
Each of us plays an important role in the gospel ministry of Peace Lutheran Church. We’d love to work with you to help you use the gifts and talents you have to serve people.

Positions marked “vacant” are positions required by the bylaws or policies. We should fill them. We also desire to move beyond the minimum required to do the ministry God has put before us.

Ongoing ways to serve

These are not formal positions; you can do this work at any time by contacting the contact.

Outreach calls/contacts …..Nathaniel Timmermann

Spiritual growth/attendance contacts …. Nathaniel Timmermann

Education …………………Nathaniel Timmermann

Lawn mowing ……………Josh Gower

Usher …………………………Ron Miller

Cleaning ……………………Jane Holewa

AV team (sound, lights, slides) …. Nathaniel Timmermann


President/Chairman………..… Charles Kling

Vice-president/Treasurer …… Roger Commissaris

Recording Secretary ………….. Micah Rimpel

Elder ……………………………..... Tom Wright

Called/hired positions

Pastor …………………. Nathaniel Timmermann

Musicians ……………. Cindy Commissaris, Nathaniel Timmermann, Helga Harris, Ellise Wedge

Pastoral assistants … Jon Ott, Tom Wright

Appointed positions

Financial Secretary …… Ralph Holewa

Maintenance coordinator ………. vacant

Bookkeeper …………….… Andy Winter

HR/Taxes ………………..… Jim Walkley


Head usher ……….….... Ron Miller

Ushers ………………..…..managed by sign up

AV team ……… Charlie Kling, Clara Timmermann, Ellise Wedge, Nathaniel Timmermann

Cantor ……………………. Sharon Ward, Clara Timmermann

Communion coordinator … Eda McNees, Carlene Ketner

Flowers coordinator ……… vacant

Missions and service

Christian Neighbors coordinator …….. Irv and Judy Bolenbaugh

Ramp It Up coordinator …………….……. Jon Ott

Prayer chain coordinator ……………..… Vacant

Trunk or Treat coordinator (2021) …… Frieda Walkley

Devotional booklets ………………………. Virginia Nitz, Frieda Walkley

Giving Tree coordinator (2021) ………… Jane Holewa

Tree of Warmth coordinator (2022) ….. Stephen and Betsy Powell, Joan Retberg

Christmas decorating………….…….. Eda McNees


Sunday School superintendent/Education coordinator…… Vacant

0-3/Cradle roll …………………………………….Jo Markwart

K – 5 Teachers ………………………………….. Tamara Hayes, Laurie Brower, Sarah Gower, Macayla Wright, Rachel Timmermann, Ethan Wedge, Ellise Wedge

131 Youth Crew (middle school/high school) …. vacant

Ladies Guild ………………………………..……. Jane Holewa (president), Cindy Hunt (treasurer), and Cindy Commissaris (secretary).


Counters ………. Ralph Holewa (head counter), Jane Holewa, Jim Winkel, Sharon Ward

Maintenance and facility

Maintenance coordinator …….. None

Lawnmower coordinator (2022)…….. Josh Gower

Maintenance team ………………Roger Commissaris, Paul Retberg, Gary Combs, Pete Weyenberg

Mowing team ……………………..Managed by sign up

Cleaners ……………………….…… Managed by sign up


Mail box items ………. Darlean Gazley, Ann Kling, Shirley Kling, Shelly Wedge


Senior luncheon/outing ………………….…. Jeanne Myers

Lunch bunch …….

Other opportunities for service/ways for us to grow

Evangelism and outreach coordinator

AV coordinator

Tech coordinator

Attendance taker

Directory update

VBS coordinator


Children’s educators/teachers

Member storyteller

Sign changer

Social media manager,

AV team

Birthday and anniversary list distribution

Volunteer coordinator

Small group teachers
