Hello friends of Peace,

Thank you so much for all your generous gifts to Peace in 2022. Two months before Christmas, the 131 Youth Crew had a lock at Holy Trinity in Wyoming. A young lady came. Not a part of our churches, a friend. She was concerned about her dating relationship. Was it good? We sat in the kitchen and talked for more than a hour, just her, another pastor, myself, and another guy. Mostly, we listened and tried to ask questions. We told her about the real love of God. We pointed her to the hope for unending love with Jesus.

The next day the other pastor got a message, hey, I enjoyed the Youth Crew. Can I come again? The next day, she signed up for the 131 Youth Crew news.

Friends, this is what we do - together. We bring people the good news of Jesus and watch the Spirit work.

Can you believe how much God did among us this year? Here are a couple of other highlights from our gospel work together last year.

We’ve reported those gifts to Peace in your 2022 giving statements. You can find these statements in your box. Please pick them up and as you have the time, reflect on them. Do they reflect the amazing love Jesus has shown you? Are they the first gifts you have to give to God?

Friends, I’m so thankful to work with you to bring people the wonderful, life-giving news of Jesus. Our generosity makes that happen.

In the coming weeks, we’ll look at all God has asked us to do in 2023. May God be with us for his work!


Christmas undecorating

Thank you to the many hands that made Christmas undecorating go quickly. We had a great time. If you miss our Team and Task Times, plan to be part of the next one on February 7th at 6:30 pm (dinner at 6:00 pm, bring some food to share).

Forward in Christ

Our next chance to explore Christianity and the gospel begins this week January 19th. Invite your friends and family today!

Please let Pastor T know if you’ll attend.

Pregnancy Care Center news

Our affiliated Pregnancy Care Center would like to thank you for your support and provide the following encouragement.



Sisters in Christ Retreat (Women’s Retreat)

God often uses the weak or small things of this world to show us his power and emphasize his grace: a thorn in Paul’s flesh, “so that the power of Christ” may rest on him; a baby in a manger, born to be the Savior of the world; the foolishness of the cross, used by God to redeem the world from sin.

Join us as we spend a weekend together, gathered around God’s Word. We will be diving into God’s word, refreshing our souls, and edifying each other. We will learn how God’s grace is sufficient, and how he uses weakness in our lives to show us his perfect love and power.
April 14-16, 2023

Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center

Michigan State University

219 S. Harrison Rd.

East Lansing, MI 48824


Christian Neighbors

A few weeks before Christmas, I received a call looking for housing assistance. The person thought they would get evicted. My first call when I got off was Christian Neighbors.

Christian Neighbors provides professional, thoughtful, appropriate assistance for people of Otsego - Plainwell. Unlike most assistance organizations, Christian Neighbors is supported through donations. When it comes to food, they primarily rely on local congregations.

Thank you for your donations. They make a huge difference.

Total donations for 2022 were 583 items.

Bathroom painting

The bathrooms are going to be repainted starting January 23rd. If you are in the building around that time, please be aware of the paint and consider trying to use other bathrooms.

Giving Statements

As said above, we have produced statements of offerings from 2022. Those statements are available in your box. Please pick them up and help us out.

Godpliments (131 Youth Crew January)

What God says, he means. Whenever he says a Godpliment, you can take them to heart.

Nothing does better for your faith than those Godpliments.

We’ll have dinner, games, study, and prayer all together on Saturday January 21st! Look forward to seeing you!


Voters’ meeting

Our annual voters’ meeting will take place on January 29th at 10:45 am. All members are welcome to attend; voting members should attend.

Voting members will conduct the business.

Voting members are those who have signed the constitution prior to the meeting. Please speak with Pastor if you need to do so.

At the meeting, we’ll

You can participate in the meeting on-site or online https://v.ringcentral.com/join/273136645.


Tree of Warmth

We got to distribute the hats, gloves, scarves, coats, socks, and all the other warm items you donated this week. We took items to Dix Street Elementary School, Washington Street Elementary School, the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission, and Sylvia’s Place. They all appreciated it. I showed up at the Gospel Mission at 6 pm. I stopped by the front desk and said, “hey, I’m sorry I’m so late. I’m on my way to an appointment and probably need to come back during business hours. I’ve just got some donations.” And they said, “Oh no, anytime, we’ll absolutely take them. Thank you!” It was good to help.

Thanks for your donations!

Thanks to the Powells and Joan Retberg for making it happen.


Lonnie Hart and his family

Thanksgiving with Dolores for great-granddaughter Audrey

Carlene White on the passing of her mother https://www.winkelfuneralhome.com/shirley-brainard/

Christian Neighbors items for January are canned soups and ramen noodles

Ushers for January are Bill Harris and Dan Doran.

Ushers for February are Bill Harris and Dan Doran.

Easter Team - I know it’s early, but it’s time to get ready for sharing the good news that Jesus is alive. Pastor is putting together a team. Here are some things to help with: prayer team, invites, meal, decorating, service, egg hunt. We’d love to have your help with any and all of this. Get ahold of pastor and I can get you on the team!

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • January 19th 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

  • January 20th 6:30 pm Bunco

  • January 21st 5:00 pm Youth Crew at Peace

  • January 28th 9:00 am Evangelism workshop

  • January 29th 10:45 am Voters’ meeting

  • February 7th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time (6:00 pm dinner)

  • February 22nd Ash Wednesday


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email church@peaceotsego.org

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078

