Good news from for Peace June 11, 2020


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Why am I gathering for worship?

I’ve had some practice this week answering this question. We all have questions and concerns: about violence, about unrest, about injustice and justice, about health and safety. With all that’s going on, should we still gather for worship and Word?

It’s a really good time to answer that question. When you think about sitting in the worship service for one of the first times post-quarantine, think about those who have never been there. Dream about what it would be like to sit and stand with them. Invest your joy and your actions in walking shoulder to shoulder with them.

So be ready to answer this question: what makes going back to church better than going back to the Cheers bar to see Norm and the gang? What makes going back to church better than seeing live sports again? What makes going back to church better than the gym and the park and the office and the airport and wherever else you could be.

Craft your answer with clarity, hope, passion, and love. Ask if it is selfish or generous. Pray that God gives you the chance to speak it with all the grace and love and hope you can muster.

We gather

  • on-site at 9:00 am

  • online 9:00 am or the days after (if you can’t gather live, you can always gather later)

  • outdoors at 10:30 am

If you’re joining us for the first time, please check out the guidelines and sign up so we’ve got the space for you.


Nathaniel Timmermann, pastor at Peace

Let’s celebrate: Together and dads!

It’s time to celebrate that we can be together and God’s gift of dads. Services Sunday June 21st will be the same as normal - 9:00 am and 10:30. We’ll have a small celebration between services.

If you would like to wish your dad or father figure a Happy Father’s Day share your video with us and we will include it in our activities for the weekend!

The Lord's Supper

The Lord’s Supper is an incredible gift and experience for our mutual encouragement. I so appreciate standing before the altar, pondering my own soul and the souls of everyone else, and imagining the words from God himself. This Sunday we get to celebrate the Supper at Peace.

Both services will offer the Lord’s Supper. Under normal circumstances, our churches have small amounts of variety in celebrating the Sacrament. For the coming weeks, we’re going to have communion by what is often called “continuous flow distribution”. Please let me share a few details:

  • each participant will receive an individually wrapped and sealed wafer and cup

  • the wafer/cup will be sitting on a table in front as the service begins

  • after the words of Institution, participants will be invited to stand up and move to the center aisle while maintaining appropriate space

  • please come forward and take a cup off the table

  • please return to your seat by a side aisle

  • please remain standing when you return to your seat

  • open the sealed wafer and cup, being careful not to spill the wine

  • once everyone has returned to their seat, pastor will invite everyone to “take and eat”, “take and drink”

  • pastor will bless the congregation

  • please discard the waste at the door

I’m glad to receive this incredible gift with you and be assured of my forgiveness. I look forward to this weekend.

We’re aware that some people, because of health concerns or other matters, are still staying home on Sunday. Communion remains available by appointment, and we are looking to establish a midweek opportunity in a more closed setting.


  • Jeanne and Dave Myer’s son

  • Gus Hendrixson - lost his brother

I’m studying and you could try……

  • Jesus is with Us - Kids Devotion

  • “Crucifying Consumer Mentality” by Pastor Adam Mueller


Upcoming events (full calendar)