Dear 131 Youth Crew, 

We had a crazy good time at our lock in in November. Thanks Holy Trinity for hosting!

Our next gathering is January 21st at 5:00 pm at Peace in Otsego.

Our theme this year is “Hold on to Your Faith”. This time we’re listening to “Godpliments”. What’s a godpliment? Let me tell you this story. The other day my kid came into the kitchen and asked for a glass of milk. I was busy doing a couple of other things but stopped to get the glass of milk. As I handed my kid the milk, I said, “Thanks dad, you’re the best dad.” My kid said back to me, “Thanks dad, you’re the best dad.” I made my kid compliment me.

It wasn’t a real compliment. It didn’t even really make me feel good, because I know it wasn’t real. Sadly, I feel that way about most compliments. They just don’t feel real.

God doesn’t talk to you and I like that. What he says, he means. Whenever he says a Godpliment, you can take them to heart.

Nothing does better for your faith than those Godpliments.

Nerf Battle! Spaghetti Dinner!

We’ll have dinner, games, study, and prayer all together on Saturday January 21st! Look forward to seeing you!

For more information, please contact your local leaders.

For all the Youth Crew gatherings for 2022-2023

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Can't wait to see how God grows our faith together this year!

In Jesus,
The 131 Youth Crew team - Pastor Dave Rockhoff, Principal Luke Schershel, Pastor Al Kirschbaum, the Wedge family, Pastor Nathaniel Timmermann