
Watch the video from “One By One Part 3: Courage to do tough stuff

1. What question did the chief ask Pastor Rosenau when they were in the duck blind that makes it clear that Pastor had let his light shine while serving as a detective?

2. When Pastor Rosenau told the chief that, “…the important thing for guys like us is to know that Jesus is our Savior” and the chief replied “You have no idea who I really am.” What do you suppose he meant?

3. How did Pastor Rosenau demonstrate true love the day after the chief called him?

Getting connected

4. What good can we do around here?

5. I would guess that most of us feel uncomfortable or awkward about sharing the gospel of Jesus. Do you know what it is about that moment that makes you feel uncomfortable?

Getting into God’s Word

Let’s read 2 Corinthians 4:1-14. This is a great section of the Bible for courage in witnessing God’s love.

6. In verses 1-2, the apostle Paul offers the first reason that he has courage to speak God’s Word. What is it? _____________________. I think it might be worth asking ourselves. If we find we lack courage, perhaps it is because we lack honestly.

7. In verses 3-6, Paul gives a second reason for his courage. I’m going to summarize it is as personal conversion. He genuinely trusts Jesus as his Lord and Savior. So he can say, they’re perishing. God his lit up my life. I hope you can say the same. I’m not always comfortable saying that other people are perishing and God has really shined a light in my life.

8. In verses 7-10, Paul lists all the bad stuff which you would imagine would hurt his courage.

  • hard pressed

  • crushed

  • perplexed

  • despair

  • persecuted

  • abandoned

  • struck down

  • destroyed

Which bothers you the most? Any examples?

9. In verses 10-11, Paul gives the final reason that he has courage. In your own words, explain what he is saying.

Taking it home

10. Break up into groups of 2-3. Share with others something that you need courage to do related to God’s Word. It might be listening to a coworker, confronting a family member, evangelizing an acquaintance, or much more. Then pray for each other.