“Reflections on Repentance: Lent 2025”
“The Lord is not slow to do what he promised. . . . Instead, he is patient for your sakes, not wanting anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
Luther began his famous debate theses noting that Scripture’s call to repentance is intended as a way of life.
Using David’s great penitential Psalm 51, penned following his affair with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah, this series of Lenten reflections explores the depths of our sinful depravity, the brokenness of our relationship with God, our dire need for rescue, and the good news of forgiveness, cleansing, and rejoicing in our restored relationship with God and the promise of eternal life through Jesus our Savior.
March 5 “Realizing Our Need for Repentance” Psalm 51:Heading, 1-2
Service video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqBkBEa3wak
Sermon video https://youtu.be/4x1Z7R4J56o
Sermon audio https://www.podbean.com/ep/pb-7dkab-182e341.
March 12 “Remembering God’s Perfect Demands” Psalm 51:6
March 19 “Recognizing Against Whom We Sin” Psalm 51:3-4
March 26 “Revealing Our Sinful Nature” Psalm 51:5
April 2 “Relying on God’s Grace” Psalm 51:7
April 9 “Removing Our Guilt” Psalm 51:8-9
We’re enjoying snacks after the Lenten services. Please sign up at the next steps table to bring snacks one week!
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Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078
269-694-6104 https://peaceotsego.org