Hello friends of Peace,
First, 9/11 remains a significant day in American history. For an inside story and religious perspective on the day, listen to the two part series on Recorded, Remembering 9/11: The Day the Sky Turned Black - The Gospel Coalition Remembering 9/11: The Most Hopeful People - The Gospel Coalition
Second, Sunday service. Solomon built one of the wonders of the ancient world - the massive temple. Only 300 years later it was gone. The Assyrians and Babylonians destroyed it. Zerubbabel started the process to rebuild it. Rebuilding it was more than rebuilding a building. It was rebuilding a nation. Service outline https://bit.ly/3erGSe5
Third, service streaming starting September 11th will only be on our private platform. We’re going to test this for the month of September. Access it through https://peaceotsego.org/worship. As I wrote about a few other weeks, I want to encourage you to choose what is better. Choose what is physical Good news for Peace July 21 — Peace (peaceotsego.org) and more personal Good news for Peace July 28 — Peace (peaceotsego.org). I hope this goes well and I hope you’ll let us know how it goes!
The family of Phyllis C - Phyllis passed away
Don H - infection
Christian Neighbors items for September are mac and cheese, boxed potatoes
Usher for September is Roger Commissaris
Upcoming events (full calendar)
September 11th 9:30 am Fall kick off (groups and activities restart for fall)
September 16th 11:00 am Ladies Guild
September 21st 6:30 pm Night of Song
September 22nd 6:30 Christianity Explored
September 25th 10:45 Congregational Forum
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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!
Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving
Peace Lutheran Church
805 S Wilmott St
Otsego, MI 49078