Real Easter” - Easter planning
I’m looking forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with you April 20th at 9:30 am.
March 9th until April 11th - donate Easter candy for egg hunt - goal is to collect about 400 pieces of individually wrapped small candies
April 5th - Door hanging - connect with community and invite to Easter
April 11th 10:00 am - Pack Easter eggs for Easter Egg Hunt
April 19th 9:30 am - set up for Easter lunch; set up Easter flowers
April 20th 9:30 am - service
April 20th 10:45 am - lunch and Easter egg hunt, Easter animals
April 20th 12:00 pm - Easter clean up - need team
Other notes
Easter flowers can be given BY you (we aren’t buying flowers) and brought in during the week before the service. We love to have Easter flowers and would appreciate if you would donate a lilly, hydrangea, tulip, or other Easter appropriate flower.
Lunch clean up - need a crew of 5-6 set in advance to clean up
Easter baskets for the community are getting prepped to give away. Sign up to come
Here is what we need
Help hang door hanger invites on April 5th
plan to help set up April 19th at 9:30 am
Share the Easter event and invite your friends
Visit or call 269-694-6104