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Parents Night Out (131 YouthCrew February)

Parents Night Out (131 YouthCrew February)

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

Love is in the air!

Parents, we know you are so busy and you would like some time to be together. We want you to enjoy some time away.

February 18th 4:30 to 8:30 pm, we’re hosting a Parents’ Night Out. We’ll be at

St Peter’s Lutheran Church

4125 18th St

Dorr, MI 49323


131 YouthCrew will watch kids. We’ll watch children 2 years old and up.

Kids will

  • play games

  • eat

  • learn!

Suggested donation is $5 per kid for the evening. Donations will help pay for 131 YouthCrew kids to go to this year’s rally!

Sign up below or contact 269-694-6104!

Can’t wait to see you!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Follow us on Facebook!

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131 Youth Crew February

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

Thanks for the winter fun. I had a great time with you Sunday. It was good to see so many of you playing together, supporting each other, and loving each other. Keep sharing the good news of Jesus!

February 18th 4:30 to 8:30 pm, we’re going to give parents a “Night Out”. Students, this is your chance to help out parents!

“Parents Night Out” we’re babysitting children 2 years old and up. Parents will have a chance to get out for a night of whatever they want.

Students, this is your chance to help out and raise some funds for the youth rally this year! We’ll play games, feed the kids, and teach them some great tricks!

We’ll watch kids at St Peter’s Lutheran Church in Dorr, MI. Please RSVP to your pastor if you’re coming.

More details to follow. Save the date and plan to meet us at St Peter’s in Dorr on February 18th!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Follow us on Facebook!

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

131 Youth Crew January

131 Youth Crew January

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

It’s time for some winter fun!

January 21st 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. we’re tubing at Timber Ridge. Students 6th grade to senior in high school welcome!

Dinner and study after 5:00 at Peace. Be done at 6:00.

Cost is only $25 with a group over 20 so bring your friends and we’ll have a great time! Please register with your pastor by January 15 because we have to save spots.

Look forward to some winter fun with you.

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Follow us on Facebook!

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

131 Youth Crew December

131 Youth Crew December

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

We can’t wait to celebrate Christmas with you.

December 7th 6:00 p.m. we’ll gather at Corinth Reformed Church for a Christmas benefit concert.

The concert is free. All donations will go for the Scott family (part of the YouthCrew).

We’ll start the night with dinner and a meeting on the upcoming youth rally.

For more information and to RSVP, please contact your local leaders.

We’re going tubing next! Watch for more info and plan to join us.

Follow us on Facebook!

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

Can't wait to see how God grows our faith together this year!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

131 Youth Crew May

131 Youth Crew May

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

It's been an awesome year. Thanks for the whole time. I'm grateful to see you live after Jesus!

Let's wrap up the year with some fun.

May 6 Cookout and Roller Skating

GR Skate and Event Center in Byron Center

3651 84th St SW, Byron Center, MI 49315

6:00 pm Cookout and Devotion

7:00 pm Roller Skating

End by 10:00 pm

$10 for regular skating, $13 for roller blades. Non-skaters are $4.

Please RSVP to your local leader.

I can't wait to see you one last time this year.

For more information, please contact your local leaders or email back.

For all the Youth Crew gatherings for 2022-2023

Follow us on Facebook!

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Al Kirschbaum, the Wedge family, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

131 Youth Crew March

131 Youth Crew March

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

Thanks for all the fun at Peace in March!

Our next gathering is March 11th at Spirit of Life in Caledonia. We're doing a service project together.

We're going to help those with special needs and seniors enjoy the Easter story.

March 11th 10:30 - 1:30 pm plus travel time

The Youth Crew (students) will help teach the story, help participants do the activities and crafts, serve lunch, and help participants navigate around for the morning. We need students to commit to being there and helping these dear souls.

Please RSVP as student helpers to your local leader.

For more information, please contact your local leaders.

For all the Youth Crew gatherings for 2022-2023

Follow us on Facebook!

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

Can't wait to see how God grows our faith together this year!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Al Kirschbaum, the Wedge family, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

Every hand, every home ... a hymnal

Every hand, every home ... a hymnal

Hello friends of Peace!

As you may be aware the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) has come out with new hymnals that includes liturgy, psalms and hymns - all kinds of wonderful resources (see

Hymnals for worship

We are going to purchase these books for our seats in the near future. We intend to have them in our building by March 1.

Yes, this is a big change for us all, but we have been through this before with our previous hymnals. Remember how you felt about the red book? And now look how familiar it is!

Our musicians, including our cantors, will help you become familiar with the new hymns/liturgy. We should all remember how well we did with the new liturgy for Lent that we've used the past 3 years. I (Cindy Commissaris) don't think it was too painful and I think a lot of us came to like it.

We will still use hymns/liturgy from the previous hymnals in our services, but we will concentrate more on the new hymnals.

Peace is covering the cost for hymn books in the building. These will belong to the congregation and will stay on site.


Hymnals for home

I (again, Cindy Commissaris), as well as pastor, encourage you to order your own hymnal. Add it to your home devotional life. Sing a hymn. Pray a new prayer. Put it right under your Bible on your table and use it to help you grow each day. At the same time, it will help you become familiar with the music.

The cost for an at-home hymnal will be $25.00 each. Peace is helping out with shipping, etc. If you would like your own you can order these ways:

1. Sign up on the sheet in the entry area on the next steps table

2. Sign up on our website at

3. Notify Cindy Commissaris at 269-370-7313

Please get order requests in by February 19th. Thank you!

If you have any questions, Pastor or Cindy Commissaris would be glad to answer them.

Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078


131 Youth Crew January

131 Youth Crew January

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

We had a crazy good time at our lock in in November. Thanks Holy Trinity for hosting!

Our next gathering is January 21st at 5:00 pm at Peace in Otsego.

Our theme this year is “Hold on to Your Faith”. This time we’re listening to “Godpliments”. What’s a godpliment? Let me tell you this story. The other day my kid came into the kitchen and asked for a glass of milk. I was busy doing a couple of other things but stopped to get the glass of milk. As I handed my kid the milk, I said, “Thanks dad, you’re the best dad.” My kid said back to me, “Thanks dad, you’re the best dad.” I made my kid compliment me.

It wasn’t a real compliment. It didn’t even really make me feel good, because I know it wasn’t real. Sadly, I feel that way about most compliments. They just don’t feel real.

God doesn’t talk to you and I like that. What he says, he means. Whenever he says a Godpliment, you can take them to heart.

Nothing does better for your faith than those Godpliments.

Nerf Battle! Spaghetti Dinner!

We’ll have dinner, games, study, and prayer all together on Saturday January 21st! Look forward to seeing you!

For more information, please contact your local leaders.

For all the Youth Crew gatherings for 2022-2023

Follow us on Facebook!

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

Can't wait to see how God grows our faith together this year!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Al Kirschbaum, the Wedge family, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

131 Youth Crew November - Lock in

131 Youth Crew November - Lock in

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

So good to enjoy the gathering with you all on October 22nd!

Our next event is bowling and a lock in with Holy Trinity (Wyoming) on November 11th, 8:00.

After bowling, we’ll go back to Holy Trinity for board games, gym games, pizza, activities, and some sleeping (if we have to, in separate rooms).


  • 7:30 meet at Holy Trinity to drop off stuff (optional)

  • 8:00 bowling @ Park Center Lanes in Wyoming

  • 10 pm approximately back to Holy Trinity for games, food, sleep

  • 7:00 am Saturday pick up

Cost is $20. Please bring it with to cover bowling, food, etc.

We’ve got a great team of chaperones. Can’t wait to see you!

Questions? Please contact your local leader.

For all the Youth Crew gatherings for 2022-2023

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

Can't wait to see how God grows our faith together this year!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Scherschel, Pastor Al Kirschbaum, the Wedge family, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

131 Youth Crew October

131 Youth Crew October

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

We had a great time at our kick off event in Caledonia a few weeks ago. Thank you to all of you for participating!

Our next gathering is October 22nd at 5:00 pm @ St Peter’s in Dorr.

Our theme this year is “Hold on to Your Faith”. This time we use the power of God to hold on. This weekend I watched a robot made at the local high school climb an elevated monkey bars. That was impressive. It had incredible power. Do you and I have that kind of power or more to hold on to God?

We’ll have dinner, games, study, and prayer all together on Saturday October 22nd. Look forward to seeing you!

For more information, please contact your local leaders.

For all the Youth Crew gatherings for 2022-2023

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

Can't wait to see how God grows our faith together this year!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Al Kirschbaum, the Wedge family, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann

131 Youth Crew 2022-2023

Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

Summer is passing by quickly and we hope that all of you are having a blessed break. With the school year rapidly approaching, we are excited to invite you to our 131 Youth Crew. Our youth group consists of the middle school and high school students (grades 6-12) from any of our area churches - Holy Trinity in Wyoming, Peace in Otsego, Saint Peter’s in Dorr, Spirit of Life in Caledonia, St Paul's in Hopkins, Grace in Muskegon, Our Savior in Hart, and many more! We meet throughout the year participating in fun group events, bible studies, skill building, and community service events.

Our theme this year is "Hold On To Your Faith".

These are the important dates as you plan for the year.

  • August 27th @ 6pm - Kick Off Camp Fire - Spirit of Life

  • October 22nd @ 5pm - WELS Youth Night - Saint Peter’s Dorr

  • November 11th @TBD - Bowling and Lock-In - Holy Trinity

  • January 21st @ 5pm - WELS Youth Night - Peace Otsego

  • March 11th @ TBD - A Special Easter Community Service Project - Spirit of Life

  • May 6th @ 5pm - WELS Youth Night – Holy Trinity

Please note this year we're meeting on Saturdays. I hope you'll plan ahead to join us!

For more information, please contact your local leaders.

Want to invite a friend or neighbor to participate? Pass on this link so they can sign up for updates!

Follow us on Facebook to be part of the conversation.

Can't wait to see how God grows our faith together this year!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Al Kirschbaum, the Wedge family, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann