This week’s lessons: Judges 10:6-16, Luke 15:1-3, 11-32


Dear friends,

“How can I pray for you?”

I’m asking you. I always want to know how I can pray for you - whether you think life is good or not. Recently a contact reached out to me. A relative wanted to talk. We’ve been praying for this relative for a long time. They’ve been trapped in a debilitating addiction. At this point, I don’t know how the situation will work out. But God has answered prayers in a small way.

We believe that God is at work by his Word in our lives. He is always working on repentance and faith. We pray that he would work specifically in our lives.

Just like I ask you, “how can I pray for you?”, I encourage you to ask other people, “how can I pray for you?” And not just family members. Ask neighbors, ask friends, ask neighbors, and ask co-workers if it is appropriate. It’s a simple, God-honoring way to live out the mission of God.

Wrap up:

  • If you are looking to improve your own prayer life, I’d recommend the practice of daily office or daily prayer. I like this introduction to the practice. Introduction to daily prayer. There is nothing better than developing your own prayer life straight out of God’s Word.

  • How can I pray for you and the people around you? Please let me know.

  • Ask to pray for your others.

Whether we are close to God or far from him, our gracious heavenly Father is there to hear our prayers and receive us with mercy.

See you this weekend at 9:00 or 10:30 for the Father’s amazing grace!

Pastor T


Easter Egg Candy Donations Needed!

We’re seeking candy donations for our Easter Egg hunt. Please purchase individually wrapped small candy (Smarties are too big) and leave it in the office. Thank you!

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is around the corner, and we would like to honor our mothers by creating a montage of these blessed women. If you would like to participate, please send a picture that you would like included. Jessica will collect all of the images and we will create a masterpiece to be presented on Mother's Day. Please email the images to


Palm Sunday singing

All children will sing verse 1 of “Hosanna, loud hosanna” on Sunday, April 10th (Palm Sunday) at the 9:00 am service.

They’re practicing during their class time. We also encourage them to practice at home with the video below.

All children are welcome to sing, regardless of age.

Questions? Comments? Please ask pastor or Mrs. Timmmermann.



We had a baptism after the second service on Sunday. Do you have a friend or family member that wants to get baptized? Let’s talk!

(full prayer list)

Brothers and sisters in Ukraine Ukraine – WELS

Recovery of Jim Walkley Jr

Easter witness


Don K - health

Jerry K - treatment

Christian Neighbors: items for March are boxed potatoes and rice sides

Doris Haase - we’re trying to reconnect with Doris. Do you talk to her or her family? Please get ahold of pastor.

Heather and Bre Jensen - we’re trying to reconnect with Heather and Bre. Do you talk to them or their family? Please let pastor know.

Julie and Sara Weyenberg: we’re trying to reconnect with Julie and Sara. Do you talk to them or their family? Please let pastor know.

Lawnmower coordinator

We’re looking for someone to help coordinate the lawn mowing around church this summer. For details, please check out the description.

If you’d like to learn more about it, please reach out to pastor.

Thank you!

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • March 25th, 6:30 pm Bunco

  • March 29th, 7 pm Women’s Mixer

  • April 5th, 6 pm Team and Task Time

  • April 14th, 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday

  • April 16th, 6:30 pm Good Friday


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078
