Dear friends of Jesus connected through Peace,
A total change of beliefs and behavior.
This Lent we are considering repentance from two angles.
on Sundays we are looking at the 10 Commandments. Do we live according to God’s instruction? If not, let’s repent.
On Wednesdays, we are reflecting on the practice of repentance.
We had our first midweek Lenten service this past Wednesday night at 6:30 pm.
Do we need repentance? You can watch the service here or the only the sermon here or listen to the sermon here
Be sure to subscribe to either our Youtube channel or or my podcast to catch .
This Sunday we take our first look at the 10 Commandments. Let me encourage you to spend some time preparing
God’s Word this week: Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:1-4, Romans 13:1-7, Matthew 15:3-9, Luke 20:23-26
Music this week: “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “These are the Holy Ten Commands”
Study the Large Catechism
Friends, it will be good to get into this helpful study with you. May God work among us to lead us into new life.
Pastor T
Couple of other things:
Spring ahead - move your clocks up an hour Saturday night!
Lawnmower coordinator - we’re seeking a volunteer to coordinate the lawnmowing this summer
Pledges - you are welcome to join us in pledges this year.
Easter planning
We are working on replacing our printer.
We’re getting rid of the large printer/copier and downsizing to a small business printer/copier.
Please use the smaller Brother business printer/copier as much as you can. If you need help using it or installing drivers, please ask pastor.
We’ll have a few weeks of transition. During that time, we’ll have the big Ricoh printer/copier around in case we have problems.
Thanks for your help! Please speak with pastor if you have problems.
Ushers will be able to pick up service outlines on the pnew printer/copier tray.
Easter candy
We’re collecting donated Easter candy from now until April 6th for our Easter egg hunt. We’d like to collect about 400 pieces for our egg hunt!
If you would like to donate candy, please donate individually wrapped candies. Candy may be left in the box in the office.
We’ll stuff the eggs on April 11th!
Door Hanging - Save the date
We want to reconnect with the people physically around - the people of Otsego - Plainwell.
One way the Growth and Renewal Team would like to do this is by hanging door hangers and inviting people to Easter services as well as to reach out to us.
No talking necessary - hang and go :-)
Plan to be part on April 5th starting at 9:30!
We’d love to see 20% of our group of Christians participate.
March 9th 9:30 am Service
March 9th 10:45 Catechism
March 12th 6:30 pm Lent service
March 13th 12:00 pm Senior lunch
March 13th 6:30 pm Class for adults interested in making a public profession of faith with the people of God at Peace
March 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology: Jesus
March 16th 9:30 am Service
March 16th 10:45 Catechism
March 29th 9:30 am Evangelism workshop
April 5th 9:30 am Door hanging
April 20th 9:30 am “Real Easter” service
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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!
Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving
Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078