This week’s lessons: Isaiah 43:16-24, Luke 20:9-19


Dear friends,

Jesus is alive. The message of Easter is simple. The man from Nazareth who died is once again alive.

I look forward to Easter each year. I like the excitement, the freshness, the cleanness, and the newness. After I’ve asked, “is it true?” and “what does it mean?”, I just relax and enjoy.

I hope you enjoy Easter too. I hope you enjoy all that is fresh and new and clean. All of us at Peace wish you and your families and friends a blessed Easter.

And if you’d like, we’d be honored to celebrate with you.

  • We’ll have services at 9:00 and 10:30 am.

  • We’ll have a light, portable breakfast available at about 9:45 so you can chat and watch your kids at the egg hunt.

  • We’ll start an egg hunt at about 10:10 for the kids.

“No son of man could conquer death,

No innocence was found on earth,

No freedom for the captives,

Till the voice rang out and said, "Jesus is alive.””


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Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078
