One Part 2: Personally Prepared”

1. What are some ways God prepared Pastor Rosenau to be a pastor when he was ….?

a mortician

a detective

2. What were some things Pastor Rosenau and his wife sacrificed for him to serve as a detective?

4. The gospel is always about Jesus - his life, death, and resurrection for us. The gospel shows up in all our lives differently to prepare us for work in his kingdom. What are some ways God prepared the following people for lives of service:

  • Joseph

  • Esther

  • Paul

Getting connected

5. What do you consider to be one of the most fundamental events of your life - what event really prepared you for your work in God’s kingdom?

6. What kind of conversations are you having with pre-Christians?

Bible study

Let’s read Romans 6:1-7

8. According to Paul in this section and especially Romans 6:4, what was the first step in the process? What is the second step or end result?

9. In your own words, what does it mean to be united with Christ in his death and resurrection?

10. Paul says that the body ruled by sin is done away with and we are united with him in his resurrection. We can leave behind our sin, death, guilt, and failure and live God’s new life. What has God left behind for you? What is God making new in you?

11. For most (all?) Christians, this sense of dieing and rising with Christ becomes real at some point. Whether we were baptized as children or adults, we experience a kind of leaving behind of our old life and we embrace a new life. Have you?

Getting it into our lives

12. Learning to tell our own story of God’s work in our lives is very useful. Here is one way I’ve found that isn’t too corny.

  • list three people who have had a deep impact on your life. What advice did they give or what example did they leave?

  • List three books, articles, Bible passages, sermons or sayings that have helped form the foundations of your beliefs, especially leadership beliefs.

  • List at least three significant events that profoundly shaped your life point of view. Then list what you learned from those events.

What story can you tell about yourself?

Bring the gospel one by one: to each soul (Lesson 1)

Bring the gospel one by one: to each soul (Lesson 1)


Getting connected

1. What was a highlight of the last month?

2. What has God been saying to you in his Word lately?


Watch the video from “One By One”.

3. Joann said she would not be back the next week because she didn’t have the courage. What does this tell us about the challenge of an unchurched person walking into a church?

4. Joann said she did not believe there was a heaven. What would likely have happened if Pastor Rosenau had tried to change her mind?

5. Joann’s husband, Dick, didn’t believe there was a God and said that men wrote the Bible, not God. How did pastor’s response demonstrate both humility and confidence?

6. After Joann died, why could pastor’s wife say that what they had sacrificed for him to become a pastor would have been worth it if it was just for Joann?

7. Pastor Rosenau does a really good job of treating Joann as an individual. What did he miss?

Bible study

8. When Jesus wanted to spread his ideas, he told people “Come follow me and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Matthew 4:19) When he finished his work and wanted his people to spread the news, he told them, “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) He didn’t say things like, “Come follow me and I’ll make you smarter.” He didn’t say, “Go inform everyone”. He said make disciples. What makes Jesus prefer “make disciples” instead of “make you smarter”?

9. CS Lewis once said, “Being a great theologian can easily be mistaken for being a good Christian.” What do you think he meant? Are you a better theologian or Christian?

10. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27) Jesus is connecting at least two important biblical truths here. What are they? Then discuss some of the ways Jesus did so well speaking to his own sheep.

Getting it into our lives

11. I don’t think that it takes any great spiritual ability or skill to be able to do what Pastor Rosenau did. Have you? What kind of response do you have to the idea? (Confused, excited, scared, overwhelmed, etc).

12. Think of a person you would like to love better with the love of Jesus. I would guess that person doesn’t believe in Jesus or follow Jesus well. What do you know about this person’s past experience that is particular to them? (Don’t assume you don’t know; you probably just don’t realize you know.)