Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,

You have probably heard some concern in the news lately (if you read or watch) about "Lutheran" services that receive government funding and have come under criticism of the current administration. I'm not going to link to those reports; you can search things like "Lutheran services" and "illegal payments" if you want to see more.

I'm not defending or criticizing that action.

In case you don't know, our synod, the Wisconsin Evnagelical Lutheran Synod, has generally had the practice of not accepting government funds for work. This is not a specific doctrine (ie, we don’t think it is explicitly taught by God in the Bible), but it is a religious or spiritual belief. In the Bible we often see that the government supported the work of the church or even that the church and the government were one and the same. We are in a different position today. We have decided to not accept government funds for ministry because we believe in the two kingdoms, we live by the separation of church and state, and we think it is practical. we

In order to provide some assurance, I’ve placed the synod’s statement of income and expenses below. You can see the funding sources there. I’m familiar with all these funding sources. Admittedly, statements are hard to read and money can be hidden. We have been assured that we are not receiving any funds multiple times. For example, here is a statement from our synod's president.

This has usually been the practice of our churches and schools. On occasion, school choice and local aid partnerships might affect this practice.

Peace has not accepted government funding although we accepted the PPP loan during COVID.

The gospel is truly good news. It turns the world the upside down - the rich are made poor, and the poor become rich; the generous are blessed, and the hoarders are woe-d; the pure and innocent are strengthened, and the corrupt are weakened.

Be part of a local congregation. Know what is going on.

Valentines for All

Thanks to Joan Retberg, Roger and Cindy Commissaris, Jeanne Myers, and Kart and Shelly Wedge for the nice Valentines gathering they put on for us! Great games!

Meditations - Subscriptions

Our devotional magazine “Meditations” is available by print subscription. Sign up at the next steps table!

Gifts for the Gospel: Pledges

Friends, we’re encouraging everyone to be part of our pledge process for 2025.

What is this pledge?

A pledge is a commitment to do something. In this case, we’re committing to offerings.

God calls us to offer him our best in thanks and praise for all he has done. We do that together at Peace through offerings. We are providing this pledge process so that we can all consider our gifts and offerings.

We’re offered a two sided card you can fill out here or on site for this pledge. Download pledge card here

How do we complete these pledges?

Christians have generally followed the practice of proportional giving. What that means is we look at our income and we give a portion of it to the Lord. In the Old Testament era, this amount was often 10% and occasionally exceeded 10%. Jesus never gave a portion. The apostle Paul simply said, “Give in proportion to your income”.

We practice proportional giving instead of needs based giving or random giving. Our offerings are our firstfruits.

The provided card is set up to lead participants through proportional giving. The back of the card lists the percentages (1-12%) for certain local incomes. Using this table, you can select a pledge amount that works for you. Or write in your own!

Turn in the card in the basket on site so they can be offered to the Lord on March 2nd.

When is this pledge process?

We’ve started it now. Pledges should be turned in by March 2nd. We’ll present them as an offering to the Lord that day.

What will we do with these pledges?

These pledges will be used to compare with budgeted giving, but council and the pastor will NOT see individual amounts.

Lent starts March 5th at 6:30.

Find more at

“Real Easter” - Easter planning

 I’m looking forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with you April 20th at 9:30 am.

Here is a little plan for the day:

  • Service 9:30 am

  • Lunch following will be breakfast sandwiches for a sit or stand meal

  • Easter flowers can be given BY you (we aren’t buying flowers) and brought in during the week before the service. We love to have Easter flowers and would appreciate if you would donate a lilly, hydrangea, tulip, or other Easter appropriate flower.

  • Easter baskets for the community are getting prepped to give away

  • Easter invites will be hung on local doors April 5th and are available at the next steps table; also online

Here is what we need

Security Team

The congregation has been investigating a formal security team at Peace for about three years.

Though the process, the council has realized that we don't have the resources to pursue this team at this point.

We have learned for example that any armed security team requires each individual to carry liability insurance and the congregation to carry liability insurance. It is impossible to guarantee that we can get that insurance, and in the current church insurance climate, we can't take the risk. The congregation will also have to have regular training and oversight of any team, and that would be difficult.

We realize this realization might not sit well with some. If you want to give the council any feedback, please reach out to pastor at 269-694-6104.

Peace will continue to do what we can to keep us all safe when we gather together. Ultimately we trust ourselves to the Lord and we remain vigilant against the evil we regularly face.


The congregation previously decided to dispose of the modular. The modular is starting to break down and we wanted to deal with it before it becomes unusable.

There has been no interest to take it.

The council has decided to stop working on this issue for now so that we can focus on the pressing issue of revitalizing the congregation.

If you or someone you know would like to inquire about the modular, please reach out to the office 269-694-6104. Thanks!


We function with four individuals on our council: a president, vice-president/treasurer, recording secretary and an elder.

Three positions - president, vice-president/treasurer, and Secretary are required by our bylaws to comply with state law.

The congregation was unable to elect a vice-president for the year.

In order to satisfy the bylaws and state law, the council appointed Terry Brower to the title of vice-president. He will not carry out the duties of the position, but if need arises he will have the position/title.


February 21st 6:30 pm Bunco

February 23rd 9:30 am Service

February 23rd 10:45 Catechism

March 4th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

March 5th 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday Lenten service and snacks

March 15th 9:30 am Christianity Explored

March 17th 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

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Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078
