This week’s lessons: Exodus 3:1-15, Luke 13:1-9


Dear friends,

Some of you may know that over just the last year, unethical behavior has been revealed in one America Christian organization (usually churches) after another. When I say unethical, I'm generally referring to sexual misconduct, but that isn’t always the case. I’m guessing most of you haven’t seen these events.

I mean, why would you know about these issues? We've had a pandemic, inflation, and now a war in Ukraine. Who has time to notice more crises?

Here are a few of them, in no particular order.

  • Christianity Today, America's largest evangelical news magazine

  • Brian Houston

  • Ravi Zacharias

  • John MacArthur

  • The SBC

  • Mark Driscoll

I’m not trying to get anyone worked up. If you want to look them up, you can. I think most of us recognize these names without any digging.

If you recognize these names, you know what a big deal this is. Many people have been affected by everything that has happened in these situations. And the people you and I work with and talk with know about these situations.

Some people definitely see this as justice. Actions are getting judged right and wrong as they should be.

We’re reminded that nothing is hidden that will not be made known (Mark 4:22). Whether the things we have done are revealed during this life or when we get to our next life, everything we’ve done will come out. Don’t imagine that your life will stay hidden.

One of the best things: “‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it”. Jesus was pretty clear that “unless you repent, you too will all perish.” We won’t avoid the kind of exposure all these people and groups are experiencing apart from repentance. But God is more than a little gracious. Leave it one more year, Jesus says. He has intervened, so that you and I get grace - now. You and I have time now to ask God for forgiveness and new life.

These events are also reshaping American Christianity. I bet you can guess some of the effects these events will have on Christians, churches, and non-religious Americans. Here is something to think about going forward. Evangelicalism’s Second-Class Status in Conservatism - American Reformer

Don’t be surprised if people are different, even if they can’t tell you about these events

Here is an update from our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Update from Ukraine: March 16, 2022 – WELS

See you this weekend!

Pastor T


Christian Neighbors: items for March will be boxed potatoes and rice sides

Easter Help- Easter is quickly approaching. We’re well underway with planning - breakfast, some decorating, Easter baskets for the kids, and flowers. We’d love a little help with some of the following:

  • Fruit donations: looking for clementines and bananas. Sign up is up!

  • Candy donations: Purchase individually wrapped small candy (smarties are too big) and leave it in the office

  • Flowers: Donate flowers in memory of a loved one

  • Decorating:

  • Invites

  • Prayer team

We’d love to have your help with any and all of this. Get ahold of pastor and I can get you on the team!

Administrative team: As our administrative assistant transitions, we’re looking to expand our admin team. The admin team helps update directories, organize news, manage volunteers, update the website, change the sign, and do other work around the site. If you’d like to be part of the team, please let pastor know!

Doris Haase - we’re trying to reconnect with Doris. Do you talk to her or her family? Please get ahold of pastor.

Heather and Bre Jensen - we’re trying to reconnect with Heather and Bre. Do you talk to them or their family? Please let pastor know.

Julie and Sara Weyenberg: we’re trying to reconnect with Julie and Sara. Do you talk to them or their family? Please let pastor know.

Facility pick up - a quick reminder that the facility at Peace is our facility. It belongs to each of us. It belongs to all of us collectively. Please help me treat it as if we all own it together.

  • put the hymnals, Bibles, and other books back where they came from or where they belong. If you don’t know, this is a great time to ask. Please don’t just leave them where you sat.

  • recycle papers or throw items away.

  • if you find something sitting around, feel free to ask if something can be done with it.

  • put pencils, pens, utensils away.

Thank you!

Lawnmower coordinator

We’re looking for someone to help coordinate the lawn mowing around church this summer. For details, please check out the description.

If you’d like to learn more about it, please reach out to pastor.

Thank you!

Spring Cleaning!

Our April Team and Task time will connect

  • people who need help with spring projects

  • with people who have the chance to help

If you or a friend or neighbor could use help with a project, please let pastor know (269-694-6104) and get on the list!

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • March 18th, 11:00 am Ladies Guild

  • March 23rd, 6:30 pm Lent Service

  • March 25th, 6:30 pm Bunco

  • March 29th, 7 pm Women’s Mixer


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078
