Seeking Nominations

Paul and Barnabas traveled and appointed leaders in the churches (see Acts 14:23). “Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.” Paul told Titus to appoint leaders in Crete when he worked there. “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.” (Titus 1:5) From the Bible, we learn …

  • to have local elders or leaders of various sorts

  • Elders, deacons and other ministry workers should come from the local group. Every church should have people who can use God’s Word in people’s lives, whether they help students, young adults, or seniors. God’s people work together.

  • People mature in the Word should select the next generation. Many people should have involvement.

  • Selecting leaders happens alongside spiritual practices – prayer, fasting, careful assessment of what is undone, and discipline

Currently our nominating committee is seeking qualified men for certain positions. If they contact you, please prayerfully consider serving and contact pastor.

The people of Peace are also welcome to make nominations. Please contact pastor or our congregational chairman. You may nominate yourself if you would like. 

We will look for people who show signs of gifts and developing spiritual maturity to lead God’s people. The use of individual gifts is more important than simply filling a role.

One person provided some wise advice for selecting leaders: “Most churches make the mistake of electing the competent, the confident, and the successful; whereas what you really need is a man who has been broken by the knowledge of his own sin, and restored by an even greater knowledge of grace. That kind of elder (or other leader) can lead the congregation in being the chief repenter: repenting more quickly, more publicly, more often and more deeply.” Please pray for all the current and future servant-leaders of Peace.

Qualifications for our elected positions are as follows:

  • Must not be a new convert; some spiritual maturity

  • Voting member

  • Male, in good standing

Positions open for nomination

For the 2025 calendar year, the following positions are open for nomination:

  • Vice-president/treasurer - responsible for oversight of the facility and finances, fills in for president - no nominee

  • Maintenance coordinator - responsible for coordinating the upkeep of the facility - Roger Commissaris nominated

  • Elder (not council) - responsible for the spiritual health of the congregation - Joe Olivares nominated

  • Music coordinator - responsible for assisting pastor in coordinating music for our services - no nominees

We’d love to partner with you in any of these areas. For the whole team, visit Team – Peace Lutheran Church (

Christmas with the Chosen: Holy Night

We'd love to invite you to wrap up the Christmas season with a beautiful Christmas movie: Christmas with the Chosen.

The movie is free at our local theater M89 Cinema on February 2 at 3:00 pm.

Friends, family, and neighbors are all welcome!

Come take one last look at the Real Christmas!

Consider My Financial Life in the New Year

As you head into the new year, let me encourage you and provide some help if I can with regard to your finances. Finances are important to us all. We feel pressure due to inflation. We experience changes in income. We might face new costs and expenses.

There are too many little things to consider when it comes to good financial practices. If you want someone to talk to, feel free to ask. We can commiserate together (and I might be able to point you in a helpful direction). We’ll do a “Financial Peace University” seminar again soon. You can learn more there.

Let me encourage you to take careful stock of your financial position and see how you are giving your best to the Lord. God tells us a lot about money and finances. Here are two resources that might help you as you consider your financial position and generosity in 2025.

If either of those things help you, I’m glad. Let me know if I can do more for you!

Merger Investigation Team

The congregation through the voters decided to investigate the possibility of a merger.

So far, the council has asked 4 people to serve in this capacity - Marc and Amy Nelson, Paul and Joan Retberg.

The team is beginning its work shortly. We’d be happy have one more individual if you’d like to join. Please contact pastor.

Growth and Renewal Team

The congregation is also pursing Growth and Renewal through the Growth and Renewal Team.

The Growth and Renewal Team currently looks to be composed of Douglas Olivares, Kart Wedge, Dave Keller, Macayla Wright, and Rhonda Wilson; perhaps a few others will join.

This team too is looking to begin its work shortly. We’d be happy to have one or two more individuals if you’d like to join. Please contact pastor.


January 17th 11:00 am Ladies Guild

January 18th 9:30 Christian Theology: Christology

January 19th 9:30 Service

January 19th 10:45 Catechism

February 2nd 10: 45 Voters’ Meeting

February 2nd 3:00 pm “Christmas with the Chosen” @ M89 Cinema

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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078
