
Watch the video from “One By One Part 5: only the gospel saves (an example)

Getting going

1. Last week I told you that if you put anyone in contact with me, I would follow up with them. Sunday two new people were at church and although I didn't get to reach out to them personally (they didn't leave any contact info), I got to thank them both through their friends.

2. Where did you see God at work this week?

3. Rather than a program, what tool did Pastor Rosenau say God would use to grow the church? What tactic would God use? (Note: this question could create a false choice. For example, the way churches bring God’s Word to children is often called a “Sunday School” program. Programs are may be just ways to organize a group of people to share the Word.)

4. How many Bibles had the congregation given away as a result of their Christmas booth? How many people had become active as a result of the booth?

5. Identify the basic evangelism plan of the church.

Getting into God’s Word

Pastor Rosenau has made a great point: we have a great tool and tactic for growing the church in God’s Word. Let's consider his point within the context of God's Word by looking at Jesus' life and work.

6. Jesus did many different things as he brought the Word to people. List some of them in the passages below.

—John 2:1-11

—John 4:1-8

—Mark 2:1-12

—Mark 2:15-17

—Mark 2:23-28

—Matthew 14:13-21

Beyond these things, what are some other things Jesus did as part of his ministry?

7. Numerically speaking how well did they work?

8. Despite all the different things Jesus did as he ministered to people, he summarized his ministry as, “Repent and believe the good news, for the kingdom of God has come near.” (Mark 1:15) He passed it on to us saying “Go into all the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. (Mt 28:19) Keeping in mind all the things Jesus did (healing, helping, feeding, etc), what do you think Jesus would have said his evangelism plan or strategy was?

Taking it home

10. Discuss as a group what is going on culturally that makes it so hard for passing out candy and water bottles and slips for free Bibles to actually lead to people coming to church.

11. Discuss the cultural challenges with Pastor Rosenau's approach.

12. Close with prayer. The gospel is amazing. “it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). So no matter how you feel, as you go to someone else, remember you go with the very power of God.