Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,
Hey, we made it! This Sunday, March 2nd, I will install Pastor Timothy Johnson as the new resident pastor at St John’s in Sturgis. Then I will be officially done!
I won’t gloss over the situation by saying we’ve thrived along the way. I know I noticed how much didn’t get done. I feel badly about that. I pray that God turns us around and leads us to good gospel ministry.
Thank you for your support and participation along the way. I hope the Lord has been at work in your life in this challenge to let you live as a Christian in some new ways. Let me know how!
See you all soon.
Gifts for the Gospel: Pledges
Friends, we’re encouraging everyone to be part of our pledge process for 2025.
What is this pledge?
A pledge is a commitment to do something. In this case, we’re committing to offerings.
God calls us to offer him our best in thanks and praise for all he has done. We do that together at Peace through offerings. We are providing this pledge process so that we can all consider our gifts and offerings.
We’re offered a two sided card you can fill out here or on site for this pledge. Download pledge card here
How do we complete these pledges?
Christians have generally followed the practice of proportional giving. What that means is we look at our income and we give a portion of it to the Lord. In the Old Testament era, this amount was often 10% and occasionally exceeded 10%. Jesus never gave a portion. The apostle Paul simply said, “Give in proportion to your income”.
We practice proportional giving instead of needs based giving or random giving. Our offerings are our firstfruits.
The provided card is set up to lead participants through proportional giving. The back of the card lists the percentages (1-12%) for certain local incomes. Using this table, you can select a pledge amount that works for you. Or write in your own!
Turn in the card in the basket on site so they can be offered to the Lord on March 2nd.
When is this pledge process?
We’ve started it now. Pledges should be turned in by March 2nd. We’ll present them as an offering to the Lord that day.
What will we do with these pledges?
These pledges will be used to compare with budgeted giving, but council and the pastor will NOT see individual amounts.
P.S. We gather as God’s people at 9:30 on Sunday morning. Prepare by reading and studying Luke 9:28-36. What glimpses of glory has the Lord given you?
Lent starts March 5th at 6:30.
Find more at
“Real Easter” - Easter planning
I’m looking forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with you April 20th at 9:30 am.
Here is a little plan for the day:
Service 9:30 am
Lunch following will be breakfast sandwiches for a sit or stand meal
Easter flowers can be given BY you (we aren’t buying flowers) and brought in during the week before the service. We love to have Easter flowers and would appreciate if you would donate a lilly, hydrangea, tulip, or other Easter appropriate flower.
Easter baskets for the community are getting prepped to give away
Easter invites will be hung on local doors April 5th and are available at the next steps table; also online
Here is what we need
Help hang door hanger invites on April 5th
plan to help set up April 19th at 9:30 am
Share the Easter event and invite your friends
Door Hanging - Save the date
We want to reconnect with the people physically around - the people of Otsego - Plainwell.
One way the Growth and Renewal Team would like to do this is by hanging door hangers and inviting people to Easter services as well as to reach out to us.
No talking necessary - hang and go :-)
Plan to be part on April 5th starting at 9:30!
We’d love to see 20% of our group of Christians participate.
Lawnmower coordinator
We’re looking for someone to help coordinate the lawn mowing around the church this summer.
We’re looking for someone to take the lead in coordinating lawn mowers. A good person for this job will love Jesus, be committed to bringing people the gospel, want a good looking site to use as a base for ministry, and understand a little about mowing large sites.
Volunteer lawn mower coordinator
Reports to pastor (no maintenance coordinator currently)
Flexible schedule, requires an hour on average per week for the summer
Make sure the grass gets mowed and cared for (trimmed, watered?) in a timely manner
Able to organize people and schedule
Able to communicate with people about tasks and duties
Schedule individuals to mow the lawn as needed
Train individuals to mow
manage schedule changes and adjustments
March 2nd 9:30 am Service
March 2nd 10:45 am Catechism
March 4th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time
March 5th 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday service
March 9th 9:30 am Service
March 9th 10:45 Catechism
March 12th 6:30 pm Lent service
March 13th 12:00 pm Senior lunch
March 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology: Jesus
March 29th 9:30 am Evangelism workshop
April 5th 9:30 am Door hanging
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Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.
Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!
Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving
Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078